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Issue 8 | October 6, 2008
International Reports 8/2008
Networking Cities, Communities, and Regions in the Mediterranean Area | On the Situation of the Media in Rumania | Proceedings to ban the ruling Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) | The Social Challenge to Democracy in Latin America | The Parliamentary Elections in Malaysia in 2008: Change vs. Tradition. With unknown Variables
Issue 8 | October 6, 2008
International Reports 8/2008
Networking Cities, Communities, and Regions in the Mediterranean Area | On the Situation of the Media in Rumania | Proceedings to ban the ruling Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) | The Social Challenge to Democracy in Latin America | The Parliamentary Elections in Malaysia in 2008: Change vs. Tradition. With unknown Variables

Issue 7 | August 18, 2008
International Reports 7/2008
Not an Annus Mirabilis: 1968 in the USA | The Prague Spring: Then and Now, 40 Years later | May ´68 in France. The Myth and the Debate 40 Years later | ’The Long ’68’. Italy’s View of the Protest Movement of 40 Years ago | Social Cohesion in Europe and Latin America: The EU-LAC Summit in LIMA (May 15/16, 2008)
Issue 7 | August 18, 2008
International Reports 7/2008
Not an Annus Mirabilis: 1968 in the USA | The Prague Spring: Then and Now, 40 Years later | May ´68 in France. The Myth and the Debate 40 Years later | ’The Long ’68’. Italy’s View of the Protest Movement of 40 Years ago | Social Cohesion in Europe and Latin America: The EU-LAC Summit in LIMA (May 15/16, 2008)

Issue 6 | August 15, 2008
International Reports 6/2008
The Strategic Importance of Missile Defence - Russia´s Objections and its Threat Situation | Potential Stability - Poland after the End of the 4th | State of Emergency in Armenia - Political Crisis after the Presidential Elections of February 2008 | Spain and its Trauma - 40 Years of ETA Terrorism and the Powerlessness of Politics | In Focus: The Rise of Indigenous Movements in Latin America
Issue 6 | August 15, 2008
International Reports 6/2008
The Strategic Importance of Missile Defence - Russia´s Objections and its Threat Situation | Potential Stability - Poland after the End of the 4th | State of Emergency in Armenia - Political Crisis after the Presidential Elections of February 2008 | Spain and its Trauma - 40 Years of ETA Terrorism and the Powerlessness of Politics | In Focus: The Rise of Indigenous Movements in Latin America

Issue 5 | July 11, 2008
International Reports 5/2008
Transformation and Civil Society in Poland. Civil Society and the Church as ’Allies’ | In the Fast Lane? TheTymoshenko Phenomenon: High Inflation and Economic Problems Have Hardly Damaged Her Popularity so far | ’Ideology’ or ’Unity’? Spain’s Future after the Parliamentary Elections of March 9, 2008 | Elections in Sri Lanka’s ’Liberated’ East: An Opportunity for a New Political Start?
Issue 5 | July 11, 2008
International Reports 5/2008
Transformation and Civil Society in Poland. Civil Society and the Church as ’Allies’ | In the Fast Lane? TheTymoshenko Phenomenon: High Inflation and Economic Problems Have Hardly Damaged Her Popularity so far | ’Ideology’ or ’Unity’? Spain’s Future after the Parliamentary Elections of March 9, 2008 | Elections in Sri Lanka’s ’Liberated’ East: An Opportunity for a New Political Start?

Issue 4 | May 15, 2008
International Reports 4/2008
Mexico: Reforms and Block-Heads | Guatemala: Hope is the last to die | Escalation and Spontaneous Fraternization in the Andes | The Peacemaker from Venezuela | Brazil´s Boom
Issue 4 | May 15, 2008
International Reports 4/2008
Mexico: Reforms and Block-Heads | Guatemala: Hope is the last to die | Escalation and Spontaneous Fraternization in the Andes | The Peacemaker from Venezuela | Brazil´s Boom

