There are currently no events planned.
Specialist conference
Brazilian Student Encounter of International Relations (ENERI)
EKLA-KAS supports this event, specially the Panel on "Contexts and challenges for security and energy efficiency in Latin America" to be held on April 29th, in Goiânia, Brazil.
German-Latin American energy (transition) policy in the G20
Fachdialog zu den Herausforderungen der Energiewende
Arequipa: Towards Sustainability
Regional seminar
The event will be conducted by the Peruvian Renewable Energy Network and the EKLA-KAS Program
NDCs: What is there for Latin America big cities?
First Workshop
The objective of this workshop series is to help both national governments as well as selected city governments in Latin America to strengthen a dialogue process to align their NDC with existing city government initiatives on climate change.
Climate Change: Which is our role?
International Forum
Representatives of Colombia and foreign experts will assemble on a conference in Santiago de Cali. The event is organized by EKLA-KAS and the CDP Cities Latin America with the support of the Natura Foundation and the Municipality of Cali.
Desarrollo sostenible, energías renovables y cambio climático
Seminario regional
El evento será realizado por la Red Energia Renovable Perú y el Programa EKLA-KAS
Book presentation
Presentación de Investigación: Análisis de las políticas y estrategias de Biodiversidad en países amazónicos
Desayuno de trabajo
En el marco de la COP 13, de la Convención sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CBD) , en la ciudad de Cancún , México, se realizará la presentación del estudio realizado por la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) con apoyo del Programa EKLA- KAS.
Low Carbon Industry: Renewable Energy in Latin America
Closed Workshop and Study Launch
A closed workshop will be organized by the EKLA-KAS and GVces in São Paulo to debate with experts the results of a study on the Panorama of Renewable Energy: the Industrial Sector in Latin America.
Analysis on Sustainable Development and Energy Matrix in Latin America
International Seminar
An international seminar will be held by EKLA-KAS and CEDIN aiming to debate the normative and institutional aspect of the access to clean energy and the impact of the SDGs to the human development in Latin America.
4.Deutsch-Lateinamerikanische Energiekonferenz
Internationale Konferenz
Die EKLA-KAS organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Pflüger International GmBH, dem Lateinamerika Verein e.V. (LAV) und der Deutsch-Costaricanische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) die nun schon 4. Deutsch-Lateinamerikanische Energiekonferenz