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4th Chanakya-Chakra-Forum – Towards a stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific

The 4th Round Table of Chanakya-Chakra-Forum, a series of discussions jointly launched by the Forum for Strategic Initiatives and the India office of the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung alongside with other Think Tanks, will take place on 4th December 2019 in New-Delhi.

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The concept of the Indo-Pacific provides certain countries in the region with a framework to communicate and cooperate with each other. So not only for India is the Indo-Pacific of great strategic relevance regarding economic and security aspects. China has also shown interest in the region. It is expanding its military presence and is claiming almost all of the South China Sea which is being counterclaimed by surrounding countries. As the motives and strategies behind China’s actions are not always clear, they are observed with suspicion. This is why it has so far been denied access to the two most important fora in the region, the ASEAN and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue. Herein, China sees an attempt by the other countries to counterbalance its actions.  With the rise of China and the growing importance of the Indo-Pacific, India sees itself confronted with the challenge of maintaining a stable and peaceful environment to facilitate its own advancement. The 4th Chanakya-Chakra-Forum will therefore focus on strategies for a prosperous and peaceful Indo-Pacific.

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4th Chanakya Chakra Forum: Towards a Secure and Prosperous Indo-Pacific
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Peter Rimmele

Asset Publisher

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