There are currently no events planned.
Distributed Generation:
International Experiences and Comparative Analyses
A workshop with experts will address issues such as the tendency of decentralization of electrical systems, impacts in the micro generation electric network and its economic-financial consequences for distributors.
Development, Infrastructure and Regional Cohesion:
The Experiences of the European Union and South America
The seminar is dedicated to analyze the extent to which agreements between the EU and other economic blocs or even individual states increase the level of economic development and promote cooperation in political, social and environmental matters.
Specialist conference
5th German-Latin Energy Conference
International Conference
Organized by the program EKLA-KAS in cooperation with the German Latin Business GmbH, the German corporate network Latin America Association (LAV) and the German-Argentine Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Book presentation
The G20's contribution to the fight against climate change and the financing of it
Presentation of research results
The present authors and representatives deal with the issue of climate change and the link between the G20 and Latin America, in particular Argentina, which will preside over the G20 in 2018
NDCs: What is there for Latin America big cities?
Third Workshop
The objective of this workshop series is to help both national governments as well as selected city governments in Latin America to strengthen a dialogue process to align their NDC with existing city government initiatives on climate change.
Fomento del Desarrollo del Mercado de Energías Renovables en Centroamérica
Taller para grupos de interés público, privado y financiero sobre el desarrollo del mercado de energía renovable de Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá.
Expert panel
Good Governance to Energy Transition
3. Konferenz
Veranstaltet von dem Regionalprogramm Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel in Lateinamerika (EKLA) der Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) und der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungswissenschaften (FACEA) der Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH).
Book presentation
Guía de buenas prácticas para la Consulta Previa en las Américas
Presentación de investigación
La Fundación Konrad Adenauer en Perú, el Programa Regional “Participación Política Indígena” (PPI) y el Programa EKLA-KAS organizarán la presentación de la investigación realizada por la Consultora canadiense Jay Hartling