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Launch of KAS Study, “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa”- Berlin

Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on 17th February, in Berlin, Germany


Launch of KAS Study, “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa”- Brussels

Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on 20th February, in Brussels, Belgium


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Local Journalism Conference 2025 and KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award

Strengthening Local Journalists for Democratic Elections, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

From 4 to 6 March 2025, KAS Media Africa will convene a vital conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, bringing together editors, journalists, and media experts from across Africa and Germany. The event will focus on the role of local newsrooms in election reporting, ensuring fair and transparent coverage in an era of disinformation, political influence, and evolving technology.


Adenauer Media Lecture: The Role of Public Service Broadcasting in a Democracy, Lessons from Germany

The Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at Wits University, Johannesburg on the 18th of March 2025, with Keynote Speaker, Dr. Peter Frey


Launch of KAS Media Africa’s First Comic Book, 19th of March in Johannesburg, South Africa

Bringing Journalism to Life: Exploring Truth and Combating Disinformation and AI in Journalism

KAS Media Africa is proud to present the launch of an innovative journalistic comic book “Currents of Truth”, that blends investigative journalism with dynamic storytelling. Written by Ryan Pedro and illustrated by Careshia Esperanza, this graphic novel follows a young journalist’s quest to expose corruption and fight disinformation in an AI-driven world.


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Annual Conference of the International Association of Religion Journalists

Enhancing Accuracy, Empathy, and Best Practices in Religion Journalism, the conference will be taking place from 14 to 15 April, in Nairobi, Kenya

KAS Media Africa will support this year's International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) Conference, which will take place at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, Kenya. This event will provide a platform for journalists and journalism students to exchange best practices, strengthen accuracy in reporting, and build empathy in covering religious topics across Africa.

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KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Call for Submissions 2025

KAS Media Africa invites you to make your submissions in English or French for consideration.

Local journalism is what makes the media and its audiences tick. It is the stories around us and about us, that speak to the situation in a country. Moreover, local news, if presented professionally, can be elevated to national level and sometimes, even make international headlines. Many local journalists struggle daily with breaking international news down to a local level.


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KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications Return with New Insights!

KAS Media Africa will support this years “Managing Conflict in Today’s Newsroom”


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Roundtable Discussion: Russia vs Ukraine – An African Lens

Examining Conflict Reporting and Global Perspectives, with Nataliya Gumenyuk

KAS Media Africa will be supporting a compelling roundtable discussion with esteemed Ukrainian journalist and author, Nataliya Gumenyuk. Specializing in conflict reporting, Gumenyuk brings insights into the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. This engaging event will take place on 25 November 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00 at the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.


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2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption.

Join us for the 2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit, 13 to 14 November in Harare, Zimbabwe, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.


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The 20th African Investigative Journalism Conference

KAS Media Africa supports African Investigative Journalism

The largest gathering of investigative journalists, trainers and experts in Africa will return to Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa once again this October


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Sustainable Journalism Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania

Transforming Journalism Education in East Africa

KAS Media Africa supports a groundbreaking workshop aimed at integrating sustainability into journalism curricula across East Africa.


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Conference on Public Service Broadcasting 2024

How to Rejuvenate Public Service Broadcasting Africa

KAS Media Africa is due to host its second conference on the revitalisation of public service broadcasting.


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2024 Africa Facts Summit Accra, Ghana

From Chaos to Clarity: Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption

Study and information programme

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Local Journalism Award Winners Visit Germany

Dialogue Programme for KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award 2024 Winners

This year's edition of the KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award hail from Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. They will converge in Berlin to begin a week-long dialogue programme with local newsrooms, before moving to Leipzig for the second leg of the meetings.


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Adenauer Media Lecture

Television is dead, long live television!

The second Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, on 27 August 2024.

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Like, Post, Share – The Power of Social Media in Campaigning

Report on the E-lection Bridge Academy in Johannesburg by Tanja Schreiner

„Young people are extremely important. And it is crucial to start things early in life”, Norbert Mao, chairman of the Uganda Democratic Party, emphasized during the first E-lection Bridge Academy in Johannesburg. Mao, who was a candidate in Uganda’s last presidential elections, started campaigning for the local student parliament early in his life.

