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Asset Publisher



The Paris Agreement and the following discussion processes have highlighted the urgent need of the global community to develop mechanisms of compensating Loss and Damage (L&D) caused by climate change. Opinions differ widely as how such compensation shall be designed. KAS RECAP and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have published a policy paper featuring innovative solutions.

Neuer Präsident Indiens gewählt

Mit Ram Nath Kovind wird ein Dalit und BJP-Politiker Staatsoberhaupt

Ram Nath Kovind ist zum 14. Präsidenten Indiens gewählt worden: am 25. Juli wird er als neues Staatsoberhaupt vereidigt. Kovind, Kandidat der von der BJP angeführten Parteienkoalition National Democratic Alliance (NDA), setzte sich gegen die Kandidatin der Opposition, Meira Kumar, im Wahlkolleg deutlich mit 65,65 Prozent durch. Damit ist es der BJP gelungen, erstmals eines ihrer Parteimitglieder in das oberste Staatsamt zu befördern. Trotz der vorwiegend repräsentativen Aufgaben des Präsidenten, muss dies als deutlicher politischer Erfolg von Premierminister Modi gewertet werden.

Global Future Survey 1/2017

Expectations for the future - by more than 550 experts from 105 countries

554 experts from 105 countries - these are their opinions and assessments on developments in the next five years. With the Global Future Survey, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is beginning a special project.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mourns the loss of Helmut Kohl

On the death of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and former President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, writes:

Rückenwind für Premierminister Narendra Modi

Landtagswahl in fünf Bundesstaaten

BJP kann in Uttar Pradesh und drei weiteren Bundesstaaten die Regierung bilden

Eulogy of Lars Peter Schmidt

It is with our deepest regret that we inform that Dr. Lars Peter Schmidt, Resident Representative to India, has passed away. He was 49 years and is survived by his wife and three children. In these difficult times, our thoughts and prayers are with his family and relatives.

The Geopolitics of Water Security: An Indian Perspective

The study is on current status of India's fresh water resources and impact of environmental change and climate change on these resources.

Realigning Indo-German Cooperation with the Initiatives of the Indian Government: A case of waste management

The study project on SWM management will provide present status of waste management in India along with applicable policies and frameworks for solid waste management. Under this initiative, CII was in consultation with KAS Germany for conducting a case of waste management.

Politics and Governance of Clean Energy- An Indo-German Comparative Study for Large Scale Diffusion of Renewable Energy

Under this study policy learnings have been drawn for India from Germany’s experience with its renewable energy programme. The study focussed on solar energy diffusion for electricity generation.

Global Emissions Reduction

Motivators, Obstacles and the Role of Germany

Results of a comparative survey of experts in China, India, Russia and the USA. The report shows that there are many differences between the four countries, but also some similarities. It particularly highlights the fact that preventing climate change is still not a major motivating factor when it comes to reducing emissions.