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Advanced Democracy for Sustainable Peace

Advanced Democracy for Sustainable Peace
Advanced Democracy for Peace (AD 4 Peace) is an NGO based in Lebanon. It was founded in 2016 to promote the culture of democracy and dialog and seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts by peaceful means. The organization conducts seminars, workshops, studies and media campaigns, and is active in a range of fields reaching from cultural and social to educational and leisure topics.
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ADYAN Foundation

Adyan Stiftung
تأسّست أديان في 6 آب 2006، وهي مؤسّسة لبنانيّة للدراسات الدينيّة والتضامن الروحي. ينتمي الأعضاء المؤسِّسون إلى المسيحيّة والإسلام، وهم: فادي ضو (أستاذ في اللاهوت الأساسي والفلسفة السياسية)، نايلا طبارة ( أستاذة في علوم الأديان والإسلاميّات)، طوني صوما (مسؤول تربوي وباحث في علم النفس الإجتماعي)، ميراي مطر (معلّمة وعاملة إجتماعية) وسماح حلواني (باحثة ومحاضرة في علم إجتماع النزاع).المؤسّسة مسجّلة في لبنان، وفق قانون الجمعيّات الغير حكوميّة والتي لا تتوخّى الربح، تحت رقم 1103، بمرسوم من وزير الداخليّة بتاريخ 18 أيلول 2008.أديان هي مؤسّسة مستقلّة ومنفتحة على مختلف الجماعات الدينيّة. تُحقِّق رسالتها في لبنان، كما في المنطقة والعالم، عبر برامجها في المجالات المختلفة كالثقافيّة والتربويّة والإجتماعيّة والروحيّة. وبالإضافة إلى أعضاء الجمعيّة، يرتبط بالمؤسّسة، عبر التزامهم بمبادئها ودعمها بأشكال متعدّدة، ثلاث شبكات من المتطوّعين والمستشارين والأصدقاء.
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AL-JANA/ Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts (ARCPA)

AL-JANA_ Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts (ARCPA)

Arab Center for Dialogue

Arab Center for Dialogue

Beirut Art Center

Beirut Art Center

Centre d'Analyse des Différends et leurs Modes de Solutions (CADMOS)

Centre d'Analyse des Différends et leurs Modes de Solutions (CADMOS)

Center for Development Democracy and Governance (CDDG)

Center for Development Democracy and Governance (CDDG)

Central Research House (CRH)

Central Research House (CRH)

Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS)

Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS)

Dawaer Foundation

Dawaer Stiftung

Democracy Reporting International (DRI)

Democracy Reporting International (DRI)

Democratic Renewal Movement (DRM)

Democratic Renewal Movement (DRM)

EDGE for Lebanon

EDGE for Lebanon

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) of the American University of Beirut is an independent research and policy-oriented institute. Inaugurated in 2006, the institute aims to harness, develop, and initiate policy-relevant research in the Arab-region. The IFI is committed to expanding and deepening knowledge production in and about the Arab region and to creating a space for the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas among researchers, civil society actors and policy-makers.
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Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE)

Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE)

Lebanese Association for Mediation and Conciliation (LAMAC)

Lebanese Association for Mediation and Conciliation (LAMAC)

The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS)

Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS)
المركز اللبناني للدراسات السياسية ومقره في بيروت هو مؤسسة مستقلة غير ربحية للبحوث. يهتم المركز بقضايا التنمية السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية في لبنان والمنطقة العربية والعالم. وينشر المعهد دراسات وينظم مؤتمرات تهدف الى تحسين السياسات العامة بعد تحليلها. كما يقوم المركز بإصدار مواد إما مطبوعة أو منشورة إالكترونيا لزيادة الوعي العام بالقضايا السياسية الحرجة.
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Lebanese Forces (LF)

Lebanese Forces (LF)

The Lebanese Organisation for Studies and Training (LOST)

The Lebanese Organisation for Studies and Training (LOST)

Leadership for Sustainable Development (LSD)

Leadership for Sustainable Development (LSD)





Media Association for Peace (MAP)

Media Association for Peace (MAP)

Maison du Futur

Maison du Futur
Maison du Futur (MDF) is a research, analysis and dialogue institute based in Beirut that explores viable alternative futures for the Middle East with a special focus on Lebanon. Founded in 1975 and re-launched after the Lebanese civil war, Maison du Futur aims at providing a platform to formulate short and mid-term strategies for sustainable economic development, legitimate government, religious pluralism, and minority rights in the Arab World. In order to achieve their mission, MDF holds events with international and regional experts on a regular basis, deepening the discourse on current issues and keeping the debate relevant.
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Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies (MEIRSS)

Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies (MEIRSS)

Municipality of Ersal

Gemeinde Arsal

Notre Dame University - Louaize (NDU)

Notre Dame University - Louaize (NDU)

Office of the Minister of State for Women's Affairs (OMSWA)

Office of the Minister of State for Women's Affairs (OMSWA)

Saer Al-Mashrek

Saer Al-Mashrek

Sharq for Citizen Development

Sharq for Citizen Development
Active in the region since 2011, the non-profit organization aims to promote and strengthen pluralism and independent thought throughout the Arab world. It aims to give Arab citizens a platform and to engage in honest productive interactions. Sharq for Citizen Development does so through various training and publishing activities and by hosting events that promote and enable exchange of expertise, experience and ideas.
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Statistics Lebanon

Statistics Lebanon

Tripoli Special Economic Zone (TSEZ)

Tripoli Special Economic Zone (TSEZ)



Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth - Observatoire de la Fonction Publique et de la Bonne Gouvernance (USJ-OFP)

Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth - Observatoire de la Fonction Publique et de la Bonne Gouvernance (USJ-OFP)