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Expert panel

The importance of Latin America at the COPs on Biodiversity and Climate Change

Conversation about Cali 2024 and Belém 2025

(Public event) Place: Dazzler Hotel, Miraflores

Specialist conference

Unlocking Latin America's success in the Lithium industry

Research presentation

On-site event

Online seminar

Financiamiento de la Economía Circular

Seminario online

Online seminar

Circular Economy and Gender

Online Conference


Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis

Online event

Online seminar

Public Policies for the promotion of the Circular Economy in Chile

Evento online


Circular economy as a development strategy

Live broadcasting

Specialist conference

Update Presentation

Platform for Visualization of Public Initiatives in Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Specialist conference

VAIVÉN 2023: Circular Economy Festival in Latin America

October 09 and 10 (Costa Rica)

Hybrid event: Classroom and virtual Classroom: College of Economics


Circular Economy: opportunities to advance the climate agenda and economic development


Asset Publisher

Semana de la Energía 2019/ Sun World 2019

Reunión de alto nivel/ Cumbre internacional

Del 11 al 14 de noviembre, en Lima, se realizó La Semana de la Energía 2019, organizado por OLADE y el MINEM del Perú, evento que se enmarco en la Conferencia internacional Sun World 2019, eventos donde el Programa EKLA KAS estuvo presente como colaborador y participante.

2do y 3er Taller de Economía Circular: De la teoría a la acción

Construcción de un marco político para la economía circular en América Latina

El 22 y 23 de julio se reunieron expertos de América Latina en #economíacircular para conocer el avance del estudio que lleva el mismo nombre y para compartir y enriquecer las iniciativas públicas en economía circular identificadas en la región. Este taller se llevó a cabo en Bogotá, Colombia. Tres meses después nos volvimos a encontrar en Santiago de Chile para compartir la primicia del estudio y conocer a fondo las iniciativas públicas y privadas desarrolladas desde Chile.

Programa de Desarrollo Ejecutivo en Integración Regional con fuentes de energía renovable en ALC

Taller Presencial

En las instalaciones del Ministerio de Minas y Energía de Brasil (MME), en Brasilia, y con la presencia de representantes de 10 países diferentes de la región, se realizó del 21 al 25 de octubre el Taller presencial del Programa que da título a este informe, evento que cierra el módulo virtual realizado desde agosto del presente año. Evento organizado por OLADE, el MME y nosotros.

Revisión de lineamientos para la Política Nacional de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Alta Montaña

Talleres participativos regionales

Eventos realizados durante el mes de septiembre e inicios de octubre, junto al El Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña (INAIGEM), en el que recorrimos 6 regiones del Perú: Ancash, Cuzco, Cajamarca, Junín, Arequipa y Lima


Junín y Ayacucho, rumbo a la sostenibilidad

Seminario regional

El sábado 21 de Septiembre se desarrolló , en la ciudad de Huancayo (sierra central de Perú), el cuarto seminario “Rumbo a la Sostenibilidad” de este 2019.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

The Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week, took place in Salvador, Bahía, Brazil from 19th to 23rd August 2019, designed to advance regional climate action. It aimed to support the implementation of LAC countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement on climate change and action to deliver on the SDGs.


Emerging Technologies Applied to the Renewable Energy Sector


In July, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), through its Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (EKLA) organized a two-day workshop in cooperation with the International Intelligence Unit of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV IIU), in Rio de Janeiro. The workshop gathered experts from the energy sector, development banks and start-ups as well as technology experts, that are developing solutions on emerging technologies applied to the renewable energy sector.

Zero Carbon Connection

1st Latin American Climate Business Fair

In June, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), through its Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (EKLA) organized together with Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Latin America through its CDP Cities program the ZERO CARBON CONNECTION: 1st Latin American Climate Business Fair, in São Paulo. The event focused on solutions that aim at transforming business and political models in order to reverse climate change and, at the same time, generate value and prosperity

Executive Development Program in Implementation of Climate Change Policies for Caribbean Countries

In-person Workshop

The in-person workshop of the Executive Development Program in Implementation of Climate Change Policies for Caribbean Countries was held in Panama City, during 5 intense days (from June 17 to 21). The event was organized by OLADE, the EKLA-KAS Program, the Energy Secretariat of Panama and with the support of UNEP DTU.

Apurimac and Cuzco on the path on sustanibility

Seminario regional

In Abancay, Apurímac region, the third “Workshop Seminar: Abancay, on the path to sustainability, clean energies and climate change in Peru” was held in 2019. This event was organized by the EKLA-KAS Program and the Peru Renewable Energy Network.