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Courts in BuH and the responsibilty of the media

Presentation of the additions to the code of ethics and recommendations to court reporters

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Sarajevo, 22. 03. 2007

Pressesaal, 13.00 -16.30 Uhr


13.00 Uhr

Registration of the participants


Greeting, presentation of the program and the referees, aims of the meeting and introduction into the topic

Borka Rudić, Secretary General of the asssociation „BH Journalisten“


Code of ethics and his anchoring in ethic philosophic postulates as a protection of the professionel reporting

Mag. Ivana Primorac, faculaty of philosophy of the Universität Mostar

13.40 Uhr

Self-regulation of the press in BuH

Ljiljana Zurovac, BH press council, manager

13.50 Uhr

Presentation of the additions to the code of ethics BuH

14.00 Uhr

Experience and requirements for the amelioration of the terms for the reporting from the court BuH

Recommendations for the reporters of the court BuH

Nerma Jelačić, manager of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Networks

Mirela Huković-Hodžić, BH Radio 1, Mitglied member of the associativity of the reporter from the court BuH

14.30 Uhr

Coffee break

14.50 Uhr


16.15 Uhr


16.30 Uhr

End of the workday

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Pressesaal, Sarajevo


  • Borka Rudić - Generalsekretärin der Vereinigung „BH Journalisten“Mag. Ivana Primorac - University of Mostar Ljiljana Zurovac - Press Council BiHNerma Jelačić - BIRNMirela Huković-Hodžić - BH Radio 1

    Dr Dirk Förger