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Fellowship for Asian Investigative Journalists

The Adenauer Fellowship for Media & Communications and Correctiv are awarding a fellowship for Asian investigative journalists to do a three-month internship at the investigative newsroom in Berlin, Germany. For detailed information check the announcement below. Apply at Deadline is 18th June 2018.

Apply for the Adenauer Fellowship

We are opening the application cycle for this year’s Adenauer Fellowship on 16th April. Journalists and communication experts can apply for the scholarship to complete a post graduate study in the region. Deadline is 31st May 2018. Find more information about the requirements and the application process on

A bitter-sweet victory

The BJP may have dominated the elections for the Parliament´s upper house, but there is displeasure in its coalition

The elections at the end of March 2018 for the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament, constitute a continuing success for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). By winning 28 of the 59 available seats, the party exceeded early expectations. In contrast, the Indian National Congress (INC) continued to lose influence. Nevertheless, the BJP also suffered a setback when one of its member regional parties of its national coalition pulled out.

International Solar Alliance (ISA)

Online Documentation of the KAS India office about the founding of the International Solar Alliance (ISA)

The ISA was initiated following the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP 21) on the 30th November 2015 and was introduced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the then French President Francois Hollande. The idea was to create a coalition of sun-rich countries to fill identified gaps in energy supply through a common approach focused on solar power. The founding conference of the intergovernmental organization took place on the 11th of March 2018 in New Delhi.

Die BJP erobert den Nordosten

Durch Koalitionen mit anderen Parteien ist die BJP in drei nördlichen Bundesstaaten künftig an der Regierung beteiligt.

Die Partei von Ministerpräsident Modi kann ihre Erfolgsserie der letzten Jahre in den drei nordöstlichen Bundesstaaten fortsetzen. Die BJP gewinnt deutlich in Tripura und ist dank kluger Allianzbildungen in Meghalaya und Nagaland an der Regierung beteiligt. Für die Kongresspartei bedeutet der Wahlausgang eine klare Niederlage. Zwar erringt sie in Meghalaya eine Mehrheit, kann jedoch keine Koalition bilden. In Tripura und Nagaland erhält der Kongress kein einziges Mandat.

Assessing the Energiewende

An International Expert Review

In view of the enormous challenges of the “Energiewende”, every new German government must ask itself the following question: How can we reconcile our long-term goal with the need to ensure a reliable, cost-effective and resource-saving energy supply also in the short to medium term? What’s more, with its “Energiewende”, Germany aspires to play an international leading role – from political, economic, ecological, social, technological, geo-strategic and security policy points of view. Against this backdrop, four international experts analyze the progress made so far and make recommendations.

Asia's climate change and energy security in figures

Diagrams and analysis about current facts and trends

Being intertwined with all issues of public life, social developments, environmental concerns and diplomacy, the dynamics of energy and climate politics are very complex and hard to understand as a whole. This is especially true for Asia, the naturally and socially most diverse continent on our planet. KAS RECAP has compiled a selection of its previously published graphics, diagrams and maps along with short texts analysing and explaining the respective data. This book supports our general understanding of the nexus of energy and climate politics in Asia by providing clearly arranged insights.

BJP gewinnt die Wahlen in Gujarat und Himachal Pradesh

Der knappe Ausgang in Gujarat ist jedoch auch ein Erfolg der Kongresspartei

Sowohl in Himachal Pradesh als auch im politisch deutlich wichtigeren Staat Gujarat kann die Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) jeweils über die Hälfte der Parlamentssitze erringen. Der Indian National Congress (INC) konnte bei den Wahlen die Unzufriedenheit von Teilen der Bevölkerung aufgrund von Demonetisierung, Goods and Services Tax (GST) und einer langsamer als erwartet wachsenden Wirtschaft nicht in Wahlerfolge ummünzen. Die Verluste der BJP und die Zugewinne des INC in Premierminister Narendra Modis Heimatstaat Gujarat gelten jedoch als ernstzunehmendes Signal für die BJP.

Informal Economy in India

Setting the framework for formalization

The study examines the informal economy in India and develops a policy framework to encourage greater formalization. It gauges the awareness and perceptions of unorganized enterprises about organized/formal sector, to understand the key issues and challenges faced by them including the impact of demonetization on their businesses, and to identify the key areas for policy intervention that could act as motivators for formalization.

Investigative Journalism Manual

The Media Programmes of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung have launched an updated version of the Investigative Journalism Manual merging the perspective of various continents in that field.