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Asset Publisher

On the Situation of Media in Serbia

In spite of recent positive trends, the media situation in Serbia is far from being satisfactory. The demise of communism and the breakup of Yugoslavia were followed by wars, secessions and violent ethnic conflicts. The aggressive nationalism of Milošević was reinforced by the media for the most part were controlled by the regime. It was not until Kostunica and Dindic came to power in 2000 that a pluralistic, independent and variegated media landscape began to emerge in Serbia.

First Attack on a Journalist since the Croatian War

Ivo Pukanic, owner of Croatian newspaper Nacional, and Niko Franjić, the marketing manager, were killed in a car explosion in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, on Oct. 23, 2008. Two secretaries who were working for the same newspaper were injured too. The car-bomb has been fitted on Pukanic’s car. The 47-year-old was one of the most well-known and most disputed journalists in Croatia too.

Zur Situation der Medien in Rumänien

Von einer konsolidierten Medienlandschaft ist Rumänien noch entfernt. Gewiss, die Pressefreiheit hat sich nach 2004 verbessert und die Verfassung spricht von Gewissens-, Meinungs- und Religionsfreiheit, verbietet Zensur und sichert das Recht auf Information. Doch hört „freie Meinungsäußerung” da auf, wo „die Ehre” anderer und die „nationale Sicherheit” betroffen sind.

Bulgarian Journalist Almost Beaten to Death

A brutal attack was committed on the journalist Ognian Stefanov in Sofia exactly on Sept. 22, Bulgaria’s Independence Day. Stefanov who is chief editor and co-owner of the news portal was beaten upon leaving the Kiparis-restaurant in Sofia’s district Ivan Vazov.

On the Situation of Media in Bulgaria

With a View on Their Civil Contribution

Somewhat less than two decades after the downfall of communism, things are not looking well for Bulgaria’s media landscape. In the Worldwide Press Freedom Index, the country was relegated from rank 35 to rank 51 between 2006 and 2007. This is a compelling reason for alarm, as the freedom of the press always reflects the quality of democracy, and as the media especially should act as a corrective to the authority of the state, uncovering irregularities and pillorying abuses of power

Zur Situation der Medien in Bulgarien

Mit Blick auf deren zivilgesellschaftlichen Beitrag

Auch zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem Fall des Kommunismus sind freie Medien und ein selbstbewusster Journalismus in Bulgarien die Ausnahme. Trotz eines Rechtsrahmens, einer Ethik-Kommission und eines Rats für elektronische Medien beeinträchtigen unklare Besitzverhältnisse, Monopolstrukturen und die Preisgestaltung selbst die Qualität und das Programm vieler Printprodukte, Fernsehsender und Rundfunkprogramme.

Lustration: Dealing with the Aftermath of Communism in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is not doing well in overcoming its communist past. It was only one year ago that the most comprehensive law so far was launched to open the records, and none of the leading politicians of the communist era has yet been brought to court. There is hardly any coming to terms with the past, called "lustration".