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Event Reports


1. Deutsch-Indisches Strategieforum

Der indische Außenstaatssekretär Ranjan Mathai eröffnete das 1. Deutsch-Indische Strategieforum von KAS & IPCS am 16. April 2012 in Delhi.

Emerging International Strategic Dynamics: Indian and EU Perspectives


On 17th April 2012, the KAS, together with its Indian Partner IDSA, conducted an expert roundtable discussion on “Emerging International Strategic Dynamics: Indian and EU Perspectives” in Delhi. The German experts Col. Rainer Meyer zum Felde, Dr. Christian Wagner and Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala discussed the problems and their consequences in the bi- and multilateral relations.

KAS-ICRIER Financial Sector Seminar I/2012

Prospects and Challenges in Tax Reforms in India - Practical Aspects of Indian Tax Policy

On 28th March 2012, KAS and ICRIER conducted the quarterly Financial Sector Seminar about „ Prospects and Challenges in Tax Reforms in India - Practical Aspects of Indian Tax Policy” in Delhi. In this workshop, three experts discussed - along with an interested audience - the prospects and challenges of the Indian Tax Policy.

KAS-Indien Stipendiaten 2012

Stipendiatentreffen in Neu Delhi

Am Mittwoch, den 14. März 2012 hat KAS-Indien zu einem Stipendiatentreffen in Neu Delhi eingeladen. Die Abteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit (EIZ) der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung unterstützt jedes Jahr sozial und politisch engagierte Studierende nach erfolgreicher Bewerbung bei einem Studienaufenthalt in Deutschland.

KAS-CSDS Jugendstudie „Indische Jugend und Politik“

Ansichten und Präferenzen der jungen Bevölkerung Indiens

Am 27. Februar 2012 veröffentliche die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Indien gemeinsam mit dem indischen Partner Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) die zweite KAS-CSDS Jugendstudie zum Thema Jugend und Politik in Indien. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der von der KAS initiierten Jugendstudie wurden im Rahmen eines Fachgesprächs unter Teilnahme des Ministers für Jugend und Sport, Ajay Maken und dem Politikexperten und Senior Fellow am CSDS, Professor Yogendra Yadav, vorgestellt und diskutiert.

EU-Indien Gipfeltreffen 2012

Am 10. Februar 2012 fand das 12. EU-Indien Gipfeltreffen in Neu Delhi statt. Die Europäische Union wurde vom Ratspräsidenten, Herman Van Rompuy und dem Präsidenten der Europäischen Kommission, José Manuel Barroso vertreten. Von indischer Seite nahmen Premierminister Manmohan Singh, Außenminister Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, Industrie- und Handelsminister Anand Sharma und der Nationale Sicherheitsberater Shiv Shankar Menon teil.

„Challenges of the 21st Century - A European Perspective: Migration, Education and Green Technologies"

Lecture with Dr. Schuster, Lord Mayor of Stuttgart

On 16.01.12, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized in cooperation with the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) and the German Embassy in Delhi a lecture about „Challenges of the 21st Century - A European Perspective: Migration, Education and Green Technologies" held by the Lord Mayor of the City of Stuttgart, Germany, Dr. Wolfgang Schuster.

KAS-ICRIER Financial Sector Seminar

Financial Sector Developments, Issues and the Way Forward

On 14 December, KAS and ICRIER conducted the fourth Financial Sector Seminar about „Financial Sector Developments, Issues and the Way Forward” in Delhi. Since the onset of the financial crisis in mid 2008 the origins and contributory factors to the crisis, the short run policy responses to it and the needed institutional including regulatory reforms in the immediate and longer term future for reducing the likelihood of its recurrence have been debated. In this workshop, three experts analyzed the developments, issues and the future of the Finance sector.

State level reforms - Increasing investments in Bihar

Interactiver Industry - Government Workshop

On 12th December 2011, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized in cooperation with FICCI a workshop on "State level reforms - Increasing investments in Bihar" and discussed the FICCI-KAS joint study on the same subject.

Students of the Statesman Print Journalism School in discussion with Maneka Gandhi and Ajay Singh

Seminar on "Reasonable Restraint: Libel, Contempt and Breach of Legislative Privilege"

The current batch of the Statesman Print Journalism School (SPJS) had the privilege to go to Delhi and to attend the seminar about "Reasonable Restraint: Libel, Contempt and Breach of Legislative Privilege" which was organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the C.R. Irani Foundation and the SPJS on the 9. / 10. December 2011 in New Delhi.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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