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Press Freedom and Media Regulation in Cambodia

Approaches and Options for Democratic Diversity

Media regulation must create a framework in democratic societies in which journalist of all media formats are able to carry out their work without interference. The Media Study analysis the current situation of the media in Cambodia and looks at options to further develop the regulatory framework for Cambodian Media to promote pluralism, objectivity and balanced programming and reporting.

Cambodian People's Party Congress

The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) held a 3-day Congress from 30th January until 1st February 2015 in Phnom Penh, intending to enhance the party’s internal organization and reputation prior to the 2017 local and 2018 national elections.

Advisory Papers on Political Party Development - Vollume III

The Organisation and Work of Political Groups in Parliaments

As indispensable instruments of the division of labor in parliament, political groups perform functions of representation, integration, legitimation, recruitmentand communication in parliaments. Internally, they carry out a service function for individual members of parliament and simultaneously secure the working capacity of theparliament. They prevent the parliamentary workflow from being overloaded by complexity and also work against the danger of deadlock that comes with too greata diversity of political interests and perspectives.

"Khmer Rouge Tribunal" - Urteilsspruch im Fall 002/01

Lebenslange Haftstrafen für die verbliebenen ranghöchsten Politiker des demokratischen Kampuchea

Fast drei Jahre nach Beginn des Prozesses im Fall 002/01 vor dem Khmer-Rouge-Tribunal ist nun am 7. August 2014 ein Urteil gefallen. Nuon Chea und Khieu Samphan wurden wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt, die im Verlauf der Zwangsumsiedlung der Bevölkerung und von Massenhinrichtungen von Lon-Nol Soldaten begangen wurden.

Ende des politischen Stillstandes in Kambodscha

Einigung zwischen CPP und der CNPR

Nach knapp einem Jahr des politischen Stillstandes einigen sich die führende Kambodschanische Volkspartei CPP (Cambodian People´s Party) sowie die oppositionelle kambodschanische Rettungspartei CNRP (Cambodia National Rescue Party) auf umfassende Reformen und schaffen damit die Grundlage für das Ende des politischen Boykotts.

Advisory Papers on Political Party Development - Volume II

Guidelines to Parliamentary Communication

Communication is at the heart of good governance. Parliaments communicate through different channels with the media and the citizens. On the one side there is the Administration of Parliaments responsible to provide politically neutral information on legislative processes, on the other hand there is the more political communication flows through the spokesperson/PR Unit of the political groups in Parliaments. This guideline aims to improve the understanding on communication functions of Parliaments and can be used by relevant stakeholders to adjust their roles and responsibilities.

Wahlen der Provinz- und Distrikträte in Kambodscha

CPP gewinnt wie erwartet die eindeutige Mehrheit der Stimmen

In Kambodscha wurden am 18. Mai 2014 Distrikt- und Provinzräte indirekt gewählt. Repräsentanten der Gemeinderäte waren aufgerufen, in indirekten Wahlen für die Neubesetzung der Räte der beiden höheren subnationalen Verwaltungsebenen zu stimmen.

Development of Cambodian Administrative Law

In Cambodia significant laws have been developed since 1993 but some building stones of a strong building called ‘rule of law’ are still missing. Whereas comprehensive legislation has been adopted in the fields of civil law and criminal law in recent years important aspects of administrative law are still not covered by modern legislation.

Parliamentary Elections 2013 and the Development of the Political Parties in Cambodia

On 28 July the Cambodian Minister of Information announced the preliminary election result: “Cambodian People’s Party (CPP): 68 seats, Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP): 55 seats, no change” came one hour after CNRP, the main opposition party, declared itself the winner of the national election, claiming 63 seats out of 120 for their own party.

Advisory Papers on Political Party Development - Volume I

Guidelines for Life and Work of Local Organisations of Political Parties

Political parties in every society are important actors in the democratic development of a country. They build the link between citizens and the government and aggregate different interests in a society. To support political parties in developing institutional capacity, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Cambodia and the Philippines jointly publish a series of small papers/guidelines on political party development focusing on the organisation of local and national political party structures.