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Expert panel

The importance of Latin America at the COPs on Biodiversity and Climate Change

Conversation about Cali 2024 and Belém 2025

(Public event) Place: Dazzler Hotel, Miraflores

Specialist conference

Unlocking Latin America's success in the Lithium industry

Research presentation

On-site event

Online seminar

Financiamiento de la Economía Circular

Seminario online

Online seminar

Circular Economy and Gender

Online Conference


Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis

Online event

Online seminar

Public Policies for the promotion of the Circular Economy in Chile

Evento online


Circular economy as a development strategy

Live broadcasting

Specialist conference

Update Presentation

Platform for Visualization of Public Initiatives in Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Specialist conference

VAIVÉN 2023: Circular Economy Festival in Latin America

October 09 and 10 (Costa Rica)

Hybrid event: Classroom and virtual Classroom: College of Economics


Circular Economy: opportunities to advance the climate agenda and economic development


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Debates on cities and climate change

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the German Pavilion OliAle on August 18

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) has presented its work in Brazil at the German Pavilion "OliAle" on August 18 during the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The Regional Programme EKLA-KAS supported this initiative.

Panel on Sustainable Development and Energy Matrix in Latin America

at the XII Winter Course on International Law

EKLA-KAS collaborated with the organization of a panel on Sustainable Development and Energy Matrix in Latin America during the XII Winter Course on International Law, an initiative by CEDIN. A three-day course on this subject was taught by Professor Jorge Asturias, Director of Studies and Projects of the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE).

Oil Price Risks and Climate Security:

Challenges for the Energy Policy in Latin America

Experts from Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Venezuela met in Berlin to discuss the challenges and risks of oil prices and climate security for the regional order in Latin America.

Sustainable Transport in Latin America

International Round Table

By using a work format where idea exchange and constant participation of the attendees were the main activity, the actors that impact and participate in the transportation sector in the countries of the region were identified, as well as the main problems related to them to then, discuss about the solutions under a concrete, measureable and doable basis to achieve a Sustainable Transport System, or in a wider concept, Sustainable Mobility, to be a tangible reality and not only on paper or as a good intention.


Regional Programme EKLA KAS

On May 4th, the EKLA KAS Regional Programme organized an anniversary ceremony to celebrate the first year of operation in the Lima office.

Chilean cities tackle Climate Change

International Forum

On April 19, representatives of municipalities of Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Mexico, politicians and specialists, met in Santiago de Chile to discuss about the challenges related to cities and climate change.

First Forum of Adaptation to the Climate Change in Mexico

Forum Adaptation to the Climate Change

During 3 intense days and with the participation of more than 100 lecturers, the First National Forum of Adaptation to the Climate Change in Mexico was carried in the Senate, an event organized by Efecto Verde, GIZ, WWF, INECC and the UNDP, where EKLA-KAS Program collaborated as support in the organization.

„Nachhaltigkeit muss den Menschen normal vorkommen“

1. Transformationskonferenz 2016 zur Nachhaltigkeitswende

Energie, Klima, Umwelt, Armut, Gleichberechtigung – das sind nur einige der Themen der Agenda für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, kurz Agenda 2030. Um die große Transformation hin zu einem nachhaltigen Leben zu bewältigen, komme es vor allem auf eines an: auf jeden Einzelnen. Darin waren sich der Kommunikationsexperte Ed Gillespie, der Wirtschaftsvertreter Julian Matthes und der Umweltaktivist Jörg Sommer einig. Auch in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit müsse in die Menschen investiert werden, damit jeder eine Perspektive bekomme.



The workshop, organized by EKLA-KAS and the Gobernabilidad Perú Organization, was attended by specialists from Latin America and representatives of various organizations devoted to the subject, who after two days of exhibitions and exchange of views were able to consolidate the main ideas and conclusions in the document attached to this report.



The workshop "Effects of Biodiversity Strategies and Plans in the Andean region" took place with the participation of representatives from the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law and biodiversity specialists from Brazil, Bolivia, and Colombia. The conclusions drawn from this workshop are the cornerstone for carrying out a research for publication that contributes to the debate and the decisions taken at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity later this year (Cancun, Mexico, December 2016) and the subsequent policies and strategies in Latin America.