There are currently no events planned.
Conference | Workshop
Floating Fab Lab Amazon
Fab Lab Peru and EKLA - KAS, are pleased to invite you to attend the Conference | Workshop "Floating FAB LAB Amazon: Challenges and Opportunities" which will take place on 09 and 10 November 8: 00-18: 00 in Lima.
KAS Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change hosts a Panel on Energy
at a EU Delegation Flagship Event in Brazil
“Climate Change, We’re All Responsible” is an event organized by the European Union Delegation in Brazil, WWF-Brazil and Fundação Planetário Rio de Janeiro. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation supports this initiative and will host a panel on November 5.
Expert panel
Energy Geopolitics
The Role of Latin America
Experts will participate in a round table organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in partnership with the Getulio Vargas Foundation and Catavento, to discuss the role of Latin America in the geopolitics of oil and gas.
Expert panel
II Workshop: Energy Security in Latin America
A transatlantic perspective
Experts from Latin America and Germany will meet in October in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to discuss the challenges of energy security.
Specialist conference
Conferencia Internacional
La fundación KAS, a través de su Programa de Seguridad Energética y Cambio Climático, lo organizará junto con Pflüger International Consulting, la Asociación Empresarial para América Latina en Alemania (LAV) y la Cámara de Comercio Colombo-Alemana.
fully bookedNegotiations Workshop
Preparing for Paris
KAS and the Ministry of Environment of Panama, will host a workshop in Panama, to lift attendees's capacity to engage effectively in the global climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC in the lead up to COP21 in Paris.
International Workshop on Climate Change Economics and Finance
implications for Latin America
KAS, jointly with GVces will host two days of an international workshops to discuss climate change, its economic impacts and financial implications for Latin America. Both workshops will be held in São Paulo, on 23rd and 24th of September, 2015.
Good governance for energy transition
Specialized seminar and public discussion
KAS , in collaboration with the Universidad del Pacífico, will host an event to discuss policy towards the development of an energy transition in Latin America and Germany. The event will be in Lima on 14 and 15 September 2015.
Specialist conference
Internationale Konferenz
Welchen Stellenwert genießt Umwelt- und Klimapolitik für christdemokratische Parteien in der Welt und was tun sie konkret dafür? Diese Fragen werden im Zentrum der internationalen Konferenz stehen, welche am 2. September in Mexiko City stattfindet.
International Seminar
Ambassadors +1: Young people in the governance of climate change
Generación +1 & EKLA-KAS organize the International Seminar:Ambassadors +1, 24-29 July in Lima, where young people from Latin America and the Caribbean will generate an action plan as a response of governance of climate change, in context of INDCs.