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Issue 3 | September 12, 2022
Statehood – Between Fragility and Consolidation
A state has to ensure the security of its citizens, provide public utilities, and prevent arbitrary actions and corruption. If it does not, it is considered as fragile. In such cases, it is the local people who suffer most. However, violence spurs migration, and regions beyond state control offer a perfect breeding ground for terrorists. That is how state fragility can end up affecting even geographically distant societies. Therefore, standing on the sidelines is not an option for Germany and Europe – not only from a humanitarian perspective, but also for reasons of self-interest.
Issue 3 | September 12, 2022
Statehood – Between Fragility and Consolidation
A state has to ensure the security of its citizens, provide public utilities, and prevent arbitrary actions and corruption. If it does not, it is considered as fragile. In such cases, it is the local people who suffer most. However, violence spurs migration, and regions beyond state control offer a perfect breeding ground for terrorists. That is how state fragility can end up affecting even geographically distant societies. Therefore, standing on the sidelines is not an option for Germany and Europe – not only from a humanitarian perspective, but also for reasons of self-interest.

Issue 2 | June 13, 2022
Power and Resources – Energy, Climate, Raw Materials, and the War in Ukraine
The Russian attack on Ukraine has changed many things – not least our view of how we use resources. Previously, this view was characterised by our attempts to reconcile economic efficiency and ecological sustainability, but now this has been supplemented by something that, objectively speaking, has always been important but largely absent from public debate in Germany: power.
Issue 2 | June 13, 2022
Power and Resources – Energy, Climate, Raw Materials, and the War in Ukraine
The Russian attack on Ukraine has changed many things – not least our view of how we use resources. Previously, this view was characterised by our attempts to reconcile economic efficiency and ecological sustainability, but now this has been supplemented by something that, objectively speaking, has always been important but largely absent from public debate in Germany: power.

Issue 1 | February 8, 2022
In Retreat? Western Security Policy after Afghanistan
The withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 was far more than the disastrous end of a mission. Rather, the events raise fundamental questions about how the West perceives its foreign policy and the future strategic direction of security and defence policy. That also applies to the debate about pros and cons of deploying troops abroad and of international interventions.
Issue 1 | February 8, 2022
In Retreat? Western Security Policy after Afghanistan
The withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 was far more than the disastrous end of a mission. Rather, the events raise fundamental questions about how the West perceives its foreign policy and the future strategic direction of security and defence policy. That also applies to the debate about pros and cons of deploying troops abroad and of international interventions.

Issue 4 | December 15, 2021
No Longer on the Sidelines? Youth and Politics
If you have been following public debate on youth and politics in Germany over the last few years, you may have gained the impression of a generation of young people who are increasingly committed to standing up for their interests while, at the same time, feeling that their concerns are not being adequately heard. Number one among these concerns: climate change. But can this impression be generalized and applied to youth worldwide? The articles in this issue of International Reports highlight the regional differences between young people’s social circumstances, problems, and opportunities for political participation. And yet we can still observe one commonality across boarders: youth from all over the world want to create positive change for their societies instead of remaining on the sidelines.
Issue 4 | December 15, 2021
No Longer on the Sidelines? Youth and Politics
If you have been following public debate on youth and politics in Germany over the last few years, you may have gained the impression of a generation of young people who are increasingly committed to standing up for their interests while, at the same time, feeling that their concerns are not being adequately heard. Number one among these concerns: climate change. But can this impression be generalized and applied to youth worldwide? The articles in this issue of International Reports highlight the regional differences between young people’s social circumstances, problems, and opportunities for political participation. And yet we can still observe one commonality across boarders: youth from all over the world want to create positive change for their societies instead of remaining on the sidelines.

Issue 3 | October 5, 2021
Media and Freedom of Expression
“Watchdogs,” “gatekeepers,” or the “Fourth Estate”, whatever we choose to call it, a free media is the indispensable guardian of liberal democracy. But how does this freedom fare in today’s world? What we see is a picture with some light, but many shadows, because authoritarian rulers around the globe have come to understand the formula “no democracy without a free press” and are suppressing critical voices. Find more on this, but also on some encouraging examples of innovative news outlets from Zimbabwe to the Middle East, in this issue of International Reports.
Issue 3 | October 5, 2021
Media and Freedom of Expression
“Watchdogs,” “gatekeepers,” or the “Fourth Estate”, whatever we choose to call it, a free media is the indispensable guardian of liberal democracy. But how does this freedom fare in today’s world? What we see is a picture with some light, but many shadows, because authoritarian rulers around the globe have come to understand the formula “no democracy without a free press” and are suppressing critical voices. Find more on this, but also on some encouraging examples of innovative news outlets from Zimbabwe to the Middle East, in this issue of International Reports.

