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Hauchdünne Mehrheit für überfällige Rentenreform

Dritter Abstimmungssonntag der Schweiz – Wachsende Sorgen um die Energieversorgung im Winter

Beim dritten Abstimmungssonntag des Jahres in der Schweiz stand vor allem die Reform der ersten Säule der Altersvorsorge, der sog. Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (kurz: AHV) im Vordergrund. Mit knapper Mehrheit beschloss das Schweizer Stimmvolk sowohl die Anhebung des Renteneintrittsalters für Frauen auf 65 Jahre sowie eine Mehrwertsteuererhöhung zur Finanzierung der AHV. Damit gelang erstmals seit 27 Jahren eine – wenn auch im Umfang recht begrenzte – Reform der Altersvorsorge. Deutlich scheiterte hingegen die von Tierschützern lancierte Massentierhaltungsinitiative. Abseits der Themen des Abstimmungssonntags nahm in den vergangenen Wochen auch in der Schweiz die Diskussion um die Energieversorgung im Winter Fahrt auf.

Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Geneva Barometer

Developments in the Geneva-based international organisations from mid-April to the end ofJuly 2022

The “Geneva Barometer” takes an occasional look at selected developments in the international organisations based in Geneva.

UN Photo / Elma Okic

A dramatic milestone is reached – the UNHCR's new Global Trends report

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organisations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the new global trends report of the UNHCR.

On the 16th of June 2022, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) presented its new global trends report. While the report focuses mainly on developments in the calendar year 2021, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in particular pushed the number of displaced persons over the 100 million mark within just a few weeks.

KAS Genf

Geneva Telegram – WTO gives clear life sign at Ministerial Conference

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organisations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

After having been postponed several times, the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) took place in Geneva from 12-17 June with a two-year delay. Originally, the high-level meeting, to which several thousand delegates of the 164 WTO members, media and other stakeholders were invited, was to take place in Kazakhstan in 2020. However, the meeting had to be rescheduled multiple times because of the COVID-19 pandemic before it finally took place in Geneva - formally with Kazakhstan as co-host. In light of the WTO's crisis, which has been going on for years, the ministerial conference was seen as an important stress test for its ability to (re-)act.

Yehor Milohrodskyi / Unsplash

Three Scenarios for the Impact of the War in Ukraine on Syria

Russia's war against Ukraine could broadly take one of the following three trajectories: 1) End of the conflict through a political settlement, or full withdrawal of Russian troops, 2) Prolonged war within Ukraine or 3) Spiralling hybrid war between NATO and Russia outside of Ukraine. Although the third option should not be excluded, as of April 2022, the second one is the most likely while the first option is the least likely in the coming six months to a year.

UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

Strategies of Authoritarian States in the UN Human Rights System

A Closer Look at the UN Human Rights Council

After the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), it took years for the Organisation of the United Nations (UN) to elaborate and adopt legal instruments and control mechanisms. This resulted in a global human rights system, still far from perfect, but thanks to which concerns for human rights gradually emerged in international diplomacy. However, as never before, this system is currently under pressure by authoritarian States.

U.S. Mission / Eric Bridiers / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

Geneva Telegram - The World Health Assembly caught between pressure for reform & political tensions

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organisations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the 75th World Health Assembly.

The 75th World Health Assembly (WHA), which took place from May 22-28 of May 2022, was shaped by current geopolitical tensions and wars. This was reflected in the Assembly's theme: "Health for Peace, Peace for Health". In his opening statement, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus referred to the disastrous health consequences of wars, whether in Ukraine, Yemen, or Ethiopia.


Die Schweiz sagt klar „Ja“ zum stärkeren Schutz der EU-Außengrenzen

Zweiter Abstimmungssonntag in der Schweiz mit Erfolgen für Bundesrat – Erste Fingerzeige für „die Mitte“ seit der Fusion – Debatte um Neutralität

Beim zweiten Abstimmungssonntag des Jahres sollte das Schweizer Stimmvolk auf föderaler Ebene über drei Vorlagen abstimmen: Aus EU-Sicht erfreulich war das mit 71,5% bemerkenswert klare „Ja“ der Schweiz für die Übernahme der EU-Verordnung über die Europäische Grenz- und Küstenwache. Damit wird sich die Schweiz am personellen und finanziellen Ausbau der Grenz-schutzagentur Frontex beteiligen. Darüber hinaus befürwortete das Stimmvolk eine Änderung des Transplantationsgesetzes mit dem Ziel der Einführung einer Widerspruchslösung für Organspenden sowie eine Änderung des Filmgesetzes, die Online-Streamingdienste künftig dazu verpflichtet, vier Prozent des in der Schweiz erzielten Umsatzes für Schweizer Filmförderung zu zahlen.

The role of Latin American countries in the Human Rights Council

The role of the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is key to advance the promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with the Council’s mandate. Among other things, LAC countries votes have been instrumental to passing initiatives promoted under the leadership of the European Union (EU) and its member states. Yet, there seems to be an emergence of elements that could lead to changes in this vote composition, and therefore in the capacity to ensure the appropriate functioning of the Council to fulfil its mandate. The study discusses the underlying clockworks of such developments, with a view to further engage with Geneva-based actors in the protection and promotion of human rights.


China‘s growing importance in international standardisation organisations

Consequences for Germany and the EU

This analysis is largely based on the findings of a jointly published study by the Multilateral Dialogue Geneva of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the DiploFoundation on China's role in international standardization organizations. The study was published in December 2021. The link to the full study can be found below.

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