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Asset Publisher

Trumps Nahost-Plan – Reaktionen aus der Region

Ein erstes Stimmungsbild aus Israel, den Palästinensischen Gebieten, Jordanien und den Golf-Staaten

US-Präsident Donald Trump stellte gemeinsam mit dem israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu am 28. Januar 2020 in Washington seinen lange als „Deal des Jahrhunderts“ angekündigten Plan für eine Lösung des Nahostkonflikts vor. Dieser Länderbericht fasst erste Reaktionen aus der Nahost-Regionen zusammen.

Survey on PVE (Preventing Violent Extremism)

The survey was conducted in December 2019 and 844 Jordanians were interviewed.

Der Tod von General Soleimani und seine Folgen

Wahrnehmung und Reaktionen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten

In den frühen Morgenstunden des 3. Januar 2020 wurde Qassem Soleimani, Kommandeur der Auslandseinheit der Iranischen Revolutionsgarden, durch einen US-Drohnenangriff bei Bagdad getötet. Das Regime in Teheran schwor blutige Rache. Ob mit dem iranischen Beschuss von US-genutzten Militärbasen im Irak der Nacht zum 8. Januar – und Trumps Verzicht auf militärische Vergeltung – die Eskalationsspirale wirklich endet, bleibt offen.

Survey: The Peace Process and Stability in the Middle East

A poll was conducted in November 2019 comprising a sample of 1,200 Jordanians. They were asked questions regarding their views on the peace process and stability in the Middle East.

Survey: Jordanians' Perceptions on Foreign Relations

A poll was conducted in August 2019, covering a sample of 1,198 Jordanians. They were asked questions regarding their opinions on Jordan's foreign relations and foreign policy.

Jordan-IMF Relations

In this paper Marwan Kardoosh outlines Jordan-IMF Relations since 1989.

The Jordanian 2019 Income Tax Law

A new Jordanian income tax law and its previous drafts sparked large protest starting in May 2018. As the new provisions within the law only directly affect around 10% of working Jordanians, they can hardly be understood to be the sole reason for the popular anger. Instead the law came in a context of steep price hikes, high poverty rates and a widespread feeling that government corruption prevents efficient use of taxpayer money. This country report looks at the new income tax law and its provisions; it highlights the challenges to the law and notes that it has brought to the open wider social discontent that is being expressed through an attitude of non-cooperation towards the government.

Trade Liberalization in Jordan and Economic Diplomacy

A Story of Qualified Success

In this article Marwan A. Kardoosh describes the history of trade liberalization in Jordan and how it has been affected by the interaction between economic diplomacy and political factors.

The Effects of the 2015 Ban of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood

In this article, Dr. Lamis El Muhtaseb analyses the effect of the 2015 ban on the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan. The Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood views its legitimacy as an indispensable part of the legitimacy of the Jordanian state itself. The movement has been spreading its message and influence for decades both inside and outside of the state. Banning the movement in 2015 has motivated the Jordanian Brotherhood to hold on to its religious message while simultaneously making political concessions to the Jordanian state.

Where is Jordan's economy heading? - Obstacles and Opportunities

An Economic Policy Analysis for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

In this report Prof. Heuermann analyses the Jordanian economy including the barriers to inclusive economic growth as well as the significant potential of the economy.