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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


Brasilien – kein Weg aus der Krise?

Keine Lösung in Sicht, ob mit oder ohne Staatspräsident Michel Temer

Brasiliens Staatspräsident Michel Temer (PMDB) ist einer Absetzung durch das Oberste Wahlgericht knapp entkommen, doch seine Regierungskoalition droht zu bröckeln und die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen ihn wegen Korruption. Regierung und Parlament widmen sich weniger dem Regieren als der Schadensbegrenzung, und die Justiz politisiert sich – mit nachhaltigem Schaden für Brasiliens Demokratie. Ein Ausweg ist nicht in Sicht.

Brasília under investigation

President Michel Temer may have to fear for his mandate

The "Lava Jato" i.e. "Carwash" corruption investigations involving the state-run oil company Petrobras have been bringing out new corruption charges on a near daily basis. Meanwhile the corruption investigations could also pose a threat to the mandate of current president Michel Temer (PMDB).

Epizentrum Brasilien

Die Schockwellen des Odebrecht-Korruptionskandals in Lateinamerika und deren Auswirkungen in den einzelnen Ländern

Der unter den Namen Lava Jato beziehungsweise Caso Odebrecht bekannt gewordene Korruptionsfall rund um Brasiliens größten Baukonzern Odebrecht hat in Brasilien bereits weite Kreise gezogen. Immer mehr kommt durch Zeugenaussagen und das Auswerten sichergestellter Dokumente zu Tage. Es handelt sich um den bei weitem größten Korruptionsskandal des Landes. Seit einigen Wochen wird nun zudem das Ausmaß immer deutlicher, welches das Korruptionsnetzwerk des Baukonzerns auch außerhalb Brasiliens angenommen hat.

Wie viel hält Brasiliens Demokratie aus?

Die Staatskrise könnte den Boden für Populisten bereiten

Fortwährende Rücktritte und Amtsenthebungen schwächen Brasiliens Exekutive und die Toleranz der Bevölkerung für Korruption in der Politik sinkt. Der Prozess um die Amtsenthebung des Senatspräsidenten provoziert nun eine Krise des ehemaligen Hoffnungsträgers Justiz – und auch das Mandat von Staatspräsident Temer ist nicht mehr sicher.

Municipal elections overshadowed by crisis


The ex-president Dilma Rousseff’s Worker’s Party (PT) is the clear loser in Brazil’s municipal elections following her suspension from office. In a fragmented party-political scene, political outsiders emerge as the victors. This trend might persist in the 2018 national elections. The political and economic crisis has undermined the voters’ political confidence for some time to come. In this election for the first time, corporate donations were banned as an anticorruption measure. Candidates from the Pentecostal churches capitalise on the sentiment of antagonism towards politics.

Brazil, perpetuum immobile

A pallid interim president cannot lead his country out of crisis, as the olympics discloses to international onlookers

Shortly before the opening of the Summer Olympics, half of Brazil’s population are critical of the Games and almost two-thirds believe that the Games will bring more problems than positive outcomes for the country. This is hardly surprising in a country that is being rocked by a massive economic and political crisis. The interim president Michel Temer (PMDB) lacks the stamina to see through urgently needed structural reforms in the political arena. Nor does he personify the political renewal that would be necessary to overcome the crisis of confidence.

State Crisis Instead of Final Sprint

In the next 100 days, 10 issues shall decide whether the Olympics shall become a success or not in crisis-struck Brazil

100 Days prior to their Opening Ceremony, Brazil has practically forgotten this summer’s Olympics and Paralympics. Instead the country is involved in a deep economic and political crisis. The latter is no longer limited only to the impeachment of Pres. Dilma Rousseff, but also casts doubts on the problem-solving skills of the Brazilian Administration as a whole. Whether the Olympics are going to be a success notwithstanding, shall essentially depend on 10 issues.

Mass Protests and Political Gridlock

Brazil amid a corruption scandal, economic crisis and the president's imminent impeachment

Barely five months prior to the beginning of this year’s Summer Olympic Games, Brazil is setting up negative records: Amid a historical economic crisis, the disclosure of the largest corruption network of the country’s history has reached a new acme through the accusations against former president Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva. In the meantime, President Dilma Rousseff stands on the eve of a definitive rupture with her most important coalition partner and fears for her presidency in view of a running impeachment process. Now, mil-lions of protesters are calling for her im-mediate resignation.

Brasil e Venezuela - II

Brasil e seus vizinhos

As relações entre Brasil e Venezuela: do vizinho ausente à parceria estratégica

Brasil e Venezuela

Brasil e seus Vizinhos

Evolução e perspectivas da relação Venezuelana-Brasileira

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.