Issue Sonderausgabe 2021 | September 28, 2021
Spielball oder Spielmacher?
Die Verbindung von Freiheit und sozialer Gerechtigkeit, von Fortschritt, Wohlstand und Nachhaltigkeit, von Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und universellen Menschenrechten: Sie macht das europäische Modell aus. Doch wie kann sich dieses Modell in einer Welt behaupten, die verstärkt durch die Großmachtkonkurrenz zwischen den USA und China sowie das Erstarken autoritärer Kräfte geprägt wird? Dieser Frage gehen wir in dieser Sonderausgabe der Auslandsinformationen nach, die in Kooperation mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung entstanden ist.
Issue Sonderausgabe 2021 | September 28, 2021
Spielball oder Spielmacher?
Die Verbindung von Freiheit und sozialer Gerechtigkeit, von Fortschritt, Wohlstand und Nachhaltigkeit, von Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und universellen Menschenrechten: Sie macht das europäische Modell aus. Doch wie kann sich dieses Modell in einer Welt behaupten, die verstärkt durch die Großmachtkonkurrenz zwischen den USA und China sowie das Erstarken autoritärer Kräfte geprägt wird? Dieser Frage gehen wir in dieser Sonderausgabe der Auslandsinformationen nach, die in Kooperation mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung entstanden ist.

Issue 2 | July 5, 2021
New Approaches in Development Cooperation
This year, both Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee celebrate their 60th anniversary. These six decades have borne witness to many changes with regard to development cooperation: nowadays characterised by its diverse actors, it has become a vital component of how we tackle global challenges – from security to migration and climate protection to pandemic prevention. German and European development cooperation is thereby faced with a double task. On one hand, tackling these challenges even together with actors who might not share our values. On the other hand, not leaving any doubt about the importance of democracy and rule of law, which continue to be essential components of successful development.
Issue 2 | July 5, 2021
New Approaches in Development Cooperation
This year, both Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee celebrate their 60th anniversary. These six decades have borne witness to many changes with regard to development cooperation: nowadays characterised by its diverse actors, it has become a vital component of how we tackle global challenges – from security to migration and climate protection to pandemic prevention. German and European development cooperation is thereby faced with a double task. On one hand, tackling these challenges even together with actors who might not share our values. On the other hand, not leaving any doubt about the importance of democracy and rule of law, which continue to be essential components of successful development.

Issue 1 | April 26, 2021
Global Power Shifts
Power shifts are a fundamental phenomenon underpinning global politics. Today, again, the world finds itself in a phase of major shifts in the international order, of which the rise of the People’s Republic of China to become a great power is just the most obvious expression. These changes reflect the slow tectonic shifts of the earth’s crust – and these shifts create tensions. In such an environment, it is important for Germany and Europe to consistently emphasise what they stand for and what they advocate: a multilateral, liberal world order.
Issue 1 | April 26, 2021
Global Power Shifts
Power shifts are a fundamental phenomenon underpinning global politics. Today, again, the world finds itself in a phase of major shifts in the international order, of which the rise of the People’s Republic of China to become a great power is just the most obvious expression. These changes reflect the slow tectonic shifts of the earth’s crust – and these shifts create tensions. In such an environment, it is important for Germany and Europe to consistently emphasise what they stand for and what they advocate: a multilateral, liberal world order.

Issue 4 | December 1, 2020
Political Parties – Challenges and Perspectives
Political parties are a pillar of the democratic system. They assume central functions such as promoting citizen participation in political life and shaping public opinion. They have a major impact on our country’s political development and serve as an interface between state organs and the public. Parliamentary democracy is ultimately always party democracy.
Issue 4 | December 1, 2020
Political Parties – Challenges and Perspectives
Political parties are a pillar of the democratic system. They assume central functions such as promoting citizen participation in political life and shaping public opinion. They have a major impact on our country’s political development and serve as an interface between state organs and the public. Parliamentary democracy is ultimately always party democracy.

Issue Sonderausgabe 2020 | October 13, 2020
Bündnis unter Druck – Ist der Westen noch zu retten?
Die erste Amtszeit von US-Präsident Donald Trump neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Es ist wohl keine Übertreibung, festzustellen, dass es um das transatlantische Verhältnis schon einmal besser bestellt war. Das Vertrauen der Europäer in die USA ist gesunken, die transatlantische Partnerschaft belastet. Vier Jahre Trump haben ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Die Schnittmengen zwischen den transatlantischen Partnern haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren zweifelsohne verringert. Dies wird in zahlreichen Beiträgen der vorliegenden Sonderausgabe der Auslandsinformationen deutlich, die in Kooperation mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung entstanden ist. Die enthaltenen Texte zeichnen gleichwohl ein vielschichtiges Bild von Zustand und Perspektiven der transatlantischen Partnerschaft.
Issue Sonderausgabe 2020 | October 13, 2020
Bündnis unter Druck – Ist der Westen noch zu retten?
Die erste Amtszeit von US-Präsident Donald Trump neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Es ist wohl keine Übertreibung, festzustellen, dass es um das transatlantische Verhältnis schon einmal besser bestellt war. Das Vertrauen der Europäer in die USA ist gesunken, die transatlantische Partnerschaft belastet. Vier Jahre Trump haben ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Die Schnittmengen zwischen den transatlantischen Partnern haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren zweifelsohne verringert. Dies wird in zahlreichen Beiträgen der vorliegenden Sonderausgabe der Auslandsinformationen deutlich, die in Kooperation mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung entstanden ist. Die enthaltenen Texte zeichnen gleichwohl ein vielschichtiges Bild von Zustand und Perspektiven der transatlantischen Partnerschaft.
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About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Our periodical on international politics is published four times a year. We provide you with background information on what is happening in the world – free of charge. Use our registration form and with just a few clicks you can read the digital version of our political journal or order the print version in German or English.
Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication