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Issue 3 | March 8, 2011
International Reports 3/2011
Upheaval in the Middle East - What Comes Next After the Events in Tunisia and Egypt? | Southern Sudan Before Independence - Local Celebrations, Disappointment in Northern Sudan and International Concern | Kenya´s New Constitution: Triumph in Hand, Testing Times Ahead? | Economic Policy in South Africa - Growth Plans and Growth Obstacles | Pakistan After the Flood | The Long Shadow of the Belarus Presidential Elections - Procedures, Results and Political Fall-Out | The German Minority in Poland
Issue 3 | March 8, 2011
International Reports 3/2011
Upheaval in the Middle East - What Comes Next After the Events in Tunisia and Egypt? | Southern Sudan Before Independence - Local Celebrations, Disappointment in Northern Sudan and International Concern | Kenya´s New Constitution: Triumph in Hand, Testing Times Ahead? | Economic Policy in South Africa - Growth Plans and Growth Obstacles | Pakistan After the Flood | The Long Shadow of the Belarus Presidential Elections - Procedures, Results and Political Fall-Out | The German Minority in Poland

Issue Sonderveröffentlichung | February 21, 2011
Auslandsinformationen 2011 (Sonderveröffentlichung)
Aufbruch in der arabischen Welt – Was wird aus Demokratie und Frieden in Nahost?
Issue Sonderveröffentlichung | February 21, 2011
Auslandsinformationen 2011 (Sonderveröffentlichung)
Aufbruch in der arabischen Welt – Was wird aus Demokratie und Frieden in Nahost?

Issue 2 | February 9, 2011
International Reports 2/2011
SAARC – 25 Years of Regional Integration in South Asia | ASEAN and G20 – Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Perspectives | Immigration Country Norway – Demographic Trends and Political Concepts | After the Presidential Elections in Côte D’Ivoire – Can the Political Crisis Still Be Resolved by Diplomacy? | People with Low Expectations Are Seldom Disappointed – Climate Summit in Cancún Did Not Fail, but Was It Successful Enough? | Republic of Moldova at the End of an Election Marathon? - A New Version of the Alliance for European Integration, and More Uncertainty
Issue 2 | February 9, 2011
International Reports 2/2011
SAARC – 25 Years of Regional Integration in South Asia | ASEAN and G20 – Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Perspectives | Immigration Country Norway – Demographic Trends and Political Concepts | After the Presidential Elections in Côte D’Ivoire – Can the Political Crisis Still Be Resolved by Diplomacy? | People with Low Expectations Are Seldom Disappointed – Climate Summit in Cancún Did Not Fail, but Was It Successful Enough? | Republic of Moldova at the End of an Election Marathon? - A New Version of the Alliance for European Integration, and More Uncertainty

Issue 1 | January 5, 2011
International Reports 1/2011
The (Never)Ending Story of Bulgarian and Romanian Judicial Reform | Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Elections – An Opportunity to Set a Course for Brussels? | Serbia and Kosovo: Status Disputes and EU Membership – Progress, Obstacles and the Role of Civil Society | Coming to Terms with the Past in the Balkans – The Lustration Process in Macedonia | Latvia Reloaded – The Parties are Trying to Revive the Spirit of 1991 | By the Grace of Lula – Dilma Rousseff Becomes Brazil’s First Female President | Tanzania after the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections 2010
Issue 1 | January 5, 2011
International Reports 1/2011
The (Never)Ending Story of Bulgarian and Romanian Judicial Reform | Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Elections – An Opportunity to Set a Course for Brussels? | Serbia and Kosovo: Status Disputes and EU Membership – Progress, Obstacles and the Role of Civil Society | Coming to Terms with the Past in the Balkans – The Lustration Process in Macedonia | Latvia Reloaded – The Parties are Trying to Revive the Spirit of 1991 | By the Grace of Lula – Dilma Rousseff Becomes Brazil’s First Female President | Tanzania after the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections 2010

Issue Jahresregister | December 31, 2010
Auslandsinformationen 2010 (Jahresregister)
Issue Jahresregister | December 31, 2010
Auslandsinformationen 2010 (Jahresregister)

Issue 12 | December 1, 2010
International Reports 12/2010
Christians in China – Expansion and Limitation of Churches | Under Muslime Rule – On the Political and Social Situation of Egyptian Christians | Christians in Israel – A Complex Question of Identity | The Role and Influence of Christians in the Palestinian Territories | On Syrian Politics and its Christian Minority | The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region – An African CSCE?
Issue 12 | December 1, 2010
International Reports 12/2010
Christians in China – Expansion and Limitation of Churches | Under Muslime Rule – On the Political and Social Situation of Egyptian Christians | Christians in Israel – A Complex Question of Identity | The Role and Influence of Christians in the Palestinian Territories | On Syrian Politics and its Christian Minority | The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region – An African CSCE?

