Am Sonntag, den 22.09.2024 wurden die Schweizerinnen und Schweizer zur Urne gebeten, um über eine Reform der beruflichen Altersvorsorge (BVG) sowie eine Volksinitiative zum Schutz d...
Freedom, justice and solidarity are the basic principles underlying the work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The KAS is a political foundation, closely associated with the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU).
Multipod: WHO macht Fortschritte bei internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften
Die Covid-Pandemie hat auch auf internationaler Ebene Folgen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) und ihre Mitgliedstaaten sich besser für die Zukunft wappnen.
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Norbert Lammert on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Human rights are not laws of nature. [...], they must be protected & defended by people who take the claim to the inviolability of human dignity seriously".
Multipod: Review of Germany in the UPR
Multipod: Human rights protection starts at home. Germany in the UPR
On 9th November 2023, the United Nation's Human Rights Council discussed the human rights situation in Germany
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Geneva Security Debate zum Krieg in der Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Lammert, Botschafter Dr. Heusgen und Botschafter Greminger zu den Auswirkungen des Krieges in der Ukraine auf den Multilateralismus und die Weltordnung
Dialogprogramm des Arbeitskreises Globale Gesundheit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Genf
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Delegationsreise zu aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich Globale Gesundheit vom 7-9. Juni
What a second Trump Administration will mean for multilateralism, in particular International Geneva
Andrea Ellen Ostheimer
January 13, 2025
Country reports
Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Geneva Barometer
Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from September to December 2024
Andrea Ellen Ostheimer, Sarah Ultes, Dr. Anja Maria Rittner, Cedric Amon
December 23, 2024
Country reports
Fast, but not fast-tracked
Mitglieder der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) bestätigen WTO-Generaldirektorin, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala für eine zweite Amtszeit
Andrea Ellen Ostheimer
December 2, 2024
Country reports
U.S. Mission / Eric Bridiers / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0
The pandemic agreement on the home straight?
The "Geneva Telegram" deals with events in Geneva's multilateral organizations on a current topic, this time the 12th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on the World ...
Dr. Anja Maria Rittner
November 25, 2024
Country reports
KAS Genf
Online Tariffs? What the end of the e-commerce moratorium means for digital trade
Central votes and positioning on Russian aggression against Ukraine
Map of the Month 03/2022
The Russian aggression against Ukraine was strongly condemned in numerous UN bodies. In the course of the past week, the pressure on the Russian Federation increased visibly. At the beginning of the week, the UN Human Rights Council had voted on holding an urgent debate. Five member states had spoken out against it. Towards the end of the week, an independent commission of enquiry on the situation in Ukraine was set up with only Eritrea voting alongside Russia against it. The text of the resolution also notes the decision by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to proceed with opening an investigation into the situation in Ukraine, as rapidly as possible. 39 states had so far officially referred the situation in Ukraine to the ICC. The UN General Assembly in New York also strongly condemned the Russian invasion in a historic "Uniting for Peace" resolution.
Dr. Olaf Wientzek, Sarah Ultes
March 4, 2022
Map of the Month
Strengthening of International Health Regulations in the WHO Executive Board
Map of the Month 02/2022
There were not many breakthroughs at the 150th session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board meeting at the end of January. However, the decision to strengthen the International Health Regulations (IHR) is seen as an important step for international cooperation on pandemic preparedness and global health governance.
Rosa Ann Seidler, Dr. Olaf Wientzek, Meike Lenzner
February 16, 2022
Map of the Month
Voting behaviour in the UN Human Rights Council in 2021: in relation to Germany and China
Map of the Month 01/2022
The Map of the Month January illustrates the joint voting behaviour of the Members of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) with Germany and China in 2021.
A total of 80 resolutions were adopted in the Council last year, 38 of which had to be put to a vote due to a lack of consensus. In addition to the EU Member States, the United Kingdom, South Korea and Ukraine voted most frequently with Germany, while China, Cameroon, Eritrea and Russia, Venezuela and India's votes least frequently aligned with Germany's.
On the other hand, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Eritrea and Bolivia in particular voted most often with China, while EU countries (especially the Czech Republic), South Korea, Ukraine, the Marshall Islands and the United Kingdom voted with China particularly rarely. The African countries abstained comparatively frequently, with Malawi still voting most frequently together with Germany.
Sarah Ultes, Dr. Olaf Wientzek
January 12, 2022
Map of the Month
Consensus toward a WHO convention at the WHA and interested states for the pilot study for the UHPR.
Map of the Month 12/2021
This week, WHO member states have gathered at the second World Health Assembly Special Session and adopted a critical decision that will launch negotiations for a WHO convention, agreement or other instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
The second map shows the 14 countries that expressed interest in piloting the Universal Health and Preparedness Review, a periodic peer-review modeled after the Universal Periodic Review for human rights situations under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council.
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