Freiheit und Demokratie fördern in einer multipolaren Welt

Mitarbeiterkonferenz Afrika und Naher Osten der KAS in Arusha/Tansania

Eröffnet durch Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, Vorsitzender der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, fand vom 1. bis 7. September 2013 die Mitarbeiterkonferenz aller Leiter der Auslandbüros der Stiftung in Afrika und im Nahen Osten statt. Neben Gesprächen mit hochrangigen Vertretern von BMZ und GIZ standen die Themen „Politischer Islam“, sicherheitspolitische Fragen, „Rohstoffökonomien, Entwicklung und Demokratie“ sowie das Verhältnis zu den politischen Partnern der KAS im Mittelpunkt der Tagung in der tansanischen Stadt Arusha, dem Sitz der East African Community.

From Taxi Radio to Solar Radio: Challenges and Opportunities for Africa’s Most Important Medium

Report on the Joburg Radio Days 2013 by Tanja Schreiner

“It was a real career highlight to get to come to South Africa and speak at the conference,” Sam Cavanagh from Southern Cross Austere in Australia reported after the fourth edition of Joburg Radio Days that was held from July 3 – 5, 2013 at the Wits Club at Wits University. As before, the conference aimed to bring together people from public, community and commercial radio to discuss issues of common concern. With some 160 delegates from 12 countries attending, feedback throughout was very positive.

Innovation Africa – Afrolabs boom

Hundreds of people crowded on a platform at the Berlin Station. Little queues appeared at the entrance - a mixture of young, old, European and the world. What they all have in common is their interest in innovation. Numerous bloggers, journalists and internet experts assembled from 6th to 8th May in Berlin for re:publica, one of Europe’s biggest internet and social media conferences. Under this year’s slogan, “In/Sight/Out”, they discussed the increasing integration of online and offline life. Unusual for an international technology congress, there was a strong focus on the African continent.

Mutual problems, collective solutions

E-lection Bridge 2013 in Windhoek

African elections are often confronted with manageable expectations from a worldwide community that hope for as little bloodletting as possible and mostly democratic elections whose outcome does not endanger the stability of the particular region. The omnipresent reports about buying of votes, clan politics and intimidation among political opponents, bedim the fact that there are nevertheless plenty of ambitiously executed election campaigns which are based on modern means of political communication.

„Ein neuer Blick auf Afrika“

Fachgespräch über wirtschaftliche Perspektiven für Deutschland in Afrikas Rohstoffsektor

Große Chancen, manche Risiken: Beim Fachgespräch „Deutsche Wirtschaftsinteressen und afrikanische Rohstoffe – Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeit und Transparenz in einer globalisierten Welt“ haben sich Vertreter der Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik im Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Berlin getroffen.

Freedom of expression and more: African Media Leaders Forum in Dakar

New Director of KAS Media Africa introduced

The African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF) celebrated its fifth year anniversary in Dakar. 350 African media owners and top journalists participated - more than ever before. The conference strengthened its place as the most important network meeting in the African media landscape. At this occasion the incumbent head of the KAS Media Africa, Mr. Markus Brauckmann, introduced his successor, Mr. Christian Echle.

Ideas & Innovations on Silicon Island

Welcome to the ANIC/TechCamp in Zanzibar - The Finalists Workshop

A whiff of Silicon Valley drifted over Zanzibar. The participants at the TechCamp had exactly three minutes to convince the listeners of their various start-up ideas. Then the bell rang and the next one got a turn. The point of the exercise, which is more commonly used to woo venture capitalists: to clearly articulate their proposed plan and to inspire the audience. Alluding to the legendary region of IT founders in California, one of the conference participants in Zanzibar joked that, “We’re here right now on Silicon Island.”

Radio Days: Chances And Challenges For An Important Medium

Regional Conference at Wits University in Johannesburg, by Stefan Möhl

“Will radio remain the most important medium on the continent?” This question from Professor Franz Kruger, Director of the WITS Radio Academy, launched the regional conference, Joburg Radio Days 2012. The top-class speaker’s remarks then inspired vibrant discussions about the chances and challenges for the medium in Africa.

Crossing The E-lection Bridge Africa - Towards New Horizons In The Region

CDU General Manager Dr. Klaus Schüler praises KAS Media Africa initiative as "the way to go"

The driver slowly maneuvers the bus full of E-lection Bridge Africa participants over the dirt road to the backstage area. On an open-air ground in Tanzania’s capital, Dar es Salaam, the opposition party CHADEMA has called a mass rally. Around 20,000 enthusiastic supporters followed the call. They fill the barren area with life. “People’s – Power!” the crowd chants, CHADEMA’s acoustic trademark.