Asset Publisher

About us

Asset Publisher

We are a political foundation that fosters democracy on a world-wide basis

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) is an independent and non-profitable political foundation from Germany. Our actions are based on the values of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a political party in Germany. In Germany and worldwide we support democracy, rule of law, human rights and political education as well as social market economy, decentralized and sustainable development.

Since 1969, the KAS has been active in Brazil. We bring contemporary and future multipliers from politics and society together with opinion leaders from the academic and scientific areas and foster the dialogue about Brazil’s biggest challenges, always in cooperation with local partners.

Get information about our work in Brazil here.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation worldwide: We advocate peace, freedom and justice in Germany and the world

The strengthening of democracy, the fostering of the European unity, the intensification of transatlantic relations and cooperation in education are especially crucial to us.

As a basis for forward-looking political actions we work out analyses and bring together people who have “something to say”. We substantially support young talents in their ideas and take care of our alumni network.

With our offices abroad in more than 100 countries we fight for the improvement of political framework conditions and foster the dialogue with Germany. Our work in Brazil, one of the countries receiving German development aid, is financed by tax money from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Instituto Teotônio Vilela - ITV
Oficina Municipal
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives – Governos Locais pela Sustentabilidade (ICLEI)
Projeto Saúde e Alegria - PSA
Casa Stefan Zweig (CSZ)
Obra Kolping
Centro de Direito Internacional – Zentrum für Internationales Recht (CEDIN)
Transparência Internacional Brasil
Delegação da União Europeia no Brasil – Delegation der Europäischen Union in Brasilien (EU)
Instituto Rio21
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)