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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

„Leaving No One Behind?“ – Inklusion in Japan im Stresstest

Inklusion weltweit – Aktueller Stand aus Japan

Der erste Blick auf die Straßen Japans verheißt Gutes: die gelben, gerillt und genoppten Markierungen ziehen sich wie ein stetes Band entlang der Fahr- und Fußwege, entlang an Überquerungen und Bahnsteigen. Fast überall im Land finden Menschen mit eingeschränkter Sehkraft sicher ihren Weg. Wenige wissen, dass diese taktilen oder tastbaren Pflastersteine einst in der Okayama Präfektur erfunden wurden. Erste behindertengerechte Vorkehrungen reichen in Japan sogar 700 Jahre zurück; seh- und gehbehinderte Menschen hatten je nach Art ihrer Arbeit sogar ein Anrecht auf Sänften.

IMAGO / Xinhua

A leap into the unknown

Libertarian Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina

The winner of the run-off election for the office of President of Argentina is Javier Milei. The libertarian candidate from the La Libertad Avanza party, which was only founded two years ago, won a surprisingly clear victory with 55.69% of the vote and a lead of over 11% against the Peronist candidate and incumbent Minister of Economy and Finance Sergio Massa with 44.3%. In the general elections on October 22, the latter had been able to claim first place in the voters' favor with just under 37% of the vote and a 7% lead over Milei. Voter turnout was 76.35% and the proportion of abstentions was lower than expected at 1.55%, with 1.62% of votes being invalid. The Libertarian won in 20 of the 23 provinces and in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires. He probably also owes his clear victory to the support of prominent figures from the conservative Propuesta Republicana (PRO) party. Although their presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich did not make it into the run-off, almost 24% of voters had given her their vote in October. Just three days after the election, both former President Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich publicly spoke out in favor of Milei and against Massa. However, the initial euphoria over the election victory could quickly evaporate, even for the newly elected president, against the backdrop of the enormous challenges, particularly in economic policy.

Marco Urban

75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The 1948 Declaration formulated a claim, but it is by no means the end of the matter.

When the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, under the leadership of Eleanor Roosevelt, draft-ed the Declaration in 1947, the goal was to bridge deep divisions between liberal states and authoritarian regimes, between secular and religious countries. The result was thirty concise articles. Their adoption by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948—although not legally binding—was an astonishing histor-ical development. Since then, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has not remained free of criticism. And when it comes to human rights violations, we are often dealing with massive offenses. The implemen-tation of human rights in social and political reality therefore remains an ongoing challenge. This is currently evident in the developments in the Middle East.

David Canales / Zuma Press / ContactoPhoto (europa press)

Re-election of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez

Fragile minority government will increase polarization

Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) has been re-elected as Prime Minister of the Spanish government with the help of separatist parties from Catalonia and the Basque Country. He is imposing a high price on Spain for his decision. The country is more divided than ever. The relatively young democracy is in danger of being compromised.

Adobe Stock / Robert Kneschke

Renewal of political parties - Digitalisation and political parties

On hybridisation, dialogue orientation and cultural and structural change: How can established parties adapt to the new realities of digitalisation?

In times of accelerating digitalisation, adapting to new social realities is one of the key challenges for established parties. Which paths established parties take in this regard and which instruments they can and should use are not just exciting scientific questions. They are questions that are of crucial importance for the future of our representative democracy.

Adobe Stock / Pamela Ranya

Chad - The next candidate for upheaval in the Sahel?

An important partner in the Sudan crisis

Is Chad the next candidate for upheaval in the Sahel? The Central African country looks more stable than Mali, Niger or Burkina Faso. Chad is an important Western ally in a volatile region where Russia has been expanding in its neighbours Libya, Sudan and the Central African Republic and also a key humanitarian hub as some half a million refugees have fled civil war in Sudan. But military president Mahamat Deby has been cracking down on the opposition and delaying elections. He has come also under criticism for working closely with France. So how stable is Chad?


The Drug Cartels of the Assad Regime

Terrorist Financing and Organised Crime: The Hybrid Threat of the Captagon Business

In the shadows of the global drug trade, the Captagon business has evolved into an empire intricately linked with the Syrian Assad regime. This flourishing organisation not only funds the rulers in Syria but also significantly contributes to the support and financing of terrorism throughout the entire region. This paper analyses how hybrid actors and cartels have expanded the production of Captagon on an unprecedented scale. Additionally, it examines the consequences and assesses the implications for Europe and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Zypern auf dem Weg zur Inklusion

Inklusion weltweit – Aktueller Stand aus Zypern

Ein Teil der Insel Zyperns ist immer noch besetzt. In dem Maße, wie sich die politischen Führer bemühen, eine Lösung in der Zypernfrage zu erreichen, ihren Bürgern wirtschaftlichen Wohlstand zu verschaffen und die europäischen Werte zu unterstützen, bemühen sie sich auch, gesellschaftliche Veränderungen in die sich ständig verändernde Agenda aufzunehmen. Dabei gewinnen die Bedürfnisse und das Alltagsleben von Menschen mit Behinderungen für die Gesellschaft immer mehr an Bedeutung. Hier geben wir einen ersten Überblick über die aktuellen Vorhaben, die das Leben von Menschen mit Behinderungen auf Zypern erleichtern sollen.

Adobe Stock / butenkow

The Art of Crisis Management

The Pandemic Agreement – An Opportunity for Health for all

The pandemic agreement responds to global coordination deficits during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to improve preparedness for future pandemics by promoting cooperation without jeopardizing national sovereignty. However, national dissatisfaction could have a negative impact on the negotiations. Fears that national sovereignty or the protection of human rights could be undermined by the pandemic agreement or the World Health Organization (WHO) are unfounded, as national legislative and decision-making processes will remain crucial. Concluding the negotiations by May 2024 is the declared goal, although there are still some points of contention. The realistic concern is that the WHO will end up with insufficient powers and resources and will not produce an effective framework for preventing and responding to future pandemics, rather than becoming a "global health police" with far-reaching powers of intervention. The pandemic agreement should be seen as an opportunity to positively transform lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic into clear and transparent rules to defend against future pandemics.


Local elections in Bulgaria

GERB Strongest force, but with losses

Local elections were held in Bulgaria on 29 October and 5 November. The influential on the local level EPP party GERB (Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria) suffered losses, but was able to maintain its positions in many places. Its main opponent, the PP-DB coalition ("We Continue the Change" and "Democratic Bulgaria"), in which the left-liberal PP took part in local elections for the first time, received the most votes for the city council in the capital Sofia and will also provide the mayor, but lost votes compared to the parliamentary elections in April 2023.

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