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Issue 6 | June 19, 2014
Decentralisation and Regional Policies in Africa
Editorial | The Governability of the Multinational State of Nigeria - Is Decentralisation the Solution or Part of the Problem | Decentralised Regional Development Policy in Tunisia: A New Beginning Following the “Arab Spring”? | The European Parliament as the “Driving Force” of the Common Security and Defence Policy | 20 Years of Democracy and the Fifth Parliamentary Elections in South Africa | Internal Spirit of Optimism and Foreign Policy Readjustment: Backgrounds and Perspectives on the New Indian Government
Issue 6 | June 19, 2014
Decentralisation and Regional Policies in Africa
Editorial | The Governability of the Multinational State of Nigeria - Is Decentralisation the Solution or Part of the Problem | Decentralised Regional Development Policy in Tunisia: A New Beginning Following the “Arab Spring”? | The European Parliament as the “Driving Force” of the Common Security and Defence Policy | 20 Years of Democracy and the Fifth Parliamentary Elections in South Africa | Internal Spirit of Optimism and Foreign Policy Readjustment: Backgrounds and Perspectives on the New Indian Government

Issue 5 | May 19, 2014
Protests from the Middle Class
Editorial | Politics without Center - Argentina’s Government Ignores the Dissatisfaction of the Growing Middle Class | Vociferous Protest against the Old Elites - Bulgaria’s Young Middle Class Takes to the Street | A Constitution for all Tunisians - New Constitution Provides a Glimmer of Hope – Many Challenges Still Lie Ahead | Senegal, two Years into the Macky Sall Administration - Stability, Better Governance but Few Tangible Results | Hero or Traitor? Differing Perceptions on Edward Snowden, the NSA and Data Production in Germany and the USA
Issue 5 | May 19, 2014
Protests from the Middle Class
Editorial | Politics without Center - Argentina’s Government Ignores the Dissatisfaction of the Growing Middle Class | Vociferous Protest against the Old Elites - Bulgaria’s Young Middle Class Takes to the Street | A Constitution for all Tunisians - New Constitution Provides a Glimmer of Hope – Many Challenges Still Lie Ahead | Senegal, two Years into the Macky Sall Administration - Stability, Better Governance but Few Tangible Results | Hero or Traitor? Differing Perceptions on Edward Snowden, the NSA and Data Production in Germany and the USA

Issue 4/2014 | April 17, 2014
Democracy and the Media
From Secrecy to Common Knowledge – The Right to Information in Serbia and Bulgaria | South Africa’s Protection of State Information Bill: What Are the Lessons Learned for Africa? | Period of Grace for Asian Newspapers: The Internet Revolution Has yet to Come to the Continent | Democracy in South Asia – An Assessment | Socialist Venezuela in 2014: How Did Hugo Chávez Change the State, the Economy and Society?
Issue 4/2014 | April 17, 2014
Democracy and the Media
From Secrecy to Common Knowledge – The Right to Information in Serbia and Bulgaria | South Africa’s Protection of State Information Bill: What Are the Lessons Learned for Africa? | Period of Grace for Asian Newspapers: The Internet Revolution Has yet to Come to the Continent | Democracy in South Asia – An Assessment | Socialist Venezuela in 2014: How Did Hugo Chávez Change the State, the Economy and Society?

Issue 3 | March 18, 2014
Development Cooperation in Transition
Development Cooperation in 2030 | Development Cooperation in Times of Global Power Shift: Thoughts on Changing the Concept of Development | The value based approach of EU development assistance | Colombia: From Peace Process to Building a Country | Small States and Regional Cooperation in West Africa: What is the legacy of Benin’s Precidency of the African Union?
Issue 3 | March 18, 2014
Development Cooperation in Transition
Development Cooperation in 2030 | Development Cooperation in Times of Global Power Shift: Thoughts on Changing the Concept of Development | The value based approach of EU development assistance | Colombia: From Peace Process to Building a Country | Small States and Regional Cooperation in West Africa: What is the legacy of Benin’s Precidency of the African Union?

