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Launch of KAS Study, “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa”- Berlin

Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on 17th February, in Berlin, Germany


Launch of KAS Study, “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa”- Brussels

Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on 20th February, in Brussels, Belgium


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Local Journalism Conference 2025 and KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award

Strengthening Local Journalists for Democratic Elections, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

From 4 to 6 March 2025, KAS Media Africa will convene a vital conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, bringing together editors, journalists, and media experts from across Africa and Germany. The event will focus on the role of local newsrooms in election reporting, ensuring fair and transparent coverage in an era of disinformation, political influence, and evolving technology.


Adenauer Media Lecture: The Role of Public Service Broadcasting in a Democracy, Lessons from Germany

The Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at Wits University, Johannesburg on the 18th of March 2025, with Keynote Speaker, Dr. Peter Frey


Launch of KAS Media Africa’s First Comic Book, 19th of March in Johannesburg, South Africa

Bringing Journalism to Life: Exploring Truth and Combating Disinformation and AI in Journalism

KAS Media Africa is proud to present the launch of an innovative journalistic comic book “Currents of Truth”, that blends investigative journalism with dynamic storytelling. Written by Ryan Pedro and illustrated by Careshia Esperanza, this graphic novel follows a young journalist’s quest to expose corruption and fight disinformation in an AI-driven world.


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Annual Conference of the International Association of Religion Journalists

Enhancing Accuracy, Empathy, and Best Practices in Religion Journalism, the conference will be taking place from 14 to 15 April, in Nairobi, Kenya

KAS Media Africa will support this year's International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) Conference, which will take place at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, Kenya. This event will provide a platform for journalists and journalism students to exchange best practices, strengthen accuracy in reporting, and build empathy in covering religious topics across Africa.

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KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Call for Submissions 2025

KAS Media Africa invites you to make your submissions in English or French for consideration.

Local journalism is what makes the media and its audiences tick. It is the stories around us and about us, that speak to the situation in a country. Moreover, local news, if presented professionally, can be elevated to national level and sometimes, even make international headlines. Many local journalists struggle daily with breaking international news down to a local level.


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KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications Return with New Insights!

KAS Media Africa will support this years “Managing Conflict in Today’s Newsroom”


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Roundtable Discussion: Russia vs Ukraine – An African Lens

Examining Conflict Reporting and Global Perspectives, with Nataliya Gumenyuk

KAS Media Africa will be supporting a compelling roundtable discussion with esteemed Ukrainian journalist and author, Nataliya Gumenyuk. Specializing in conflict reporting, Gumenyuk brings insights into the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. This engaging event will take place on 25 November 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00 at the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.


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2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption.

Join us for the 2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit, 13 to 14 November in Harare, Zimbabwe, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.


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The 20th African Investigative Journalism Conference

KAS Media Africa supports African Investigative Journalism

The largest gathering of investigative journalists, trainers and experts in Africa will return to Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa once again this October


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Sustainable Journalism Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania

Transforming Journalism Education in East Africa

KAS Media Africa supports a groundbreaking workshop aimed at integrating sustainability into journalism curricula across East Africa.


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Conference on Public Service Broadcasting 2024

How to Rejuvenate Public Service Broadcasting Africa

KAS Media Africa is due to host its second conference on the revitalisation of public service broadcasting.


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2024 Africa Facts Summit Accra, Ghana

From Chaos to Clarity: Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption

Study and information programme

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Local Journalism Award Winners Visit Germany

Dialogue Programme for KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award 2024 Winners

This year's edition of the KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award hail from Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. They will converge in Berlin to begin a week-long dialogue programme with local newsrooms, before moving to Leipzig for the second leg of the meetings.


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Adenauer Media Lecture

Television is dead, long live television!

The second Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, on 27 August 2024.

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"Important for the political opposition"

Web TV Workshop in Angola

The participants in Angola were quite amazed when suddenly theory turned into practice. They had been listening attentively to the web-TV presentation when the unexpected occurred: With a cameraman at his side, lecturer Markus Brauckmann, director of KAS Media Africa, did a spontaneous interview with several of the assembled political communicators, firsthand and unaffected. The activity was meant to demonstrate how simple and efficient internet television can really be.

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel trifft KAS-Partner in Angola

Bei ihrem Angola-Besuch hat sich Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auch mit den lokalen Partnern der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung getroffen. In einem Hintergrundgespräch zur Situation der Zivilgesellschaft in Angola unterhielt sie sich unter anderem mit Claudio Emanuel, Journalist bei dem von der KAS geförderten Radiosender „Despertar“, und dem angolanischen Rapper MC Kapa. Moderiert wurde die Diskussionsrunde von Holger Haibach, der seit Kurzem das Länderbüro der KAS für Namibia und Angola leitet.