Issue 11 | November 10, 2010
International Reports 11/2010
Four Scenarios and No Recourse? Saudi Arabia and Iran's Nuclear Program | The GCC as a Regional Security Organization | NATO in the Middle East? Discussions About the Role of NATO in Securing an Israeli-Palestinian Agreement | Elections in Australia - A Narrow Victory for the Prime Minister | Fundamentals of an Islamic Economic System Compared to the Social Market Economy - A Systematic Overview
Issue 11 | November 10, 2010
International Reports 11/2010
Four Scenarios and No Recourse? Saudi Arabia and Iran's Nuclear Program | The GCC as a Regional Security Organization | NATO in the Middle East? Discussions About the Role of NATO in Securing an Israeli-Palestinian Agreement | Elections in Australia - A Narrow Victory for the Prime Minister | Fundamentals of an Islamic Economic System Compared to the Social Market Economy - A Systematic Overview

Issue 10 | September 30, 2010
International Reports 10/2010
Migration Policy as a Learning Process - How the Netherlands Deals with Immigrants | Looking North: Immigration Policy in Mexico | The Complicated Relationship: A Snapshot of the U.S.-Mexico Border | Africa and the International Criminal Court: Stocktaking in Uganda | Caught Between Two Fronts - In Search of Lasting Peace in the Casamance Region | Strategic International Threats Surrounding Brazil
Issue 10 | September 30, 2010
International Reports 10/2010
Migration Policy as a Learning Process - How the Netherlands Deals with Immigrants | Looking North: Immigration Policy in Mexico | The Complicated Relationship: A Snapshot of the U.S.-Mexico Border | Africa and the International Criminal Court: Stocktaking in Uganda | Caught Between Two Fronts - In Search of Lasting Peace in the Casamance Region | Strategic International Threats Surrounding Brazil

Issue 9 | August 31, 2010
International Reports 9/2010
Poland - Neighbor, Partner and Friend in the East. German-Polish Relations Since 1989 | Proven Partnerships with Development Potential - Germany´s Relations with the Czech Republic and Slovakia | Germany´s Relations with the Baltic States Since Reunification | On the Mood of the Partners in the Franco-German Relationship Two Decades After Reunion | The Relations Between Great Britain and Reunified Germany | Union for the Mediterranean - Acknowledging Realities and Exploiting Opportunities | The Philippines After the May 10, 2010 Elections | From Uribismo to Unidad Nacional - Colombia After the Congressional and Presidential Elections
Issue 9 | August 31, 2010
International Reports 9/2010
Poland - Neighbor, Partner and Friend in the East. German-Polish Relations Since 1989 | Proven Partnerships with Development Potential - Germany´s Relations with the Czech Republic and Slovakia | Germany´s Relations with the Baltic States Since Reunification | On the Mood of the Partners in the Franco-German Relationship Two Decades After Reunion | The Relations Between Great Britain and Reunified Germany | Union for the Mediterranean - Acknowledging Realities and Exploiting Opportunities | The Philippines After the May 10, 2010 Elections | From Uribismo to Unidad Nacional - Colombia After the Congressional and Presidential Elections

Issue 8 | August 2, 2010
International Reports 8/2010
A European Perspective on International Terrorism | Fanatics in Our Midst: The Phenomenon of ‘Homegrown Jihadists’ | The Fight Against International Terrorism and the Question of International Security - What Role Will NATO Play in the Future? | Counter-Terrorism as a U.S. National Security Priority | Afghanistan and Pakistan - A Paradigm Shift in the Fight Against Terrorism? | Al-Qaeda Organization in Yemen | India: International and External Security - Current Challenges to the Government | “Nothing New in the South?” – Analytical Observations on the Conflict in the Southern Provinces of Thailand
Issue 8 | August 2, 2010
International Reports 8/2010
A European Perspective on International Terrorism | Fanatics in Our Midst: The Phenomenon of ‘Homegrown Jihadists’ | The Fight Against International Terrorism and the Question of International Security - What Role Will NATO Play in the Future? | Counter-Terrorism as a U.S. National Security Priority | Afghanistan and Pakistan - A Paradigm Shift in the Fight Against Terrorism? | Al-Qaeda Organization in Yemen | India: International and External Security - Current Challenges to the Government | “Nothing New in the South?” – Analytical Observations on the Conflict in the Southern Provinces of Thailand
Asset Publisher
About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication