There are currently no events planned.
Specialist conference
Africa Media Leadership Conference
Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle im digitalen Zeitalter
Leading African media executives are preparing to gather in Tanzania in September, for the 2010 edition of our Africa Media Leadership Conference (AMLC). This year’s summit will focus on finding “Sustainable Media Business Models in the Digital Age”.
Forum of African Media Educators (FAME)
Conference in the context of WJEC
The Forum of African Media Educators, FAME, convened several highly successful meetings during the second World Journalism Education Congress, which took place in the small South African university town of Gramhamstown 5-7 July 2010.
Soccer World Cup 2010
A Mass Event and its Influence on South Africa
Vuvuzelas, flags and happy faces. Is that the World Cup in South Africa? The Media Programme sub-Sahara Africa invited 17 journalists from Germany and Africa. Together they will report about the World Cup and its impact on South Africa.
Peace- and Conflictreporting
Workshop with Journalalists from both state and private media
Specialist conference
Africa Media Leadership Conference 2009
Learning from the Future: Africa’s Media Map in 2029
This year’s Africa Media Leadership Conference seeks to peer into the unknown 20 short years from now as rampant media technologies dramatically re-define who we are, our media business and our journalism.
Political Marketing and Campaigning
Workshop, organized by the Media Programme for Sub-Sahara Africa and the Uganda Country Office.
Media Training on the living object
Workshop for TV- and Radiojournalists during South Africa's elections
Specialist conference
1st European – African Broadcasters meeting
Germany and South Africa at the ballot boxes
In front of the Parliamentary Elections in Germany and South Africa politicians, media manager and journalists from both countries are meeting to discuss the role of the public broadcaster during the particular election campaigns.