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European Competitiveness at a Crossroad

How does Europe achieve a Regulatory Breathing Space?

Has the EU lost sight of its strategic competitiveness? Companies are navigating through troubled waters. The bureaucratic requirements resulting from a multitude of directives and regulations as well as the cumulative effects of parallel legislation are burdening the economy.


KAS Europe Talks


The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is delighted to invite you to the next session of our event format “KAS Europe Talks”. In this online format, we are organising discussions with the Director of a different KAS Office on a regular basis, in which the latest developments in the respective country or region as well as the status quo of the relations with the European Union are discussed. The next session will focus on Georgia and its relations to the European Union between accession and geopolitical tensions.


Der Morgen danach

Die Slowakei hat gewählt

Gut sechs Monate nach der vorgezogenen Parlamentswahl sind die Menschen in der Slowakei aufgerufen, ein neues Staatsoberhaupt zu wählen. Da die amtierende Präsidentin Zuzana Čaputová aus persönlichen Gründen nicht mehr antritt, wird es in jedem Fall einen neuen Hausherren im Palais Grassalkovich, dem Amtssitz des Staatspräsidenten, geben.


Zulassung neuer genomischer Techniken

Öffnung der Büchse der Pandora oder Zukunftschance?

Wir freuen wir uns, Sie zusammen mit der EKD Brüssel zu einer Digitalveranstaltung zum Thema "Zulassung neuer genomischer Techniken: Öffnung der Büchse der Pandora oder Zukunftschance?" einzuladen.


The Future of the Single Market

Putting European Competitiveness back on the Agenda

Join us at the Brussels Liaison Office of the German Economic Institute for an important exchange on European Competitiveness against the backdrop of the upcoming European Parliamentary Elections!


The Morning After

Portugal has voted

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is very pleased to invite you to the next session of our event format "The Morning After". In this online format, we are monitoring the Parliamentary and/or Presidential Elec-tions in European states and discuss the results with our KAS colleagues in the respective country. Furthermore, we try to assess the implications the result could have for the country’s relationship with the European Union. This ses-sion will focus on Portugal, where early Parliamentary Elections are scheduled for 10 March 2024.


The Morning After

Belarus has voted

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is very pleased to invite you to the next session of our event format "The Morning After". In this online format, we are monitoring the Parliamentary and/or Presidential Elections in European states and discuss the results with our KAS colleagues in the respective country. Furthermore, we try to assess the implications the result could have for the country’s relationship with the European Union. This session will focus on Belarus, where Parliamentary Elections is scheduled for 25 February 2024.


Navigating the EU Taxonomy

A Deep Dive into an efficient implementation of the EU regulation

Join us for a comprehensive exploration into the EU Taxonomy, spotlighting the proposed "Grace Period" as delineated in the recent research paper published by the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The research was conducted, and the paper written by Derek Groot. This session, designed to unravel the intricacies and implications of the EU Taxonomy, will serve as a conduit for stakeholders, policymakers, and industry experts to navigate its complexities through discussion and debate.


The Morning After

Finland has voted

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is delighted to invite you to the next session of our event format “The Morning After”. In this format we are monitoring Parliamentary and/or Presidential Elections in European states and are discussing the results with our KAS colleagues in the respective country. The next session will focus on Finland, where the first round of the Presidential Elections is scheduled for 28 January 2024.


fully booked

25th Anniversary of the Euro – Navigating through Crisis towards Stability

Working Breakfast of the KAS-BdB Finance Forum 2024

The start of the new year was also the 25-year anniversary of the Euro. These 25 years were – in part – very tumultuous years. The Euro and with it also the EU has developed in unexpected ways. Its guardian, the European Central Bank, had to take on a much more active role than it had been envisioned originally. The currency itself and its image has also changed over the years. Despite the troubled start it has also become a symbol for European Unity and how close we as Europeans have grown together over the years.

