Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Global Security Challenges

Proceedings of the 2nd India-NATO Dialogue of KAS in Cooperation with IPCS and FIGS

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee

Current Issues of Globalization

German and Indian Perspectives

Proceedings of a Round Table that was jointly organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Federation of Indo-German Societies (FIGS)

On the Frontline of Climate Change

International Security Implications

Brahma Chellaney with Heela Najibullah

SAARC Country Dialogues - India and Bangladesh

Edited by L.L. Mehrotra and D.D.Khanna

Role of Industry in Development of South Asia

Meera, S.

Radical Islam and International Terrorism

Indian Democracy as a Moderating Factor

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee and D. Suba Chandran

Wie das andere Indien überlebt

Trotz Wirtschaftsboom ist die Armut ein zentrales Thema

Indien boomt. Kaum ein anderes Land ist aufgrund seines Wirtschaftswachstums derzeit so sehr in den Schlagzeilen wie Indien.

India and the European Union

Second updated edition

India and the European Union are partners in a world that is undergoing rapid change. The need for cooperation based on trust, includes the desire for greater exchange of information and permanent contacts and dialogue between the partners. In publishing the book India and the European Union, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has enabled eminent personalities from the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament to share their policies as well as their insights about the EU institutions. The Indian perspective of the India-EU relations is presented by the Union Minister of External Affairs. The Prime Minister of India commemorated the publication with a message. The book India and the European Union is intended as an indispensable compendium of the major European institutions and as a praxis-oriented handbook for establishing contacts with European players.

India's Energy Security - Foreign, Trade and Security Policy Contexts

Proceedings of a Conference jointly organized by TERI and KAF

India and the European Union Building a Strategic Partnership