There are currently no events planned.
Expert panel
Oil Price Risks and Climate Security:
Challenges for the Energy Policy in Latin America
Experts from Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Venezuela are meeting in Berlin to discuss the challenges of the oil price risk and climate security for the regional order in Latin America.
Sustainable Transport in Latin America
Round Table
This workshop will gather various representatives from congresses and governments of Latin America, working on subjects related to sustainable transport and mobility, urban development and climate change.
Regional Programme EKLA KAS
EKLA KAS has a year of operation in Lima-Peru. Join us this May 4th.
Chilean cities tackle Climate Change
Representatives of Chilean and foreign cities will meet on April 19th in Santiago, Chile in a event organized by the EKLA-KAS Regional Programme, CDP Cities Latin America and CED, with the support of Adapt Chile.
Primer Foro Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático
El Programa EKLA-KAS tiene el agrado de participar como apoyo en el Primer Foro Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en la Ciudad de México
Adaptabilidad al cambio climático
Desafíos y oportunidades de la Agricultura en América Latina
Taller con especialistas de América Latina
Anpassungsfähigkeit an den Klimawandel
Herausforderungen und Chancen der Landwirtschaft in Lateinamerika
Workshop mit Spezialisten aus Lateinamerika
Effects of Biodiversity Strategies and Plans in the Andean Region
A quantitative and qualitative evaluation in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru
Workshop With specialists in Latin America
Study and information programme
Workshop Energy Experts from Latin America
Berlin & Paris
Energy experts from Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Peru participate in Study and Information Program in Berlin and Paris. The delegation will meet with partners in Germany and attend the COP21.