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Event Reports


Der Arabische Frühling und seine Auswirkungen auf Frauen

Im langjährigen Widerstand gegen die Diktatur kam den Frauen eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Doch erst die Bewegungen des Arabischen Frühlings gaben ihnen eine noch nie da gewesene öffentliche Präsenz in ihrem Kampf gegen Exklusion und Marginalisierung. KAS Amman und Jadal Media Training Center organisierten deswegen am 8. Juli 2013 eine Diskussionsrunde, um eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Arabischen Frühling und seinen Auswirkungen auf die Rechte der Frauen zu schaffen.

Introduction to Media Skills for Women’s Organizations

Training Workshop

Women’s organizations in Jordan are highly committed to serve the cause of equality and justice for society. Yet, their work is not known by a large part of the community. One reason is that many of their members lack the skills needed to approach and to professionally deal with media companies. Therefore, KAS Amman and Imdad Media Center organized a five days Trainingworkshop for Jordanian women’s organizations to gain better media skills.

Energy Security in the Middle East - Geopolitics, Security Challenges and Sustainable Supplies

Geopolitics, Security Challenges and Sustainable Supplies

With regard to the critical global need for energy security as well as the specific need to combat the energy dilemma in Jordan, KAS Jordan Office, the Arab Institute for Security Studies (ACSIS), the US-Korea Institute and, the Omni Advisory Group and the Energy Center of the Higher Council for Science and Technology organized a conference on June 12-13, 2013, in Amman entitled “Energy Security in the Middle East - Geopolitics, Security Challenges and Sustainable Supplies”

Corporate Governance

Recent reforms, liberalisations, and privatisations by the government supported the growth of Jordan’s economy. However, this growth combined with a free market and globalization has challenged various businesses. In this context, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung – Amman Office and Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organisation organised a seminar on the topic of “Corporate Governance” on June 24th, 2013 as many problems can be tackled, or even eliminated, by adopting sound corporate governance systems.

The Arab Spring and its Impact on Media

With the beginning of the Arab uprisings, a wave of optimism and anticipation for a freer and more diverse media landscape rose. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right and essential to the realization of other rights set forth in international human rights instruments. Within this context, KAS Amman and Jadal Media Training Center held a workshop to discuss the development of the media during and after the Arab Spring and its vital role in enhancing democracy, integrity, and transparency.

The Arab Spring and its Impact on Women

Women played a crucial role in the long years of resistance to dictatorships. The movements of the Arab Spring have given them unprecedented visibility; women are now confronting attempts to exclude them from decision-making processes and the public sphere through discrimination and violence. With regard to this development, KAS Amman and Jadal Media Training Center organized a round table discussion aimed at giving key insights on the Arab Spring and its impact on women’s rights.

Jordanian Judiciary and Arbitration

On April 30th, 2013, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Amman (KAS Amman) and Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organisation (TAG-Org) organized a seminar on the topic of judiciary and arbitration in Jordan. Law as well as business experts with practical experience participated in the seminar to discuss the advantages and difficulties of commercial arbitration in the context of the Jordanian judiciary.

Die Umbrüche im Nahen Osten

Am 11. Mai 2013 veranstaltete die KAS in Amman unter der Schirmherrschaft des jordanischen Premierministers Dr. Abdullah al Nsour ein Seminar mit dem Titel „Die Umbrüche im Nahen Osten“. Renommierte Politiker und Wissenschaftler verschiedener Institutionen und Ministerien sprachen über die gesellschaftspolitischen, wirtschaftlichen und religiösen Auswirkungen des Arabischen Frühlings auf Jordanien. Ein besonderer Fokus galt dabei den syrischen Flüchtlingen in Jordanien und ihr Effekt auf das Land.

"Die internationale Gemeinschaft darf Jordanien mit den syrischen Flüchtlingen nicht allein lassen"

Hans-Gert Pöttering mit König Jordaniens zusammengetroffen

Der ehemalige Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments und Vorsitzende der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Hans-Gert Pöttering MdEP, ist am heutigen Sonntag in der jordanischen Hauptstadt Amman mit dem jordanischen König Abdullah II. zusammengetroffen.

A Research on Challenges Facing Iraqi Women Obtaining Legal Rights

KAS Amman, Women Empowerment Organization, and the Lebanese American University Beirut organized a regional roundtable on the challenges Iraqi women are facing in the process of obtaining better legal rights. Women’s rights activists, academics from the field of Gender Studies, as well as high ranking judges participated in the workshop to discuss gender discrimination in Iraqi law. The results will be collected in a research paper.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.