Issue 3 | April 25, 2008
International Reports 3/2008
On the Situation of Bulgaria’s Media | Searching for a Winner: Kenya after the Polls | Applying Germany’s Experience in the Middle Eastern/Mediterranean Region in European Foreign and Security Policy | The Khmer Rouge Tribunal – Cambodia in the Shadow of History | A Survey of Vietnam's Development in Recent Years
Issue 3 | April 25, 2008
International Reports 3/2008
On the Situation of Bulgaria’s Media | Searching for a Winner: Kenya after the Polls | Applying Germany’s Experience in the Middle Eastern/Mediterranean Region in European Foreign and Security Policy | The Khmer Rouge Tribunal – Cambodia in the Shadow of History | A Survey of Vietnam's Development in Recent Years

Issue 2 | March 25, 2008
International Reports 2/2008
Dmitri Medvedev – President on Standby or Worthy Successor to Putin? | Russia – A Reliable Energy Partner for Europe? | Between Abundance and Bottlenecks: Brazil’s Energy Sector is on the Move | Business Transformation in Pakistan? | Dispersed Economic Power? Overseas Chinese between Discrimination and Success in
Issue 2 | March 25, 2008
International Reports 2/2008
Dmitri Medvedev – President on Standby or Worthy Successor to Putin? | Russia – A Reliable Energy Partner for Europe? | Between Abundance and Bottlenecks: Brazil’s Energy Sector is on the Move | Business Transformation in Pakistan? | Dispersed Economic Power? Overseas Chinese between Discrimination and Success in

Issue 1 | January 31, 2008
International Reports 1/2008
Lustration – Addressing the Consequences of the Communist Regime in Bulgaria | Theory and Practice of the Democracy Clause in the EU’s Relations with Third Countries: The Example of Mexico | Opportunities and Risks of Budget Assistance: The Example of Mozambique | Natural Gas as a Foreign Policy Weapon: The Turkish-Iranian Gas Crisis of January 2007 | Elections in Thailand: Power Struggle Between Thaksin and the Military | Books from Russia: Russia’s Foreign Policy
Issue 1 | January 31, 2008
International Reports 1/2008
Lustration – Addressing the Consequences of the Communist Regime in Bulgaria | Theory and Practice of the Democracy Clause in the EU’s Relations with Third Countries: The Example of Mexico | Opportunities and Risks of Budget Assistance: The Example of Mozambique | Natural Gas as a Foreign Policy Weapon: The Turkish-Iranian Gas Crisis of January 2007 | Elections in Thailand: Power Struggle Between Thaksin and the Military | Books from Russia: Russia’s Foreign Policy

Issue 12 | December 31, 2007
International Reports 12/2007
Radicalisation of Muslims in the Philippines | The Misconception of Freedom. Islam and Democratic Development in Indonesia | India – A Democracy Living with Islam | The Relationship between Islam and Democracy in Turkey: The Islamisation of Politics versus the Politicisation of Islam | Islam and Democracy in Morocco. The Integration or the Decline of Political Islam? | Islam and Democracy in Senegal
Issue 12 | December 31, 2007
International Reports 12/2007
Radicalisation of Muslims in the Philippines | The Misconception of Freedom. Islam and Democratic Development in Indonesia | India – A Democracy Living with Islam | The Relationship between Islam and Democracy in Turkey: The Islamisation of Politics versus the Politicisation of Islam | Islam and Democracy in Morocco. The Integration or the Decline of Political Islam? | Islam and Democracy in Senegal

Issue 11 | December 6, 2007
International Reports 11/2007
Political Islam Gaining Ground. The Example of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt | Between National Interests and Ideology - Spain's Latin American Policy | Taking Stock of the Work of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Duma in the Legislative Period from 2003 to 2007 | NATO and Russia. How to Safeguard the Partnership | The EU and Africa on the Way towards a Strategic Partnership
Issue 11 | December 6, 2007
International Reports 11/2007
Political Islam Gaining Ground. The Example of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt | Between National Interests and Ideology - Spain's Latin American Policy | Taking Stock of the Work of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Duma in the Legislative Period from 2003 to 2007 | NATO and Russia. How to Safeguard the Partnership | The EU and Africa on the Way towards a Strategic Partnership
Asset Publisher
About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication