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Event Reports


KAS Amman Office at WOCMES 3

Dr. Martin Beck and Léa Collet attended the 3rd World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) in Barcelona. The KAS Office Amman had a book and information desk and organized a panel on “The Multi-Level Facet of Middle Eastern Security” (abstract: Moreover, Martin Beck gave a paper on “The Concept of Regional Power as Applied to the Middle East”. A detailed report will follow soon. Click here for Martin Beck’s Power Point Presentation:

Media for Youth (M4Y)

Event: Regional WorkshopDate/Place: July 7th – 13th, 2010, Media Training Site (MTS), AWMC, Amman, Jordan Concept: Mrs. Mahasen Al Emam, Dr. Martin BeckOrganisation: KAS Amman Office, Arab Women Media Center (AWMC)

Bloggers for elections’ observation

Event: Regional WorkshopDate/Place: July 3rd and 4th 2010, KAS Amman Office, Jordan Concept: Dr. Amira Mustafa, Dr. Martin BeckOrganisation: KAS Amman Office, Arab World Center for Democratic Development (UNIHRD)

The Jordanian Electoral Law and International and National Standards

Event: International Workshop, Date/Place: June 12th, 2010, GrandHyatt Hotel – Amman,Conception: Oraib Rantawi, Dr. Martin Beck, Organisation: KAS Amman, Al-Quds Center for Political Studies

Education as Leverage for Building a Culture of Peace

Event: Country WorkshopDate/Place: May 22nd, 2010, KAS Office Concept: General Mansour Abu Rashed, Dr. Martin Beck Organization: KAS Amman, Amman Center for Peace and Development

International and Arab Perspectives on the Recent Economic Crisis

Event: International WorkshopDate/Place: June 19th, 2010, American University of BeirutConception: Dr. Marcus Marktanner, Dr. Martin Beck Organisation: KAS Amman, American University of Beirut – Institute of Financial Economics

Civic Participation and Local Development: Building Effective Communities in Jordan

Event: International WorkshopDate/Place: May 27th, 2010, Mu’tah University- KarakConception: Dr. Khaled Al-Awamleh, Dr. Martin Beck, Organisation: KAS Amman, Visions Center For Strategic and Development Studies

Civic Participation and Local Development:Building Effective Communities in Jordan

Event: International WorkshopDate/Place: May 26th, 2010, Yarmuk University - IrbidConception: Dr. Khaled Awamleh, Dr. Martin Beck Organisation: KAS Amman, Visions Center For Strategic and Development Studies

Human Rights Training Program for the Education Sector Staff

Event: Regional WorkshopDate/Place: March 2nd-3rd & 9th-11th, 2010, Grand Hyatt Hotel Amman Concept: Ms. Mona El Alami, Dr. Martin BeckOrganization: KAS Amman, Jordanian Center for Civic Education Studies

Civic Participation and Local Development: Building Effective Communities in Jordan - 7. Apr. 2010

Event: Regional WorkshopDate/Place: April 7th, 2010, Al-Balqa Applied UniversityConcept: Dr. Khaled Awamleh, Dr. Martin Beck Organization: KAS Amman, Visions Center For Strategic and Development Studies

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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