Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Global Emissions Reduction

Motivators, Obstacles and the Role of Germany

Results of a comparative survey of experts in China, India, Russia and the USA. The report shows that there are many differences between the four countries, but also some similarities. It particularly highlights the fact that preventing climate change is still not a major motivating factor when it comes to reducing emissions.

Land Degradation, Climate Change and Migration in West Africa

Political Implications to Strengthen Resilience and Prevent Security Problems

This report summarizes the discussions held in the context of the regional workshop Land Degradation, Climate Change and Migration in West Africa, which took place in Ouagadougou on 18-19 May 2016. In addition, it provides policy recommendations on how to intensify cooperation at a domestic, regional and inter-regional level to address the nexus land degradation, climate change and migration and increase resilience in West Africa.

Paris Agreement: How it happened and what next

With a special focus on the role of non-state actors

This report gives an overview of the Paris Agreement and the new global climate system it has introduced; a reflection from of an engaged city-state -Singapore, on how the Paris outcome was achieved and what now has to be done; a description of the new world of international non-state groupings with two key examples of groups of world cities; and a reflection on city-based action by a major city in the developing world – Rio de Janeiro.

Flight and Migration as Challenges for Europe

International and national perspectives from the work of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The refugee and migration crisis affects all EU member states. This booklet presents different analyses to comprehend the complex scenario currently faced by the European Union.

Paris Agreement: the robust deal we needed?

First-hand impressions from COP21

This publication provides first-hand impressions from the climate negotiations held during the COP21 in Paris.

Die "Agenda 2030" - Mehr Privatisierung, weniger Demokratie?

Neue Weichenstellung in der globalen und europäischen Entwicklungspolitik

Im Mittelpunkt der „Agenda 2030‟ stehen die Nachhaltigkeitsziele, die bei der 70. Sitzung der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen am 25. September in New York verabschiedet wurden. Die Ziele lösen die Millenium Delevopment Goals (MDGs) ab. Die weltweiten Folgen von Migration, Klimawandel, Kriegen und Konflikten erfordern eine neue globale Partnerschaft zwischen Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern sowie entwickelten Ländern. Der Text skizziert, inwiefern es gelungen ist, Grundlagen für eine solche Kooperation zu legen, und welche Prinzipien in der Agenda 2030 wegweisend sein werden.

The "2030 Agenda": More Privatisation, less democracy?

A New Direction For Global And European Development Policies

The 2030 Agenda sets out the Sustainable Development Goals that were agreed at the 70th sitting of the UN GeneralAssembly in New York on 25 September. These SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It was time to tackle theshortcomings in the MDGs. The world requires a new global partnership between developing, emerging and developed nations. The text analyses to which the foundations for such a cooperation have been laid during the negotiations on the SDGs and which precepts are likely to play a leading role in the future 2030 Agenda.

Direito Penal Internacional

TPI e a Perspectiva da África de Língua Portuguesa

This book presents the contributions of the experts on international criminal law, who participated in the international seminar "International Criminal Law, the International Criminal Court and the Perspective of the Portuguese-Speaking African Countries". The event was held in Lisbon on 31 October and 1 November 2013.

Building Bridges between Civil Society and Party Political Actors in the Western Balkans

The Perspective of Political Foundations

This policy paper of the European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) discusses basic guiding principles for the future debate on the consolidation of democratic societies in the Western Balkans. It presents case-studies that demonstrate the advantages of a strong dialogue between the civil society and party political actors.

A new Approach to Migration in the Light of Africa-EU Relations

The EU needs a balanced approach that reinforces the nexus between development and migration and adapts regulations and legal norms correspondingly. A comprehensive policy framework and well-coordinated international cooperation are key. This Policy Paper provides recommendations for steps towards such a common approach, covering the following aspects: Development and Migration; Right to Asylum; Labour and Migration; Environmental Migration; and EU Integration Policy.