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Asset Publisher

Global Emissions Reduction

Motivators, Obstacles and the Role of Germany

Results of a comparative survey of experts in China, India, Russia and the USA. The report shows that there are many differences between the four countries, but also some similarities. It particularly highlights the fact that preventing climate change is still not a major motivating factor when it comes to reducing emissions.

KAS PTD Newsletter Edition No 2 - October 2016

To give an overview on the current progress of the project “Partnership for Transformational Devolution (PTD)”, KAS and the PTD-Team is distributing a newsletter on a regularly basis. The document includes background information on the process of devolution and pictures from the activities implemented in the ten target Counties. This is for now the second edition of the newsletter.

Boliviens Forderung nach maritimer Teilhabe vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof


Diese neue Publikation der Universität Miguel de Cervantes analysiert die vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof verhandelte Forderung Boliviens, einen Zugang zum Pazifik zu erhalten.

The Impact of the Electoral Law and the Bylaw of the House of Representatives on Parliamentary Blocs

This book about the Electoral Law was prepared together with the Al Quds Center for Political Studies.

Kenia ein Jahr vor den Wahlen

Ethnische Vielfalt als Bereicherung ansehen, nicht als Bedrohung

In etwa einem Jahr sind die Kenianer aufgerufen, einen neuen Präsidenten zu wählen. Und mehr als das: Aufgrund des Dezentralisierungsprozesses des Landes werden seit 2013 in den 47 Counties (Bezirken) u.a. auch Gouverneure, Senatoren und County-Regierungen gewählt. Ein Superwahljahr steht Kenia bevor. Und diese Wahl wirft ihre Schatten voraus: Ein Ausblick.

Climate Change and Energy Security in the Anthropocene

Africa in the Light of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement

Africa is affected particularly strongly by the impacts of climate change. The continent, home to 1.2 billion people, many of whom live below the poverty line, is experiencing more frequent instances of drought and torrential rain. The implementation of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement of December 2015 will depend substantially on the steps African states will be prepared to take to drive their further development while making efforts to minimise the emission of greenhouse gases.

Regionale Integration ist nicht selbstverständlich

Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy im über die Reaktion Südostasiens auf das Brexit-Votum und die instabile Sicherheitslage der Region

Das Ergebnis des britischen EU-Referendums erschütterte nicht nur Europa, es war auch auf den asiatischen Finanzmärkten zu spüren. Südostasien zieht seine Lehren aus den europäischen Entwicklungen, sagt Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy im Interview mit Die Region ist von Konflikten geprägt – sie könnte mehr Kooperation und ein neues Sicherheitsnetzwerk gebrauchen.

KAS PTD Newsletter Edition No 1 - April 2016

To give an overview on the current progress of the project “Partnership for Transformational Devolution (PTD)”, KAS and the PTD-Team is distributing a newsletter on a regularly basis. The document includes background information on the process of devolution and pictures from the activities implemented in the ten target Counties. This is for now the premier edition of the newsletter, which will be published three times a year during the whole project period until the beginning of the year 2019.

Mass Protests and Political Gridlock

Brazil amid a corruption scandal, economic crisis and the president's imminent impeachment

Barely five months prior to the beginning of this year’s Summer Olympic Games, Brazil is setting up negative records: Amid a historical economic crisis, the disclosure of the largest corruption network of the country’s history has reached a new acme through the accusations against former president Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva. In the meantime, President Dilma Rousseff stands on the eve of a definitive rupture with her most important coalition partner and fears for her presidency in view of a running impeachment process. Now, mil-lions of protesters are calling for her im-mediate resignation.

Dezentralisierung „Jenseits von Afrika“

Die Lücke in Kenia zwischen Verfassungsnorm und Verfassungswirklichkeit

In Kenias neuer Verfassung von 2010 stellt die Verankerung dezentraler Regierungsstrukturen einschließlich der Partizipation der Bürger auf lokaler Ebene ein Kernelement dar. Doch Papier ist geduldig: Versprochen wurde von Seiten der Politik viel, die Erwartungen waren enorm hoch. Gute fünf Jahre später hat die Realität Einkehr gehalten.

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


International Reports

Journal for international issues, foreign policy and development cooperation

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

EPP Party Barometer

The Situation of the European People's Party in the EU

The EPP Party Barometer illustrates the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU. On a non-regular basis, it provides a concise overview of current election results, polls from the member states and the composition of the party family.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.