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Brasil em Foco

The price of an election

The first issue of the newsletter Brazil in Focus 2021 looks at the Brazilian Congress and Senate elections.

Halbzeit der Regierung Bolsonaro – wo steht Brasilien im Jahr 2021?

Die Covid-19-Pandemie mit ihren schwerwiegenden gesundheitlichen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen für Brasilien überschattete das zweite Jahr der Amtszeit von Staatspräsident Bolsonaro. Das schwache Abschneiden bei den Kommunalwahlen im November kann als Dämpfer für den Bolsonarismus interpretiert werden und die Liste der innenpolitischen Herausforderungen für 2021, angefangen mit dem holprigen Start der Impfkampagne, ist lang. Brasiliens Reputation auf dem internationalen Parkett hat unter Präsident Bolsonaro ebenfalls gelitten, die größte Volkswirtschaft Lateinamerikas mit ihrer traditionell multilateralen Ausrichtung wird in der Post-Pandemie-Zeit jedoch nicht nur bei Umwelt- und Handelsfragen gebraucht werden.

The crisis of representative democracy and neopopulism in Brasil

The publication „The crisis of representative democracy and neopopulism in Brasil” contains two studies of the authors José Álvaro Moisés and Francisco Weffort concerning some of the most important issues of contemporary Brazilian politics.

Cadernos Adenauer 4/2020

Participation and the fight of democratic institutions against the pandemic

The new issue of the Adenauer Notebooks series is dedicated to the theme of participation and the fight of democratic institutions against the pandemic.

Brazil in Focus

Analysis and comments on Brazilian Politics

Newsletter on Brazilian Politics

KAS Brasilien

Politica por inteiro

Tracking and Analysis of Brazilian environmental and climate policy

In face of the complex system of decisions, changes and actions that the Brazilian environmental policy is currently inserted, it is with great satisfaction that the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil announces its support for the "Política por Inteiro" project. "Política por Inteiro" aims to provide a reliable, recurring and comparable data base on public policy signals and propositions in the environmental area in a "friendly" format and with credible data, and that creates a common "memory" about national decisions. Through the monitoring of government actions and rhetoric, systematic analysis of the situation and associated risks and the production and dissemination of information, it is intended to provide a tool to identify signals, interpret trends and consolidate them in an aggregate manner, using data science to inform citizens, advocacy networks and decision makers themselves. Each month an outlook is produced with the signals detected in the monitoring and monthly online events are also carried out to analyze the situation. The November outlook is available at the following link and the event about it is available on the "Política por Inteiro" YouTube channel ( - as well as the next ones to be held. For more information and full access to the monitoring platform, visit the project website:

Local Action Guide

Produced from a partnership between KAS Brazil and Engajamundo, the Local Action Guide helps Brazilian youth to recognize themselves as agents of change, especially at the local level, offering tools and methodologies to engage in transforming the realities of their communities and surroundings. Despite being an invitation to youth, the guide is a great material for anyone who wants to be more involved in local politics.

Stefan Zweig und Brasilien

Exil und Integration

Publikation in Kooperation mit der Casa Stefan Zweig - nur auf Portugiesisch verfügbar.

And what will the second round of local elections bring us?

Newsletter Brasil em Foco 11/2020

The current issue of the newsletter "Brasil em Foco" reports on the outcome of the second round of local elections in Brazil.


Kommunalwahlen in Brasilien – Rückschlag für den Bolsonarismus

In 5570 brasilianischen Städten und Gemeinden fand am vergangenen Sonntag die erste Runde der Kommunalwahlen statt, bei denen 150 Millionen Brasilianer dazu aufgerufen waren, neue Bürgermeister und Stadtverordnete zu wählen. Bei einer in Corona-Zeiten erwartet niedrigen Wahlbeteiligung haben die Kandidaten der etablierten Parteien der Mitte überwiegend gut abgeschnitten, während der Urnengang für Staatspräsident Bolsonaro zwar einen beachtlichen Dämpfer bedeutet, jedoch als Stimmungstest hinsichtlich der Präsidentschaftswahl 2022 nur bedingt Aussagekraft besitzt.

Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Cadernos Adenauer

Journal about politics, economy and society

The Cadernos Adenauer Series (ISSN 1519-0951) focuses on issues related to the development of a democratic society. Articles are published on a variety of subjects in the fields of politics, the social situation, economics, international relations and law. Cadernos Adenauer aims to contribute to the dissemination of information and the broadening of public debate on issues of national and international importance.

To get to the complete overview, please switch to Portuguese.

Brazil in Focus

Newsletter on current issues of Brazilian politics

Brazil in Focus is a periodic publication that seeks to analyze in a more succinct way the central themes of Brazilian politics. Since 2020,  the bulletins have been shorter and published monthly, maintaining the political scientist, professor Humberto Dantas, as its principal author and organizer.

Brazil-Europe series

Yearbook on European-Brazilian Relations

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil publishes an annual anthology on European-Brazilian relations. It contains analyses and recommendations for action on relevant topics in the context of dialogue between Europeans and Brazilians. The publication series is addressed to politicians, academics and the interested public.

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