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UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré

Geneva Barometer

Developments in the Geneva-based International Organisations from May to mid-July 2021

The “Geneva Barometer” takes an occasional look at selected developments in the international organisations based in Geneva.

© jbdodane / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

Forced displacement in the context of COVID-19 – UNHCR’s new report on refugees

Forced displacement remains one of the major global challenges in 2021. On 18 June 2021, the UNHCR (United Nations’ High Commission for Refugees) presented its new Global Trends Report on the developments around the world. Many refugee situations around the world have become protracted. The situation in some regions in sub-Saharan Africa has deteriorated.

U.S. Mission / Eric Bridiers / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

Geneva Telegram - World Health Assembly draws first lessons from the pandemic

The "Geneva Telegram" looks at events in the Geneva multilateral organizations on a current topic. This time the focus is on the 74th World Health Assembly.

The theme of the 74th World Health Assembly (WHA), held May 24-31, was "Ending this pandemic, preventing the next: building together a healthier, safer and fairer world." A central instrument discussed by Member States was the possible drafting of a new framework convention ("pandemic treaty"). Overall, as in previous years, the discussions were marred by geopolitical disputes.

Kecko / flickr / CC BY 2.0

Das Rahmenabkommen ist gescheitert – Ernüchterung für EU-Schweiz-Beziehungen

Einseitiger Abbruch nach sieben Jahren Verhandlung – Schweizer Bundesrat bekennt sich zur Fortsetzung des bilateralen Wegs, stellt aber keinen Plan B vor

Am 26. Mai gab der Schweizer Bundesrat endgültig bekannt, dass er das mit der EU ausgehandelte Abkommen, das sogenannte Institutionelle Rahmenabkommen (InstA), nicht unterzeichnen wird. Begründet wird dies mit den "substanziellen Unterschieden" zwischen der EU und der Schweiz. Die Entscheidung beendet die lange Zeit der Ungewissheit über das Abkommen, das darauf abzielte, den rechtlichen Rahmen zwischen der EU und der Schweiz, der sich derzeit auf 120 sektorale Abkommen stützt, zu modernisieren. Einen Alternativplan präsentierte der Schweizer Bundesrat nicht.

Emphase GmbH

Concise Atlas of International Geneva 2019-2020

Developments of international Geneva in maps

On the basis of key policy areas in Geneva, the "Concise Atlas of International Geneva 2019/2020" highlights the central importance of international Geneva for global developments and multilateralism.

UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré

Geneva Barometer

Developments in the Geneva-based International Organisations from mid-February to end-April 2021

The “Geneva Barometer” takes an occasional look at selected developments in the international organisations based in Geneva.

Pranavian / flickr / CC BY 2.0 /

Ja zu Verhüllungsverbot, Ja zum Freihandel mit Indonesien, Nein zur E-Identifizierung

Drei Volksentscheide in der Schweiz mit zwei knappen Resultaten

Am 7. März war das Schweizer Stimmvolk zur Abstimmung über drei Vorlagen aufgerufen: Über ein Verhüllungsverbot in der Öffentlichkeit, über die Einführung elektronischer Identifikationsdienste ("E-ID") und ein Freihandelsabkommen mit Indonesien. Die beiden ersten Initiativen erhielten ein knappes "Ja" der Schweizer während die "E-ID" klar abgelehnt wurde.

Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Geneva Barometer

Developments in the Geneva-based International Organisations from mid-December 2020 – end-February 2021

The “Geneva Barometer” takes an occasional look at selected developments in the international organisations based in Geneva.

Flickr / UN Geneva / CC BY-NC-ND 2

Geneva Barometer

Developments in the Geneva-based International Organisations from mid-October 2020 to mid-December 2020

The “Geneva Barometer” takes an occasional look at selected developments in the international organisations based in Geneva.

Joan Julbe / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 /

Historic day for Swiss Christian Democrats – Merger and Farewell to the “C”

The Assembly of Delegates of the CVP decides by a clear majority to rename the party “Die Mitte” (“The Centre”) and merge with the centrist party BDP

The Swiss Christian Democrats of the CVP vote for change. At their Assembly of Delegates on 28 November (conducted in a decentralised fashion), the party took two historic decisions. Firstly, the delegates confirmed by a clear majority the vote of the party members in the October ballot and voted in favour of changing the party’s name to “Die Mitte – Freiheit, Solidarität und Verantwortung” (“The Centre – Freedom, Solidarity and Responsibility”). This cleared the way for the merger of the CVP with the smaller moderate party BDP. The merger will thus come into force on the 1st of January 2021.

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