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Conflict Weekly, Vol.2, No.10, 09 June 2021

- An initiative by NIAS-IPRI and KAS-India Office

The UN report on Taliban-al Qaeda links, Denmark on relocating refugee camps, Burkino Faso massacre, Arctic melt, and Afghan trilateral dialogue

FICCI-KAS Beyond 2020- Future of Indian Economy in Post Covid-19 World

FICCI and KAS are proud to present some thought-provoking essays on the future of India's economy in this post-pandemic world. In this compendium, the focus is on issues India has been debating for some time now as well as issues that the pandemic has thrown into stark focus. From economic growth to security policy and international trade to glocal production to a new work culture and a new way of thinking public health, it attempts to look at the challenges Post-Covid-India will have to face.

The Remaking of Indian Foreign Policy: Opportunities and Challenges

- by Prof. Brahma Chellaney

India may be a rising power but it continues to punch far below its weight. The task of Indian foreign policy is to change that. Indian diplomacy, however, faces several constraints, which range from increasingly fractious domestic politics to an ever more troubled neighborhood. India today confronts not only two regional adversaries, China and Pakistan, but also is at serious risk of being surrounded by a cordon of China’s friends. This paper will have a more closer look at the Indian Foreign Policy and understanding whether its objectives have been achieved .....

From Partner to foes? The changing U.S.-China relationship in the post pandemic world.

- by Prof. Brahma Chellaney

The Wuhan-originating COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a tectonic shift in the U.S.-China relationship. Meanwhile, given the international pushback against it, China can no longer discount the specter of international isolation and supply disruptions, which may explain Chinese President Xi Jinping’s new strategy of “dual circulation,” with its emphasis on domestic demand. This paper discusses the modalities even further with the title being "From Partner to foes? The changing U.S.-China relationship in the post pandemic world"

Human Centric Development: An Outlook for the Indian G20 Presidency

- by Tanu M. Goyal and Prateek Kukreja

This paper identifies and examines some of the emerging issues in selected areas such as trade and investment, development, employment and corruption, faced by the G20 members to suggest an outlook for the Indian Presidency. The paper is based on inputs collected during the 12th Annual International G20 Conference that was organized by ICRIER in partnership with the India Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and an examination of the existing information and documents related to the G20, available in the public domain.

Pixabay / AshishVermaHeartography / CC0

Eskalation im Himalaya?

Die Zusammenstöße entlang der „Line of Actual Control“, die regionale Perspektive und Auswirkungen für Europa

Anfang September erreichten die territorialen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Atommächten China und Indien im Himalaya einen erneuten unrühmlichen Höhepunkt: An den Ufern des Pangong Tso fielen dabei zum ersten Mal seit 1975 Schüsse. Wenngleich bisher keine Opfer dokumentiert sind, ist die Situation alarmierend. Aktuell ziehen sich Gespräche zwischen beiden Ländern hin, um die Situation zu deeskalieren. Die Scharmützel sind Teil eines zunehmenden Antagonismus zwischen China und großen Teilen der westlichen und demokratischen Welt und haben das Potential, zu einer Neuordnung des Kräftegleichgewichts in Asien beizutragen.

Securitization of Climate Change- Issues for Global and National Security

The Energy and Resources Institute and the India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aim to bring together a diverse set of perspectives on aspects of global security by involving experts through research and dialogue; the experts range from scientists to practitioners drawn from the domains of climate change, governance and security. The objective of this policy study is to discuss various aspects of ‘securitization of climate change’, which include non-traditional security, external security, internal security and political dynamics. The initiative aims to serve the constructivist function of informing the discussion on securitization of climate change in India and all over the world. Realists in international literature consider non-traditional security issues such as anthropogenic climate change, pandemics and food security as second-order problems especially for the major security powers of the world. Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate how a non-traditional security issue is of traditional security concern. Security establishments are actively involved in activities such as rescue, control, prevention and even cure. The United States Department of Defense, for instance, has army researchers who are working and collaborating to develop rapid COVID-19 testing technology and vaccines. India has also invoked the provisions of the Disaster Management Authority Act 2005 to treat COVID-19 as a national disaster and undertake measures, in coordination with state governments, for rescue, relief and rehabilitation. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1625 of 2005 has broadened the role of the UNSC by adding conflict prevention through addressing ‘root causes’ in its ambit. In the five UNSC open debates that have transpired so far, China and the Russian Federation have opposed while France and the United Kingdom have supported the UNSC dealing with climate change as a security threat. The United States of America has been ambiguous on this aspect. All participating members of the European Union and the Pacific Small Island Developing States, and a majority of the Alliance of Small Island States favour UNSC dealing with climate security concerns. A majority of the member states of the Group of 77 and the Non- Aligned Movement have opposed the legitimization of the UNSC in dealing with climate change. Emerging narratives position climate change and security using three rationales. First, in terms of ‘adaptation’ as climate change and environmental changes pose significant risks for the traditional security structures themselves. Second as ‘disaster response mechanism’ where armed forces need to be well trained and equipped to ensure that humanitarian assistance, disaster relief and non-combatant evacuation operations are provided on a timely basis. Third, in terms of ‘conflict mitigation’ as nontraditional security challenges can lead to disasters and environmental degradation which in turn could lead to disasters hence requiring traditional security structures. The first two rationales are more widely accepted in countries while the third rationale (conflict mitigation) is still not supported with evidence. Traditional security may not be an inclusive way of approaching climate change but then again, traditional external and internal security institutions cannot be discounted. Security structures at the national level may need to be deployed fully towards objectives of adaptation and disaster response. However, international goals, given the aspect of historical responsibilities for climate change, will not be served by securitisation but through equitable norms of international cooperation.

Safeguarding the Rule of Law –The need for consistency and adherence to established law by the Supreme Court in a Pandemic

- by Eklavya Vasudev

This article aims to scrutinize the judiciary’s role in maintaining the rule of law in a situation where one arm of the State (the legislature) has not been in function due to the nature of an unprecedented situation like the COVID-19 pandemic. It argues that the Supreme Court must strictly act as per its constitutional mandate and issue orders and judgments which are consistent and bound in sound legal reasoning.

FICCI-KAS Knowledge Report on “Blue Economy” launched


The India-EU Partnership: A New Era of Multilateral Cooperation

- by Aastha Kaul

Konrad Adenaeur Stiftung hosted the India-EU-Germany Dialogue on Effective Global Governance: A New Era of Multilateral Cooperation. The Dialogue carried an Indian delegation to exchange views on the future of multilateralism. The delegation visited three key European cities namely Geneva, Brussels & Berlin, each home to significant institutions that undergird the international governance architecture, where discussions explored potential avenues for India-EU multilateral cooperation on international, European, and bilateral levels.