There are currently no events planned.
Live stream
Presentation of the Roadmap 2023 - Municipality of Luján de Cuyo
Province of Mendoza, Argentina
Red Latinoamericana de Seguridad Ambiental
Reunión online cerrada
La seguridad ambiental es un concepto, el cual ha venido ganando relevancia en las últimas décadas debido a los abrumadores efectos que el cambio climático y a las dañinas acciones del hombre han generado en los ecosistemas, en el bienestar y subsistencia de sociedades humanas alrededor del mundo. Una de las regiones más vulnerables ante lo efectos e impactos del cambio climático es América Latina, porque su amplia variabilidad climática y la situación de pobreza de millones de personas que corren peligro inminente ante el más mínimo cambio en su forma de subsistir.
Book presentation
Options for a region rich in minerals and thirsty for water
Policy Brief presentation
Speaker: Fernando Anaya, international consultant
VAIVÉN 2022: Circular Economy Festival in Latin América
3rd edition
At the event we will exchange experiences, trends in key issues by sector, and learn about the challenges facing Circular Economy initiatives in the region.
Online seminar
Public health and Climate Change: from mitigation and adaptation in cities
Online forum
The discussion seeks to analyze the interaction between public health and the environment from the perspective of the formulation of local public policy with a regional perspective.
Expert panel
Innovation, technology and knowledge for the governance of biodiversity and climate change
Cycle of virtual conversations in LATAM
Second closed virtual conversation where we will talk about Geoengineering and its potential / risks in the current debate organized together with the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA)
NDCS: ¿Qué significan para las grandes ciudades de América Latina?
Capacitación NDC'S: Guía para la adaptación al cambio climático
Taller cerrado
Political Parties and Climate Change in Latin America
Face-to-face workshop
Face-to-face workshop organized with the Regional Program for Political Parties and Democracy in Latin America (KAS Partidos)
Circular Economy: Engine of sustainability for Europe and Latin America?
Hybrid conference
The circular economy model is gaining importance in the context of climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity in both Europe and Latin America: with the Circular Economy Action Plan, the European Commission has paved the way for a competitive and sustainable Europe. In Latin America, the "Circular Economy Coalition", of which the EKLA Regional Program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is a strategic partner, is promoting the circular economy in Latin America with a transnational dialogue platform.