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Scholarships for Masters or PhD in Germany

Application Deadline: 12th of March 2023

If you are a socially and/or politically committed student or doctoral candidate from all disciplines with German language skills at level B2 of the European Framework of Reference and have excellent academic performance this might be interesting for you!

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Wanderer between the Worlds

Jordan’s relationship with the Arab Gulf States – An Essay

This is the translation from an essay published, in German, in ZENITH Magazine in November 2022.

Politics & Beyond

The Need for a Holisitc Approach to Empower Women

In this paper, Suha Ma’ayeh discusses the legal, social and economic barriers that hinder the participation of Jordanian women in politics. She also argues that it is important to look beyond the modest measures designed to increase the political representation of women.

Survey: The State of Political Participation and Representation in Jordan 2022

Done in cooperation with NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions

The survey engages with the respondents on their views on the issues facing Jordan today.

Public Policies for Innovation in Jordan: Realities and Ambitions

Foreword by HRH Prince el Hassan bin Talal

These policy papers are part of the project entitled «Public Policies for Innovation in Jordan: Realities and Ambitions» implemented jointly by the West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA) and the Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung (KAS) – Jordan Office. The project aims to raise awareness on the issues of importance and priority that Jordan must address in 2022 from a non-governmental perspective, cementing the culture of informing and enhancing the exchange of knowledge that can influence public policies in Jordan.

Jordan’s Approach to Syria – Interests and Policy Options

Expert Discussion

The workshop provided insight and analysis of Jordan and Syria’s status quo and dynamic in a changing geopolitical context. The discussions focused on border security and the geopolitical threats at Jordan’s northern border, policy areas of economic cooperation, refugees whilst considering the regional realities and international context.

"Jordanien gehört zu uns"

Jordan belongs with us.

The Arabian Gulf states are increasingly developing into the new powerhouse of the Middle East. In a special dossier in the winter issue of 2022, together with the specialist magazine Zenith, KAS takes a look at the developments in the Persian Gulf.

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Political Parties and Local Elections in Jordan

An Analytical Reading

This study, issued by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation-Jordan Office and Al-Quds Center for Political Studies, provides an analytical reading on the status and performance of political parties' during the 2022 municipal and governorate councils and the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) Council, as well as mayors, in the local elections following the mergence of the laws on Municipalities and “Decentralisation” into one law.

Political Parties Monitoring Report (1)

Overview of Jordan’s Political Party Landscape

In view of the recent royal initiatives to modernize the political system in Jordan and the declared aim to establish a new political system based on effective political parties, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Jordan Office and Al-Quds Center for Political Studies publish quarterly reports on Jordan’s evolving political party landscape.

The Jordan, Israel, and UAE Water-for-energy Deal

Potential and Pitfalls of Energy and Water Sharing Agreements in the Middle East | By: Hutuf Mansour, Alexander Reiffenstuel

The MENA Europe Future Energy Dialogue Conference in Jordan in June 2022 highlighted the regional significance of advancing regional cooperation to collectively counter the impacts of climate change and safeguard cross-boundary interests. However, such collaboration must be mutual-beneficial and inclusive by benefiting all involved actors to prevent further regional instability. The trilateral water-for-energy deal between Jordan, Israel, and the UAE, which sees the trade of solar energy produced in Jordan for desalinated water from Israel, illustrates how an imbalanced agreement could risk cementing regional power inequities and thus undermining stability in the long run. Nonetheless, this deal is an opportunity to diversify Jordan’s water sources and secure water access in the long term. After all, energy and water-sharing agreements in the Middle East can create important interdependencies and advance equal distribution of scarce resources, crossborder prosperity, and stabilize economies. Still, with the abstaining of the Palestinian Authority, the deal could risk reinforcing regional disparities between Palestine and Israel. Therefore, Jordan should engage in bilateral talks with the Palestinian Authority and ensure that no energy from Jordan is delivered to illegal settlements while simultaneously providing more energy and water to the Palestinian territories. Such enhancements would reduce Palestinian energy dependency on Israel, ensure domestic support in Jordan, benefit Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians alike and ideally open new channels of communication for regional conflict mediation efforts.