There are currently no events planned.
Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft
Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel MdB
Online Workshop
Die Werte Europas
Im Abschluss der Demokratiewoche 2020 in Lettland setzt die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Politologengesellschaft Lettlands und der Lettischen Transatlantischen Organisation LATO die Workshop Reihe der jungen politischen Führungskräfte online fort. Das Programm der Reihe bilden mehrere thematische Blöcke, in denen die Erfahrungen Lettlands als EU und NATO Mitgliedsstaat betrachtet werden. Am Samstag, den 9.Mai, findet die erste online Meisterklasse statt, die vom Staatspräsidenten Lettlands Egils Levits, von der Leiterin des Büros der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung im Baltikum Elisabeh Bauer und dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden der Lettischen Transatlantischen Organisation Toms Baumanis eröffnet wird. Das Thema des Workshops dieser Woche ist "Die Werte Europas". Am Montag, den 11. Mai, findet online ein Vortrag der Professorin der Lettischen Universität Žaneta Ozoliņa über die Zukunft der EU mit anschließender Diskussion mit den Teilnehmern statt.
Study and Information Program
Study in Germany
Online Information Sessions Europe 2020
You are welcome to participate on online Information Sessions "Study in Germany" organised by the German Academic Exchange Service. 10 German universities will present online. The presentations introduce the institutions and their study programmes. The Online Information Sessions are conducted in English. Registrations under:
Joint seminar series for Future Political Leaders
Joint seminar series
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung together with the Latvian Association of Political Scientists and Latvian Transatlantic Organization is organizing a joint series of workshops by current politicians and leading academics in political science for the students of colleges (10-12 grade) and undergraduate students of universities as the future political leaders. The program is built on several blocks according to following political domains: democracy and values; political participation – from political parties to civil society; foreign policy; security policy; political communication. There are 5 workshop sessions planed. Each session is composed in the following way: presentation or inspiring lecture by current politician; practical master class by professional; presentation, lecture or workshop by the leading academic in political science.
Workshop on Security for Future Political Leaders 2020
A joint series of workshops
Start of the joint workshop series for young politicians with the Latvian Transatlantic Organization and the Latvian Association of Political Scientists. Opening on March 7 with the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Artis Pabriks.
Lessons Learned So Far: The Enhanced Forward Presence in Northeastern Europe, 2017-2019
Workshop with the participants from all hosting and framing nations as well as representatives from other countries which are involved in the Enhanced Forward Presence.
Hard Security Dynamics in the Baltic Sea Region- from Turbulence to tense Stability
Presentation and discussion of the research paper
After a period of turbulence in 2014–2015 followed by Russia’s actions in Ukraine, tense stability has emerged in the Baltic Sea area. The current regional security landscape is shaped by three interconnected security dynamics: Russian assertive behaviour, NATO’s reassurance and deterrence measures, and Finland’s and Sweden’s closer integration into the Western deterrence network. The interplay between the dynamics will determine the nature of the regional security environment in the 2020s. Russia’s provocative measures in the region or elsewhere will likely strengthen the foothold of Western security structures in the Baltic Sea area. Moreover, NATO, Finland, and Sweden should continue to find ways to enhance stability without unnecessarily feeding Russian provocativeness. The sources of regional tensions lie elsewhere, and the Baltic Sea region will remain a contested area as long as the West and Russia are at loggerheads.