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Expert talk

Interfaith Dialogue: Conflict and Peace

Nationwide series of expert discussions in cooperation with STT-HKBP and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)


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What role does religion play today in conflicts, in the overcoming of conflicts and in the healing difference for the sake of a peaceful coexistence? This kairotic question is crucial for Lutherans living in situations of conflict involving the Christian and Muslim communities.

Religion is ambiguous. If correctly understood, both Christianity and Islam stand for reconciliation and peace. God’s grace and forgiveness as the healing of the broken relationship between God and humankind is central to the gospel and all believers are called to the ministry of reconciliation ("katallage") and peace ("eirene, shalom"). Muslims today increasingly emphasize reconciliation ("islah"). God’s mercy and compassion (the "bismillah"), penitence/ repentance ("tawba") and striving for peace ("salaam") is central to the Qur’an and Muslim life.

Difficulties that can be encountered are, among others, strong prejudices, the reluctance and hesitation of Lutherans to engage closely with Muslims, and vice versa. Those who are

interested in establishing a relationship have not been able to do so for a variety of reasons. Facing these and other difficulties it is important to take small steps towards promoting dialogue based on grass-roots experiences.

The expert discussions will lead to reflection on both communities’ self-understanding. Muslims and Lutherans alike are challenged by the Bible and the Qur’an to rediscover their neighbor as a neighbor in the deep, scriptural understanding, recognizing that many relationships are colored by prejudice. Such issues as mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence, justice and peace, sin, religion and violence, the relationship between religion and politics (“the two regiments”), “just war,” “holy war", ”jihad", "communio" and "umma" will certainly arise and will have to be reflected theologically at the consultations. The increasing interest on behalf of Muslims in biblical and theological premises, and of Lutherans in Islamic self-understanding is conducive to such theological probing and re-thinking.

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Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta


  • high-ranking representatives of LWF member churches worldwide and in Indonesia
    • Muslim academics and activists
      • Indonesian academics

        Dr. Norbert Eschborn


        Director KAS Office Canada +1-613-422-4300