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Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


KAS Virtual Launch of Business Heroes in Kenya

Social Ecological Market Economy

In reference to the aspect of Social Market Economy, KAS Kenya ventured to follow the journey of one Kenyan Business Hero Dr. Maxwel Okoth, founder/CEO Ruai Family Hospital, RFH Healthcare Ltd, who shares his experiences in setting up his business despite the various challenges encountered. The film will thus further enhance experience sharing and discussions on how best to integrate the SEME aspect in the country.


Mentorship Training based on the evaluation

Political Training

On the 2nd-4th of April, 2019, KAS, Kenya held a mentorship training in Mombasa, with 17 young politicians. It was a follow up on previous mentorship programs, where mentors and mentees have been taken through the process of understanding their rights, the importance of political participation, as well as getting engaged in political actions on the ground. Overall, more than 850 mentees have benefitted from the program so far, countrywide. The program further trains and strengthens the mentees in organizing and conducting their own mentorship programs as a trickle-down effect.


Use of early-warning systems: Gathering information, technical instruments, engaging government.

The CSOs trained earlier particularly the ToTs and other facilitators will be assisted by KAS to put the knowledge learnt into action by engaging in community level trainings, this time round, in light of the ongoing government budgetary process.


KAS Kenya Retreat with select political parties.

The forum will create opportunities for pre-selected political parties that are potentially partners of KAS Kenya to share their political parties beliefs vis-à-vis KAS Kenya’s work,their manifestos,activities and gaps therein.


Development of strategies to integrate data from early-warning-systems into mid-term political planning.

The activity seeks to expand the political space on the use of data from Early Warning Systems in planning within the area of food security in Baringo, and West Pokot.


Round-Table: Which framework does Kenya need for virtual markets?

The aim of the round table discussion is to stimulate discussions between entrepreneurs, politicians and IT-experts on the potential design of a framework for virtual markets in the country and this is the first of many discussions to take place.


Training on raw material-extraction in Turkana-Capacity building in project-planning for local CSOs.

The aim of the KAS intervention is, that civil society organisations (CSOs) and the youth would become active stakeholders in the definition of the project and its effects on their livelihoods.


Early-warning systems and resilience against drought: challenges and solutions

This activity will provide an interesting dimension towards promoting sustainable solutions to food insecurity by pitching the idea of accountable governance at the community level by community groups.


Strengthening the role of county representatives in the implementation of the National Anti-Drought Strategy (EDE)

Strengthen the concept of contingency plan and drought preparedness for the forthcoming dry spell Jan-March and assess the socio-economic and demographic status and to build context information on early warning through contingency planning process.

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Theatre plays with focus on issues concerning Devolution

Introductory workshop in Mombasa from 23rd to 25th May 2016

Theatre groups jointly received initial training on devolution, accountability of duty bearers and public participation through a theatre expert and developed a screenplay for an own theatre play to be staged on the ground in the ten target counties later on.

Anliegen der Jugend in Kenia: Überparteilicher Strategieplan in Kiambu County

Nachwuchskräfte politischer Parteien treten den Herausforderungen ihrer Generation entgegen

Am 19. Mai 2016 veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem „National Democratic Institute“ (NDI) und deren „Inter-Party Youth Forum“ (IPYF) einen Workshop zum Thema Beteiligung der Jugend an politischen Entscheidungsprozessen. Insgesamt 21 Jugendliche und Führungspersönlichkeiten verschiedener Parteien kamen für die Veranstaltung in Ruiru zusammen. Ziel des Workshops war es, Jugendliche zu befähigen und zu motivieren, sich verstärkt in politische Entscheidungsprozesse einzubringen und Verantwortung zu übernehmen, sowie Führungsfähigkeiten auszubauen.

