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Launch of KAS Study, “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa”- Berlin

Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on 17th February, in Berlin, Germany


Launch of KAS Study, “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa”- Brussels

Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on 20th February, in Brussels, Belgium


fully booked

Local Journalism Conference 2025 and KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award

Strengthening Local Journalists for Democratic Elections, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

From 4 to 6 March 2025, KAS Media Africa will convene a vital conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, bringing together editors, journalists, and media experts from across Africa and Germany. The event will focus on the role of local newsrooms in election reporting, ensuring fair and transparent coverage in an era of disinformation, political influence, and evolving technology.


Adenauer Media Lecture: The Role of Public Service Broadcasting in a Democracy, Lessons from Germany

The Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at Wits University, Johannesburg on the 18th of March 2025, with Keynote Speaker, Dr. Peter Frey


Launch of KAS Media Africa’s First Comic Book, 19th of March in Johannesburg, South Africa

Bringing Journalism to Life: Exploring Truth and Combating Disinformation and AI in Journalism

KAS Media Africa is proud to present the launch of an innovative journalistic comic book “Currents of Truth”, that blends investigative journalism with dynamic storytelling. Written by Ryan Pedro and illustrated by Careshia Esperanza, this graphic novel follows a young journalist’s quest to expose corruption and fight disinformation in an AI-driven world.


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Annual Conference of the International Association of Religion Journalists

Enhancing Accuracy, Empathy, and Best Practices in Religion Journalism, the conference will be taking place from 14 to 15 April, in Nairobi, Kenya

KAS Media Africa will support this year's International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) Conference, which will take place at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, Kenya. This event will provide a platform for journalists and journalism students to exchange best practices, strengthen accuracy in reporting, and build empathy in covering religious topics across Africa.

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KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Call for Submissions 2025

KAS Media Africa invites you to make your submissions in English or French for consideration.

Local journalism is what makes the media and its audiences tick. It is the stories around us and about us, that speak to the situation in a country. Moreover, local news, if presented professionally, can be elevated to national level and sometimes, even make international headlines. Many local journalists struggle daily with breaking international news down to a local level.


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KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications Return with New Insights!

KAS Media Africa will support this years “Managing Conflict in Today’s Newsroom”


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Roundtable Discussion: Russia vs Ukraine – An African Lens

Examining Conflict Reporting and Global Perspectives, with Nataliya Gumenyuk

KAS Media Africa will be supporting a compelling roundtable discussion with esteemed Ukrainian journalist and author, Nataliya Gumenyuk. Specializing in conflict reporting, Gumenyuk brings insights into the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. This engaging event will take place on 25 November 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00 at the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.


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2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption.

Join us for the 2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit, 13 to 14 November in Harare, Zimbabwe, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.


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The 20th African Investigative Journalism Conference

KAS Media Africa supports African Investigative Journalism

The largest gathering of investigative journalists, trainers and experts in Africa will return to Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa once again this October


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Sustainable Journalism Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania

Transforming Journalism Education in East Africa

KAS Media Africa supports a groundbreaking workshop aimed at integrating sustainability into journalism curricula across East Africa.


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Conference on Public Service Broadcasting 2024

How to Rejuvenate Public Service Broadcasting Africa

KAS Media Africa is due to host its second conference on the revitalisation of public service broadcasting.


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2024 Africa Facts Summit Accra, Ghana

From Chaos to Clarity: Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption

Study and information programme

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Local Journalism Award Winners Visit Germany

Dialogue Programme for KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award 2024 Winners

This year's edition of the KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award hail from Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. They will converge in Berlin to begin a week-long dialogue programme with local newsrooms, before moving to Leipzig for the second leg of the meetings.


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Adenauer Media Lecture

Television is dead, long live television!

The second Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, on 27 August 2024.

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Première E-lection Bridge Academy francophone

In Ouagadougou tagen zwölf junge Politiker aus Westafrika

Douze jeunes politiciens d'Afrique de l'Ouest se réunissent à Ouagadougou

WITS Radio Academy

# Storytellers: Return to old values to look forward


The business models are forever changing, but the community, or listeners, will always remain a constant feature. No matter how the radio of tomorrow will look like, from podcasts to fact-checks – the core of the radio was and will always be the listeners and their stories, which are told by journalists. This is the reason why the radio of the future won`t disappear.

IPI World Congress in Abuja: Why Good Journalism Matters

In late June, Abuja, Nigeria’s political and media capital, was the host city of the annual International Press Institute World Congress bringing together over 200 editors, media executives and top journalists from the global network whose mission it is to defend media freedom and uphold the highest standards of journalism. This year’s conference theme was “Why Good Journalism Matters: Quality Media for Strong Societies”.

#AfricaBlogging meets in Harare

The 4th conference of African bloggers organized by KAS Media Africa and KAS Zimbabwe. Participants at the conference (from the 5th to 7th of June) deliberated on a range of topics including fake news, manipulation of algorithms and government-planted rogue bloggers.

Politics in Africa need marathon runners

8th Edition of E-lection Bridge in Kampala, Uganda

How to keep voters happy after an important election or present necessary compromises after coalition negotiations? That was the topic discussed by delegates to the 8th E-lection Bridge Africa from the 21st to 25th of May in Kampala, Uganda.

The branding of bloggers – #Africablogging breaks down boundaries on historic Ile de Gorée

What does it mean to be a successful blogger in this strange post-truth world of social media, fake news and diminished credibility? Away from the lifestyle and foodie blogs, what is the role of socially- and politically-focused African bloggers – to provide analysis of the issues of our day, to offer an alternative voice or to remain independent and credible at all costs?

Journalism in times of fake news and dwindling resources

KAS in Global Investigative Journalism Conference Johannesburg

Don’t forget the voters

7. E-lection Bridge in Dar es Salaam, Tansania

7th E-lection Bridge in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

E-lection Bridge Academy: Exploring the appeal and possibilities of integrating social media into political campaigns

In the new world of unanticipated election outcomes it is clear that the fundamentals of political campaigning are changing, with online and social media voter engagement becoming increasingly more significant. The possibilities for integrating social media into political campaigns was a key theme for the group of fifteen young political communicators from seven countries across Africa who gathered in Nairobi, Kenya recently for the KAS E-lection Bridge Academy workshop.

#futuretuned: Three steps to the radio of tomorrow

Meanwhile the Radio Days Africa are a popular conference for media makers throughout the country

Listen, watch, share: It is all about sociability and a digital strategy that will pave the way for successful radio in the future. Social media platforms help radio stations develop a social brand, which especially attracts young listeners; audience participation and interaction are key elements.