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On Lost and Mutable Things

About Artistic and Cultural Practices in Times of Uprising and Crisis

In the framework of its Syria project, the Lebanon office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung presents the results of a meeting on artistic and cultural practices during the Syrian crisis.

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In times of crisis and war, art plays an important role in overcoming and handling loss and in creating an identity. Art is a means against social alienation and for bridging communication gaps. Since the beginning, the Syrian uprising and its later development into a political, social and humanitarian crisis have been accompanied by an art movement. Within a short period of time, political and social appreciation of art has been transformed, and artists gained in importance.

The meeting of nine Syrian artists will further creative exchange and self-reflection. The participants will take a critical look at the institutional reduction of art and culture and comment on current events. Their works will show how a transparent and reflective analysis of the Syrian crisis contributes to the personal process of overcoming it. The results of the workshop will be presented to the public at Mansion from 27th to 30th September 2014.

More information is available on Mansion’s website.

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Mansion, Zuqaq al-Blat, Beirut


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Hana Nasser

Die Teilnehmer des Workshops "Verlorenes und Wandelbares" Hana Nasser

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