Adressing Tomorrow's Media Challenges

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Welcome to Wits Journalism! Speaking at the department’s recent mini-seminar series, Markus Brauckmann, director of the KAS Media Africa programme, told delegates that political parties operating in the region can raise their profile if they emulate their counterparts overseas, where Internet TV has successfully been used as a campaigning tool. Brauckmann managed the Internet TV operation of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, during her successful re-election campaign in 2009.

Von Radio bis Web-TV: Die Herausforderungen von morgen

Aktuelle Veranstaltungsreihe - die Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Web TV ist einer der zukunftsträchtigen Instrumente im Werkzeugkasten der Medien und politischen Kommunikation. Die journalistische Fakultät der Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg hatte deshalb den Leiter des regionalen Medienprogramms Subsahara-Afrika, Markus Brauckmann, als Dozenten eingeladen. Brauckmann, der 2009 im Bundestagswahlkampf das Web TV der CDU geleitet hatte, sprach im Rahmen der angesehenen „Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series“ vor angehenden Journalisten, Studenten und Professoren.

Dr. Klaus Schüler: "A successful premiere" - The first KAS E-lection Bridge Africa

Top African and German political communicators meeting in Accra/Ghana

Praise for the premiere came from a qualified source. “That was an amazing experience,” commented Dr. Klaus Schüler on the first E-lection Bridge Africa conference from April 29th to May 2nd in Accra. The CDU General Manager, who is considered one of the world’s leading experts on political communication, travelled to Ghana as one of the speakers at the summit of African and German campaign experts. “I am extremely impressed with this meeting,” he pronounced about the initiative from KAS Media Africa.

Dr. Schüler: "Die Zweibahnstrasse funktioniert hervorragend"

Die erste Konferenz der KAS E-lection Bridge Africa in Accra/Ghana

Das Lob für die Premiere kam aus berufenem Munde. „Das war eine großartige Erfahrung“, kommentierte Dr. Klaus Schüler die erste Konferenz der „E-lection Bridge Africa“ vom 29. April bis 2. Mai in Accra. Der CDU-Bundesgeschäftsführer, der weltweit zu den führenden Köpfen der Politischen Kommunikation zählt, war als Referent zum Gipfeltreffen von afrikanischen und deutschen Wahlkampfexperten nach Ghana gereist. „Ich bin ausgesprochen beeindruckt von diesem Meeting“, urteilte er über die Initiative von KAS Medien Afrika.

Twittern und Web-TV: digitale Wahlhelfer in der Republik Südafrika

Workshop in Durban mit dem "Multi Party"-Ansatz

Ob Onlinewerbung auf Facebook, die Verteilung des Parteiprogramms auf Memory-Sticks oder interaktive Kommunikation via Twitter: Quer durch Südafrikas Parteienlandschaft experimentieren die Wahlkampfstrategen derzeit mit den neuen digitalen Instrumenten der Politischen Kommunikation.

Simba, Chui und Duma - Wahlkampf 2.0 in Tansania

Digitale Politische Kommunikation in Dar es Salaam

Wahlkampf auf Kisuaheli in Tansania: Simba (der Löwe) ist stolz und stark. Chui (der Leopard) kann auf seine List und Schläue zählen. Und Duma (der Gepard) saust schnell wie der Wind. „Alles Eigenschaften, die einen guten Wahlkämpfer ausmachen“, lächelt Stefan Reith, der KAS-Repräsentant in Dar es Salaam – und benennt dann drei Arbeitsgruppen nach den berühmten Tieren der Region. Die Teilnehmer applaudieren spontan. Willkommen zur abschließenden Übung des Workshops „Introducing the Digital Toolkit – for Political Parties in Campaigns and Beyond“ am 9. April in Dar/Tansania.

Basic Communication in Zimbabwe

Harare: Training councillors and committee members

Three, two, one – action! The camera starts rolling and the three local politicians are visibly nervous. But the trio are not deterred. They deliver their statements accurately, and are rewarded with hearty applause from the participants. Welcome to the final exercise of the successful workshop, ‘Fundamentals of Communication: Theory and Practice’, in Harare, Zimbabwe on March 8-9, 2011, a KAS Media Africa project, with support from KAS Zimbabwe.

Demokratische Kräfte vor Ort stärken - Grundlagen der Kommunikation

Erfolgreicher Workshop für Lokalpolitiker in Simbabwe

Drei, zwei, eins – Aufnahme. Die Kamera läuft und eine leichte Nervosität ist den drei Lokalpolitikern anzumerken. Doch das Trio lässt sich nicht beirren. Präzise liefern sie ihre Statements ab – belohnt mit einem kräftigen Applaus der Teilnehmer. Willkommen zur abschließenden Übung des erfolgreichen Workshops „Grundlagen der Kommunikation: Theorie und Praxis“ in Harare/Simbabwe am 8. und 9. März 2011, einem Projekt von KAS Medien Afrika - unterstützt von KAS Simbabwe.