Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Building Public Health System in West China

Single Publication, Beijing, Chinese, 59 pages.

The Doha Development Round: "The Post-Cancùn Agenda"

KAS-Schriftenreihe China Vol. 41, Beijing 2004, English, 33 pages.

For a Multilateral Investment Treaty: An Agenda for the Future

Online-Publication, Beijing, English, 7 pages.

Wirtschaftspolitik als Ordnungspolitik - Leitbild der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft

Online-Publication, Beijing, German, 11 pages.

Soziale Marktwirtschaft - Modell für einen globalen Ordnungsrahmen

Online-Publication, Beijing, German, 7 pages.

Die neue Politik der koordinierten Entwicklung von Umwelt und Wirtschaft

国家环境保护总局副局长 潘 岳

Online-Publication, Beijing, German, 14 pages.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Regional Security and Economic Advancement

Working Paper Volume 8, Beijing 2004, Chinese, 5 pages.

The Inspiration of European Social Policies (research report: part one)

KAS-Schriftenreihe China Vol. 40, Shanghai 2004, Chinese with english abstracts, 167 pages.

What the Asia-Pacific Can Learn from the European Integration?

Online Info-Service Vol. 4/2004

China and Her Trading Partners within the WTO - New Issues, New Developments

KAS-Schriftenreihe China Vol. 39, Shanghai 2004, Chinese/English, 108 pages.