Asset Publisher

Transatlantische Konferenz: „Western Culture, Western Values“

Vom 23. - 26. Juni 2013 trafen sich Fachleute und Entscheidungsträger aus den USA und der EU um gemeinsame Werte und Grundlagen einer vertieften Zusammenarbeit zu erörtern. Tagungsort war die Villa La Collina in Cadenabbia (Italien).

„Tackling Poverty and Inequality in Europe“

On the 11th of July 2013, a panel discussion with Dirk Heilmann, Dagmar Schulze Heuling and Raymond Maes, moderated by Detlef Fechtner, took place. The topic focused on the recently published poverty reports of the European Commission and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltigem Wachstum – Die Initiativen der EIB

Dr. Werner Hoyer, Präsident der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) sprach am 08. Juli 2013 über die Initiativen der EIB. Diese sollen der Förderung von kleinen- und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU), einer zukunftsorientierten Infrastruktur, Energie- und Umweltprojekten, sowie Bildung und Innovation dienen.

Deutschland vor den Wahlen - Herausforderungen für die Rechts- und Innenpolitik

Adenauer-Forum mit Dr. Günter Krings MdB

Am 19. Juni nahm Dr. Günter Krings, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Stellung zu aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Rechts- und Innenpolitik.

Bürokratieabbau in der Europäischen Union

Frühstücksgespräch mit Dr. Edmund Stoiber

Eine Gruppe junger Brüsseler Nachwuchskräfte fand sich am 14.06.2013 im Europabüro Brüssel zu einem Vortrag von Dr. Edmund Stoiber ein. Gegenstand der Diskussion und persönliches Anliegen des Gastes war „Bürokratieabbau in der Europäischen Union“.

Mehr fiskalische Integration in der Eurozone?

Diskussion mit Dr. Daniel Gros, Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther, Matthias Schäfer, Dr. Guntram Wolff

Am 15. Mai nahmen führende Experten von Bruegel, CEPS, IW und der KAS über weitere Integrationsschritte im Fiskalbereich Stellung. Unter der Moderation von Dr. Detlef Fechtner kamen die Redner zu dem Ergebnis, dass grundlegende Strukturreformen in den Eurostaaten nötig sind. Über das Für und Wieder einer stärkeren fiskalischen Integration herrschten unterschiedliche Meinungen.

Dr. Lambertz sieht Chance für Gelingen der Energiewende

Konzernbevollmächtigter der RWE AG beim Adenauer-Forum

Dr. Johannes Lambertz, Konzernbevollmächtigter für die Energiewende und Vorstandsmitglied der RWE AG, hielt am 6. Mai im Rahmen eines Adenauer-Forums einen Vortrag zu den Perspektiven der deutschen Energiewirtschaft in der Energiewende. Zum Gelingen der Energiewende bedürfe es einer europäischen Koordinierung und mehr marktwirtschaftlichen Wettbewerbs, lautete sein Tenor.

Adenauer-Forum with Nikola Poposki

The Macedonian Foreign Minister visited the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

The Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki gave a speech at an Adenauer-Forum on 17 April about the reform efforts of the country and the recently published progress report of the European Commission. The event contribution is available only in German. In the sidebar you can find the official Commission progress report from 16 April 2013 in English.

The Boundaries of the Battlefield

A critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terrorism

This ICCT conference report provides a detailed overview from the two-day symposium entitled The Boundaries of the Battlefield: A Critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terrorism, which was convened in The Hague in January 2013. The conference covered a range of issues that are relevant in debates about using force in counter-terrorism operations against non-state actors. The event contribution is written by Jessica Dorsey and Dr. Christophe Paulussen and is also avaiable online:

EU 2020: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und Europa

Veranstaltungsbeitrag zum Jahresempfang 2013 mit EU-Kommissar Günther H. Oettinger

Am 18. Februar 2013 veranstaltete das Europabüro zusammen mit dem Kreisverband Brüssel der CDU, den Jahresempfang 2013. Der Redner des Abends war Günther H. Oettinger. Für die Rede des EU-Kommissars für Energie zum Thema "EU 2020: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und Europa", kamen mehr als 300 Zuhörer.