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Event Reports


Civic Participation Laws & Implementation Policies as the Basis for Effective Participation

KAS in partnership with the Mobilization Agency for Paralegal Communities in Africa (MAPACA) organized a workshop in Makueni County on 4th & 5th July to review the county public participation laws and policies. This informative platform was attended by members of Makueni County Assembly, county oversight forums and civil society members. The forum examined the efforts made in the county to improve public participation and interrogated the problematic issues surrounding those laws and policies. These discussions informed the development of an action plan which has citizens’ input for debate and consideration in the ongoing public participation bill development in Makueni County.

Empowering local structures of the CSOs to monitor policy and politics in the area of food security and disaster management.

On the 16th -17th May 2019, KAS engaged the Asal Stakeholders Forum (ASF) in West Pokot in a refresher training workshop to strengthen their capacity to influence policy and political lobbying on matters to do with food safety. The earlier sessions of the workshop looked at the general policy and political trends, the existing barriers to conducting advocacy campaigns around food security in West Pokot while providing the participants with an opportunity to connect their experiences at the county level with those at the national level.

KAS Mentoren/innen kämpfen für mehr politisches Engagement unter Kenias Jugend

13 Mentorinnen und Mentoren haben im letzten Jahr Mentoring Trainings in ganz Kenia durchgeführt. Dabei geht es um die Rolle der Jugend in der Politik, durchdachtes Wahlverhalten der Jungwähler/innen und ganz konkrete Ideen, wie sich Jugendliche in Kenia politisch einbringen können.

Cross border conflict

Cross border conflict as a factor to food safety / security

Cross border conflict has in many instances acted as one of the main impediments to food security especially among the warrying communities. In Turkana County and in particular along the border with West Pokot County, two communities that are both pastoralists with historic conflict and clashes over animals, pasture and which have experienced a protracted violent conflict are yet to find a common ground to co-exist peacefully. This problem continues to manifest in different forms amid multi-stakeholder’s approach that has tried to provide multi-faceted solutions.

International Conference on Rethinking Democracy 2018

Theme: International Trends in Elective Sytems

On 13th to 15th November, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Kenya (KAS) organized an international conference on Rethinking Democracy themed ‘International Trends in Elective Systems.’ This conference brought together political leaders, distinguished scholars, authors, media practitioners, election managers, university students and civil society representatives to deliberate and contribute to the discourse on best practices and insights on electoral management and experiences from different countries across the world.

Political dialogue on capacity building for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Early Warning System

Political dialogue has provided space for communities to hold their leaders to account on issues of disaster response

After engaging ward level stakeholders and opinion leaders on ethical principles of Disaster Response and Management at Marigat on the 19th and 20th of September 2018, community DRM structures have started holding their leaders to account.

Democracy, A Western Concept?

Democracy and Religion in Kenya

On 19th and 20th September 2018, KAS Kenya together with the Coast Interfaith Council of Clerics (CICC) held a conference themed: "Democracy, A Western Concept?”. The conference brought together different religious groups which included: Islamic, Christian, Hindu and African traditional faiths. The African Traditional Religions (ATR),the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK),the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK),the Hindu Council of Kenya (HCK),the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)and the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) were among institutions represented.

Political dialogue on capacity building for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Early Warning System

On the 19th and 20th of September 2018, KAS together with the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Baringo Office engaged various stakeholders in the field of the Disaster Risk Reduction working with communities at the ward level on best approaches for supporting the implementation of the ethical principles of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), as well as providing dialogue workshops that demystified ethical issues in DRR and disaster response.

Netzwerktreffen mit politischen Parteien

Politische Parteien in Kenia gelten als unideologisch, austauschbar und nur an Partikularinteressen interessiert. Folgerichtig verfügt die KAS in Kenia heute über keine Partnerpartei. Parteien sind aber trotz allem zentrale politische Akteure, an welchen eine politische Stiftung in ihrer Arbeit nicht vorbeikommt. Daher lud die KAS, auf Grundlage einer Studie des Parteiensystems, die drei Parteien, die am geeignetsten für eine engere Zusammenarbeit wirkten, zu einem zweitägigen Retreat an den Naivasha-See.

Participatory budget planning and monitoring for improved service delivery in Baringo County.

The participatory budget planning and monitoring forums were organized in Baringo County in three locations namely Ngetmoi, Kipsaraman and Eldama Ravine with two objectives in mind. Firstly, to strengthen the monitoring capacities of community based civil society organizations on sector budgeting and secondly was to develop and agree on baseline information with community groups that will form the basis for conducting Public Expenditure Tracking (PET) in view of improving service delivery.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.