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Training für Angehörige des Öffentlichen Dienstes I
Kapazitätsbildungsprogramm für Personal verschiedener Regierungsbehörden
Expert panel
Die Rolle der Europäischen Union und der Vereinten Nationen für Myanmars Entwicklung
Nach OECD-Angaben hat sich die offizielle Entwicklungshilfe für Myanmar zwischen 2006 und 2016 von 145 Millionen auf 1,5 Milliarden US-Dollar verzehnfacht. Dabei zählen die EU und die VN zu den Schlüsselakteuren unter den internationalen Gebern.
fully bookedMyanmar's Role in Southeast Asia
Problems and Perspectives
A critical analysis of Myanmar's role in Southeast Asia and in ASEAN, in particular, since the opening in 2010/2011 and an outlook in the context of the current multidimensional crisis and its implications for the future of the country
Expert panel
The Role of the EU and the UN for Myanmar's Development
According to OECD data, official development aid to Myanmar increased tenfold within just a decade, from 145 million USD in 2006 to 1.5 billion in 2016. Especially the UN and the EU are key players in providing development aid.
Fundraising Opportunities for SME Development
In Cooperation with Banks, Microfinance Organizations and Venture Investors
This event is about engaging local SMEs with microfinance organizations and banks to reduce the burden of loans and investments for business development in the Mon State. Government institutions will also be included into this networking project.
Entrepreneurship Training
This multi-week workshop serves three purposes: to stimulate the sense of entrepreneurship among potential self-employers; to empower local business groups and, thereby, to promote the regional economic sector.
fully bookedEmerging Youth Leaders Program
The Role of IT and Personal Behaviors
Changing personal behaviors and the proper use of information literacy are the primary objectives of this project. The expected long-term outcomes are more ambitious youths getting involved in township development.
fully bookedStrategizing Change
Improving Socio-Economic Life
The objectives of this event are to educate the stakeholders in entrepreneurship and strategic management; to list opportunities and challenges of local businesses and social hardships; to formulate a policy solution package for local development.