Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: National and Regional Implications

Various Authors

Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the human lives of every conner across the world. Cambodia and the Southeast Asian region are no exception. This Foundation's particular publication is specifically looking into the impact of the pandemic in Cambodia and across the region in detail through the diplomatic, economic and social contexts.

Brittle Democracies? Comparing Politics in Anglophone Africa

The book compares the progress ten select countries, all former colonies of Britain, have made towards the practice of democracy.

This book will be of great interest to a broad readership including students of politics, international relations and history at tertiary educational institutions as well as the readership that is keen to understand what has shaped the post-colonial political experience of some key Anglophone African countries.

IPPS Publications 2020

In 2020, the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) with the support of the KAS implemented two researches and published them. The activities aim at disseminating updated knowledge to decision-makers, legal experts, academicians, university students, as well as general public interested in the issues for their academic reference and further studies.

Strategische Klimapolitik: Chinas Emissionshandel


Der Klimaschutz ist für China zu einem strategisch wichtigen Politikfeld geworden. Die Einführung eines nationalen Emissionshandels unterstreicht diese Sichtweise, besonders im Hinblick auf die zunehmende CO2-Bepreisung weltweit. Der Europäischen Union und ihrem geplanten CO2-Grenzausgleich könnte China damit zudem entgegen- und einer transatlantischen Klimapolitik zuvorkommen.

reuters/Guglielmo Mangiapane

Der Schock von Bergamo wirkt nach

Wie Italien die seit einem Jahr andauernde Corona-Pandemie bewältigt

Italien war das erste Land in Europa, das ab Ende Februar 2020 mit voller Wucht von der Corona-Pandemie erfasst worden ist. Die erschreckende Entwicklung und der landesweit verordnete Lockdown hatte einen großen Einfluss auf die Reaktionen der übrigen europäischen Regierungen.

How artificial intelligence will change our lives in 5 years

THINKbook: raport by Zbigniew Gajewski

Zbigniew Gajewski's report is devoted to the phenomenon of the rapid dissemination of artificial intelligence and its impact on our social, political and economic life. The report was developed in collaboration with the Centre for International Relations and Think Tank.

Rule of Law Rules

On the occasion of commemorating this year‘s Data Protection Day also known as "Data Privacy Day", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung under the aegis of its Rule of Law Worldwide Programme has launched its newest podcast focusing on the rule of law in the age of digitalization.

Український центр європейської політики

Україна та Угода про асоціацію: Моніторинг виконання 2014-2019

5-й моніторинговий звіт УЦЄП

Моніторинговий звіт від Українського центру європейської політики (УЦЄП) підводить підсумки 5-річної імплементації Угоди про асоціацію Україна-ЄС, щоб забезпечити підґрунтя для подальшого оновлення Угоди. Звіт «Україна та Угода про асоціацію: Моніторинг виконання 2014-2019» висвітлює прогрес України у виконанні зобов’язань, визначених у розділах ІІ, ІІІ, IV, V та VI Угоди про асоціацію, який відбувся впродовж п’ятирічного періоду, з 01 листопада 2014 року по 31 грудня 2019 року.

Ute G Bocandé

Afrika und die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels

Unsere Stipendiaten sind unsere Experten

Die diesjährige Exkursion des Stipendiaten-Netzwerkes ging nach Palmarin, einem Dorf an der Küste südlich von Dakar, das schon Teile an den Ozean verloren hat: Folgen des Klimawandels in Senegal. Die Stipendiaten hatten Beiträge zum Thema erarbeitet, die in Palmarin vorgetragen wurden nach dem Motto: Unsere Stipendiaten sind unsere Experten. Die lebhaften Diskussionen wurden durch den Besuch eines Projektes der Verarbeitung und des Verkaufs lokaler Lebensmittel ergänzt.

Covid-19 und die Lage der Menschenrechte im Sahel

Policy Brief über die Auswirkungen von Covid-19 in Afrika, Teil 4

Dieser Policy Brief widmet sich der Analyse der Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf die Gesellschaften im Sahel und hier insbesondere auf die Lage der Menschenrechte.

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


International Reports

Journal for international issues, foreign policy and development cooperation

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

EPP Party Barometer

The Situation of the European People's Party in the EU

The EPP Party Barometer illustrates the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU. On a non-regular basis, it provides a concise overview of current election results, polls from the member states and the composition of the party family.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.