There are currently no events planned.
Youth Engagement in State Building
Youth Camp 2018
The workshop aims at empowering youth to participate in state building and enabling diverse ethnicities in the region to connect and collaborate with the youth groups.
fully bookedRegional Integration in Southeast Asia
3rd Southeast Asia Teaching Workshop
"Governance in Southeast Asian Countries: Domestic Factors Shaping External Behavior" will be one of several topics to be discussed at this workshop by experts and participants from several countries on the subcontinent.
fully bookedRegionale Integration in Südostasien
3. Südostasien-Lehrworkshop
"Governance in Southeast Asian Countries: Domestic Factors Shaping External Behavior" wird eines von mehreren Themen sein, dass Experten und Teilnehmer aus verschiedenen Ländern des Subkontinents diskutieren werden.
Coming to Terms with A Difficult Past
Transitional Justice in Germany
How did Germany come to terms with two dictatorships in one century, with this difficult past? Some perspectives from the point of view of criminal law, victim compensation, personnel renewal and education in society
Eine schwierige Vergangenheit bewältigen
Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in Deutschland
Wie hat Deutschland zwei Diktaturen in einem Jahrhundert, wie hat es diese, seine schwierige Vergangenheit bewältigt? Perspektiven aus der Sicht des Strafrechts, der Opferentschädigung, der Personalerneuerung und der politischen Bildung
fully bookedDie praktische Ausgestaltung der föderalen Union
Am Beispiel der Region Bago
Diese Workshopserie dient dem Oberziel von Bayda und KAS, gemeinsam das Verständnis von Föderalismus und guter Regierungsführung zu fördern.
fully bookedPractical Shaping of the Federal Union
The Bago Region example
This series of workshops is part of a larger mandate of promoting understanding of federalism and good governance on the part of Bayda and KAS.
Training for Members of the Civil Service II
Capacity-building program for staff of various government institutions