Launch des “Ending Drought Emergencies (EDE)”–Programms in West Pokot County

KAS unterstützt Launch Event mit mehr als 140 Teilnehmern aus dem Bereich des Managements von Dürrekatastrophen

Am 25. April 2016 lancierte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gemeinsam mit der “National Drought Management Authority (NDMA)” und der County Regierung von West Pokot das auf sechs Säulen basierende Programm „Ending Drought Emergencies (EDE)“. Der offizielle Start der Initiative wurde von einem Launch Event im Yang’at Centre in Makutano begleitet und wurde von über 140 Teilnehmern besucht.

Launch of “Ending Drought Emergencies (EDE)” Common Programme Framework in West Pokot County

KAS supports launch event to strengthen awareness on EDE and brings more than 140 stakeholders within the field of droug

On 25th April 2016 the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in conjunction with the “National Drought Management Authority (NDMA)” and the County Government of West Pokot launched the Common Programme Framework on “Ending Drought Emergencis” (EDE) pillars in West Pokot County.

The Third Annual Devolution Conference

19. – 22. April 2016

The PTD project team participated in the third annual devolution conference in Meru National Polytecnic in Meru County. The conference took place from 19th to 23rd April 2016 and drew more than 5000 participants from National Level and from all of the 47 Counties.

Diskussionsforum in Baringo zu den vorläufigen Ergebnissen der Studie über Frühwarnsysteme

Stakeholder entwickeln gemeinsamen Handlungsplan zur Umsetzung der Säule 5 der “Ending Drought Emergencies”-Initiative

Am 22. April 2016 veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Baringo ein Diskussionsforum für 41 Stakeholder. Die Diskussionsgrundlage bildeten die Ergebnisse einer von der KAS in Auftrag gegebenen Studie in den Counties Baringo und West Pokot, welche die Stärken sowie Schwächen von Frühwarnsystemen aus politischer und administrativer Sicht untersuchte.

Stakeholders’ Discussion Forum in Baringo on the Preliminary Findings of the KAS-study on Early Warning Systems

Participants develop a draft of a multi-stakeholders’ plan for operationalizing pillar 5 of the “Ending Drought Emergenc

On 22nd April 2016, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organized a one day stakeholders’ discussion forum held in Kabarnet, Baringo. The event brought on board 41 representatives from across the national and county government institutions, community and group representatives as well as non-state actors working within the field of food security and drought management in Baringo County. Main topics of the discussion were the findings of a study on Early Warning Systems (EWSs) commissioned by KAS, which was conducted both in Baringo and West Pokot Counties.

Advocacy-Kampagnen zum Thema „Nahrungssicherheit“ im Rahmen der BMZ-Sonderinitiative „Eine Welt ohne Hunger“ – Workshop

Vom 6. bis zum 8. April 2016 veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Kenia in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ASAL Stakeholder Forum (ASF) einen Workshop, der nichtstaatliche Akteure West Pokots im Rahmen der BMZ-Sonderinitiative „Eine Welt ohne Hunger“ über Strategien im Bereich von Advocacy-Kampagnen im Feld der Ernährungssicherheit informierte. Die Teilnehmer des Workshops diskutierten unter anderem intensiv über Möglichkeiten und verschiedene Ansätze, die Rechte der Zielgruppe noch effizienter umsetzen und implementieren zu können.

Sustained Advocacy Campaigns for Food Security: Strengthening Structures & Strategies of Non-State Actors in West Pokot

From 6th to 8th April 2016, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Kenya in partnership with the ASAL Stakeholders Forum (ASF) West Pokot Chapter, organized a capacity building and sensitization training on the topic of food security.

"Government Procurement und Entrepreneurship"

Inklusion und demokratische Teilhabe marginalisierter Gruppen

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat einen Workshop in Baringo organisiert, um über Konzepte sozialer Gerechtigkeit im Kontext der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und vor dem Hintergrund der kenianischen Rechtstheorie wie –praxis zum Schutz sozial benachteiligter Gruppen zu informieren sowie über Möglichkeiten zu diskutieren, die – z.T. gesetzlich verankerten – Rechte der Zielgruppe auch implementieren und umsetzen zu können.