Issue 2 | February 7, 2014
Regional Cooperations
The Eurasian Union – An Integration Project under the Microscope | Regional Cooperation in West Africa: „A Study in Frustration?“ | Lonely Together: South American Alliances Mercosur and Unasur Face Crisis | A New Beginning Instead of Refoundation: Honduras after the Elections | Constitutional Reform and Constitutional Reality in Morocco: Between Monarchical Stability and Democratic Renewal
Issue 2 | February 7, 2014
Regional Cooperations
The Eurasian Union – An Integration Project under the Microscope | Regional Cooperation in West Africa: „A Study in Frustration?“ | Lonely Together: South American Alliances Mercosur and Unasur Face Crisis | A New Beginning Instead of Refoundation: Honduras after the Elections | Constitutional Reform and Constitutional Reality in Morocco: Between Monarchical Stability and Democratic Renewal

Issue 1 | January 17, 2014
Major Cities in Emerging Countries
Emerging Megacities in Latin America: Instrumental in Shaping a Global Development | Unprecedented Societal Transformation: Hopes and Challenges for China’s Urbanisation | South African Cities Two Decades on from Apartheid: Historically Divided between Rich and Poor | „Good Living“ and the „Social and Solidarity-Based Economy“ in Ecuador: The Balance of Economic and Social Policy Between Constitutionally Protected Rights and Living Reality | Qatar between Marketing and Realpolitik: A Smart Business Model for a Micro-State?
Issue 1 | January 17, 2014
Major Cities in Emerging Countries
Emerging Megacities in Latin America: Instrumental in Shaping a Global Development | Unprecedented Societal Transformation: Hopes and Challenges for China’s Urbanisation | South African Cities Two Decades on from Apartheid: Historically Divided between Rich and Poor | „Good Living“ and the „Social and Solidarity-Based Economy“ in Ecuador: The Balance of Economic and Social Policy Between Constitutionally Protected Rights and Living Reality | Qatar between Marketing and Realpolitik: A Smart Business Model for a Micro-State?

Issue Jahresregister | December 19, 2013
Auslandsinformationen 2013 (Jahresregister)
Issue Jahresregister | December 19, 2013
Auslandsinformationen 2013 (Jahresregister)

Issue 12 | December 18, 2013
Security Policy
Global Commons - The protection of global public goods as a challenge for German security policy | Brazil’s maritime strategy in the South Atlantic - The nexus between security and resources | Central Asia facing ISAF withdrawal from Afghanistan - Islamist threats and regional solutions | The far-right Jobbik party and the situation of political extremism in Hungary | End to an era - Transfer of power in Georgia
Issue 12 | December 18, 2013
Security Policy
Global Commons - The protection of global public goods as a challenge for German security policy | Brazil’s maritime strategy in the South Atlantic - The nexus between security and resources | Central Asia facing ISAF withdrawal from Afghanistan - Islamist threats and regional solutions | The far-right Jobbik party and the situation of political extremism in Hungary | End to an era - Transfer of power in Georgia

Issue 11 | November 13, 2013
Nationalism in Asia
The Resurgence of Nationalism in East Asia: A Threat to Regional Stability? | South Korea on a Journey of Self-Discovery: From „Victim Nationalism“ to Nation Branding | Parliamentary Elections 2013 and the Development of the Political Parties in Cambodia | Elections in 14 Mexican States – A Local Snapshot and a First Test of the “Pact for Mexico” | Mali Secured? The Elections Were Successful, but the Problems Persist
Issue 11 | November 13, 2013
Nationalism in Asia
The Resurgence of Nationalism in East Asia: A Threat to Regional Stability? | South Korea on a Journey of Self-Discovery: From „Victim Nationalism“ to Nation Branding | Parliamentary Elections 2013 and the Development of the Political Parties in Cambodia | Elections in 14 Mexican States – A Local Snapshot and a First Test of the “Pact for Mexico” | Mali Secured? The Elections Were Successful, but the Problems Persist

Issue 10 | October 14, 2013
Islam and Political Parties
Exception or Pioneers: Political Islam in Marocco | Between Religion, Extremism and Governmental Responsibility: Political Islam in the Palestinian Territories | Islamic Parties and Democracy in Indonesia: Insights from the World’s largest Muslim Country | Argenchina: The Chinese Presence in Argentina
Issue 10 | October 14, 2013
Islam and Political Parties
Exception or Pioneers: Political Islam in Marocco | Between Religion, Extremism and Governmental Responsibility: Political Islam in the Palestinian Territories | Islamic Parties and Democracy in Indonesia: Insights from the World’s largest Muslim Country | Argenchina: The Chinese Presence in Argentina
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About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication