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Geneva Telegram

The E-Commerce Moratorium: 404 Not Found

With days to go before the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization is set to begin, the renewal of the Moratorium has now turned into a highly politicised issue....
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Geneva Telegram

The 154th Meeting of the WHO Executive Board

Significant progress was made at the 154th meeting of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Genfer Großwetterlage

Developments in Geneva based international organisations from October to December 2023

Russia’s aggression on Ukraine already presented a major challenge for the UN. However, the terror attack by Hamas on Israel on the 7th of October 2023 and Israel’s military strike ...
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Single Title

„Das wichtigste Dokument des Jahrhunderts”

December 10 is a day in history. A day with a special meaning. A day that has relevance around the world.
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Country Report

The Pandemic Agreement – An Opportunity for Health for all

The pandemic agreement responds to global coordination deficits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Enges Rennen im bürgerlichen Lager bei den Nationalratswahlen in der Schweiz

Die Mitte und FDP liefern sich Kopf-an-Kopf Rennen um den dritten Platz im Parlament.
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Freedom, justice and solidarity are the basic principles underlying the work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The KAS is a political foundation, closely associated with the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU).
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Neue Folge des Podcasts Multipod
Multipod: Wie können Frauenrechte im Gesundheitssektor gestärkt werden?
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Herausforderungen von Frauen, Ihr Recht auf Gesundheit einzufordern.
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Norbert Lammert on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Human rights are not laws of nature. [...], they must be protected & defended by people who take the claim to the inviolability of human dignity seriously".
Multipod: Review of Germany in the UPR
Multipod: Human rights protection starts at home. Germany in the UPR
On 9th November 2023, the United Nation's Human Rights Council discussed the human rights situation in Germany
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Geneva Security Debate zum Krieg in der Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Lammert, Botschafter Dr. Heusgen und Botschafter Greminger zu den Auswirkungen des Krieges in der Ukraine auf den Multilateralismus und die Weltordnung
Dialogprogramm des Arbeitskreises Globale Gesundheit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Genf
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Delegationsreise zu aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich Globale Gesundheit vom 7-9. Juni
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Neue Folge des Podcasts Multipod
Multipod: Chinas Rolle in internationalen Standardisierungsorganisationen
Erfahren Sie mehr über Chinas wachsende Teilnahme an internationalen Normungsverfahren basierend auf den Erkenntnissen einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie!
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Map of the Month

The KAS Map of the Month


Conventions on the Ban of Anti-Personnel Mines and Cluster Munition

Map of the Month 11/2023

The latest landmine monitor was launched in Geneva in mid-November. The related cluster munition munition was presented back in September. In both reports the developments in Ukraine stand out particularly clearly. The Eastern European country is a state party to the Antipersonnel-Mine Ban Convention, but not to the Convention on Cluster Munition. Both types of weapons were used extensively on the territory of Ukraine in 2022. The number of casualties, thus people who were either killed or injured by landmines in Ukraine alone increased tenfold in 2022 and until the beginning of 2023. After Syria (17%), Ukraine is in second place worldwide with 12% of all casualties newly recorded. 2022 was also the year with the highest number of cluster munition casualties on record. 78% of the 1,272 newly registered casualties were detected in Ukraine alone. Once again, most of the victims were civilians and children in particular. 85% of mine victims were civilians, 49% of them children and as many as 95% of cluster mine victims were civilians, 71% of whom were children. In 2023, Nigeria and South Sudan were accepted as new states parties to the Convention on Cluster Munition, which still counts 73 non-signatories. The Mine Ban Treaty enjoys broader support, with only 33 non-signatories. In addition, a total of 12 countries are still actively producing landmines and 16 are actively producing cluster munitions. 

New composition of UN Human Rights Council as of 2024 and key votes at the 54th session of the Council

Map of the Month 10/2023

After Russia's membership in the Human Rights Council was suspended by a resolution of the UN General Assembly in April 2022, Russia now tried to become a member of the Council again. However, there were two opposing candidates in the Group of Eastern European States: Albania and Bulgaria. EU member Bulgaria received 163 votes, while Albania, currently a very active member of the UN Security Council, received 123 votes. In the context of the war in Ukraine, it is nevertheless surprising that Russia was able to secure the support of 83 member states despite the daily violation of fundamental human rights and international law. Key votes during the 54th UN Human Rights Council included an extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the domestic situation in Russia or the creation of a fact-finding mission for Sudan. Regarding the right to development, a resolution was adopted that includes a draft international covenant on the right to development which shall be submitted to the UN General Assembly for its consideration, negotiation and adoption. Western countries criticised the text, pointing out that the resolution prioritised development over human rights and thus undermines the human rights system as such.

Participants of the Joint Statement on Investment Facilitation for Development

Map of the Month 09/2023

On 6 July - after approximately six years of negotiations - 114 WTO members successfully concluded negotiations on the Joint Statement on Investment Facilitation for Sustainable Development (JS on IFD). The aim of the statement is to provide greater transparency and attract higher and better quality investment while taking the needs of developing countries into account. Members hope to conclude a WTO agreement on the matter and are actively reaching out to Members who did not take part in the Joint Statement negotiations, especially in light of the upcoming 13th WTO Ministerial Conference.

Donor and Recipient countries and progress of appeals Humanitarian aid worldwide until mid-2023

Map of the Month 08/2023

As of 19 August, World Humanitarian Day, only 26.9% of the required funds for 2023 have been received, which are channeled through UN agencies, funds, NGOs and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. With 8.7 billion USD, the USA is by far the largest donor, followed by the European Commission and Germany. China contributes 0.0013% of the US amount and as the second largest economy behind the US only 0.00002% of its GDP. The largest donors in relation to the GDP are Sweden, Honduras and Sierra Leone. Ukraine is currently the largest recipient with USD 2.1 billion, followed by Syria, Yemen and Ethiopia.

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Geneva Telegram

The E-Commerce Moratorium: 404 Not Found

With days to go before the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization is set to begin, the renewal of the Moratorium has now turned into a highly politicised issue.
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