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Event Reports


County workshop for non-state actors on good governance and monitoring the use of public funds

in 8 Counties of Kenya

Due to the passing of the new constitution and the restructuring of the administrative system to put in place the devolved government, the position of the Residents Associations (RAs) has been put in a somewhat unworkable situation as it were. Seeing this situation, KAS and Dialogue Africa Foundation (DAF) have partnered and come up with a forum that calls for the involvement of other state actors and civil society organisations (CSO’s) to chart a way forward, and start a discussion on matters of devolution and devolved funds.

The new Constitution: A challenge for political parties and leaders in Kenya – The German experience

Deutschlandseminar 15.-24.Mai 2011 in Karlsruhe and Berlin

Until a new constitution came onto effect in 2010, Kenya as a state was governed by a central government. Among many other positive provisions, the new constitution introduces a decentralised government system. Since Kenya has never had a decentralised government system there is an urgent need for responsibilities to be passed on to government structures on subordinate levels and the Kenyan citizens.Besides the continuous consultations with KAS the political parties and partners of KAS will therefore require comprehensive training on government structures of a devolved political system.

International Symposium on Devolved Government in Kenya 7th-9th of June 2011

Written by Intern Laura Mayer

On the 9th of May a three day Symposium on devolved government ended at the Kenya International Conference Centre in Nairobi. Issues discussed were the benefits and efficiency of a devolved government system, as well as the best possible ways of it’s implementation in Kenya.

Politisches Dialogprogramm in Kenia und Tansania

Im Rahmen einer Delegationsreise von Dr. Hermann Kues, ParlamentarischerStaatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend(BMFSFJ), organisierten die KAS-Auslandsbüros in Nairobi und Dar es Salaam einpolitisches Dialogprogramm zum Thema „Die Bedeutung der ChristlichenSoziallehre für die Entwicklung Afrikas“.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.